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Vegan Training and Nutrition Programs

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I am looking for a training (general fitness and tone, not necessarily competition) and nutrition program for vegans. So many of the popular books, ebooks, and programs that I have viewed are not vegan-friendly. Or, they say they are and when you read their books they state things like "you cannot be a vegan and get good results." Does anyone know of any programs that are vegan friendly and also clearly outline a training and nutrition regime?


Thanks so much!

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If there are no programs that include everything you need in one convenient place . . .


Does anyone have recommendations as to good exercise programs (ideally one that you can do at home without a great deal of time - I am a premed student and also have a family!)? Any good nutrition programs? You could just get one of each and incorporate them that way. I need a straight-forward program though. Something with meal plans, what, when, and where to do things, how to do them, training programs, etc.


Let me know what you guys have found to be the most helpful in developing an effective program for weight loss and tone.



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Honestly, the best program for home that got me started was Power 90. I did not take the suggested vitamins or any of the supplemental things that were suggested, so I cannot speak about them. The exercise program, however, is solid and easy to follow and will get you in shape. You can do it at home with little space and a few dumbbells or resistance bands. The nutrition program (if there is one attached, I can't remember) is not vegan, at least I am strongly assumming that. You can order it online. Good luck!

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