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Thigh size


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Lately I've been getting quite a bit of comments on my legs/thighs.. People are telling me that they are, and i quote, "freakishly large".. I never really thought about the size of my thighs as they've always been somewhat big and muscular compared to the rest of my body. So, today I measured them just for shit and giggles, and they came out measuring 73cm (29")


So what do you guys think? Isn't 73cm thighs pretty standard size thighs for a guy that's 188cm (6'2") tall and weigh around 96kg (211lbs)?

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MIne are exactly the same size and we are about the same height and weight. My legs have always been pretty big too. I remember getting comments even as a kid, but now they just seem huge compared to my upper body.


Do you have trouble finding pants that fit properly?

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MIne are exactly the same size and we are about the same height and weight. My legs have always been pretty big too. I remember getting comments even as a kid, but now they just seem huge compared to my upper body.


Do you have trouble finding pants that fit properly?


Pants can prove to be a problem as most pants i try out are too big in the waist, and too tight in the thigh area

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29'' are pretty big, mine are just below that. I say there big depending on lean you are. IF your around 10 percent bf and have 29 that is really big, but if your like 20 percent then that's decent


I just tried to figure out my BF % with one of those methods where you measure all sorts of body parts, and it came out showing 14% BF.. Probably not a 100% correct..

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That's a ton. Do you just do moderate intensity? The way i squat i'd be over training doing it 2x a week


I squat heavy and try to progress every time.. Never had any problems with overtraining though, not even when i was squatting at my heaviest. At the moment I'm squatting quite light (85kg) as I'm doing front squats to try and reap some of the carryover effects to my deadlift

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