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Robert Cheeke's Journal - 3 contests in 4 weeks!

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Colonic was cool.....I crapped my brains out!


Today was a pretty crazy day of filming for many reasons which will be revealed later.


Awesome hanging out with the Vegan Brothers in Iron.


One more day of prep before contest.....yeah buddy! It will be like mini vegan vacation with all the forum members who are here already and those making the trip from out of town.


Friends and family are here too!

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I just got home.....I was away from the computer for the past 6 days directing the documentary. It was intense, not much sleep at all over the past few days but great long-lasting, life-changing memories.


I'll update soon.


I had a great time at the contest with family and friends and with all those who made it out, it truly was a mini Vegan Vacation and I appreciate everyone who supported us.


I'm super tired, I should catch up on some work, food and sleep.


I'm competing again on Saturday with DCNINJA in Bend, OR.

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U and me bro. Just got get out there and collect our trophies. If you are staying Saturday and need a place let me know. I have a house and am hanging until Tuesday. I have the benefit seminar for Family Dogs New LIfe Sunday and am snowboarding on Monday so you are welcome to hang.



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Thanks Bronco, I appreciate it.


I worked harder over the past 4 months than ever before. My eyes are "bloodshot" from not sleeping properly for weeks and weeks.


I'm tired, I really am. I'm exhausted and happy to be home, though the time in Phoenix was like Vegan Vacation all over again with nearly 15 forum members there in total.


Tonight I trained for 3 hours. I'm 4 days out from a competition in Bend, OR with DCNINJA....anyone coming?


Bend, OR is the #1 adventure city in America! I haven't been there in 2 years so I'm excited to go! It's only 3 hours from my house so I should go more often!


After this competition on May 2nd, I will relax for a little while. I have a trip to L.A. schedule in mid-May and one in Northern California in Santa Rosa 3 weeks later, but other than that, I think I'm staying put for a while.


I've seen a doctor 5 times and my back is doing better. I expect to return to free weights soon! I've been on machines and cardio for the past month!!!!! Today I did use dumbbells for seated bicep curls, but in general, I'm on machines 90% of the time right now.


Today was 90 min weights and 90 min cardio.


Good workout.


Off to bed in a few.


Back to work tomorrow....and I really look forward to it! I want to spend more time on VEGA and Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness projects.

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I trained for 2 hours this morning......I'm wiped out and not feeling 100%


Just hit me today....I had a morning workout and I got back to regular work today for VEGA and that felt good. But I just don't feel right at the moment and want to lie down for a bit.


I trained chest and triceps today and also did 45 minutes of cardio, 2 hours total in the gym.


Time to nap.

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I feel like i've lost an arm or something! I havent seen you in like 3 days! WOWOWOWOW! I'm sorry you're not feeling right. you should definitely take it a little easy if you dont feel right. you'll make a better showing if you feel better than if you push through feeling under the weather.....<3

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I trained for 2 hours this morning......I'm wiped out and not feeling 100%


Just hit me today....I had a morning workout and I got back to regular work today for VEGA and that felt good. But I just don't feel right at the moment and want to lie down for a bit.



Don't let it go to your head ! Words coming from you !




You are just fine.

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Yeah, I'm notorious for never talking or writing about if I'm not 100%. It's really the first time in 2009 despite my incredibly stressful cross-country tour, my documentary, my training for all these contests, etc.


I was in bed for 15 hours and I think I'll get outside soon for some fresh air.


I compete in less than 48 hours in an NPC competition. I'll be fine. I just need some sort of a base tan soon. No PAM this time either...not even with wiping it down..I just want to follow what Ronnie says which worked for my first 6-8 contests:


"If you always do what you've always done, you always get what you always got."


Off to Bend, OR tomorrow.


When I get back I'll have some burritos, catch up on work, sleep, and life and have some fun seeing old friends again.


I look forward to it.

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If that was a vacation I can't imagine what working is like for you. You did great and I enjoyed meeting you and listening to your talk. You are such a great motivational speaker. I think everyone could really feel you (and many of the women actually wanted to feel you). You might want to print up some business cards for the site next time. There was quite a bit of interest.

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Thanks MollyMormon,


Yeah, that was "vacation" for me, busy every minute of the day, so much so that I wasn't online for 6 days and it's my job to be online


But it's cool, I enjoy it and will be slowing down soon.


I intentionally don't have business cards because I get more e-mails than I can keep up with....I have pages of emails that never get responded to, which sucks and make me look like a jerk, but I just don't have the time. But flyers are something I usually have...I just hide my personal contact info.


One thing I will be doing asap is putting other e-mail addresses on our "contact" page. People like yourself or others who compete...basically those who are interested in being contacted via www.veganbodybuilding.com I understand if many don't want to be contacted, like me, but I imagine some people would love the opportunity to get fan mail, questions, and get to represent Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness.


I'm off to Bend tomorrow. I really do look forward to being home for a while without the travel... I have at least 3 trips planned for May, so I hope to find some downtime in there to catch up on life


Yeah Buddy!

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Having a rough time these days....but that is how it goes.


Slowing down with life as soon as I get back from Bend...I leave in a few hours and should be back by Sunday night.


Time to finish packing and load the car and take as many medications as I can which won't make me drowsy.


I feel like I just got my ass kicked pretty hard.


Oh well, RC bounces back. YB!

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