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as noted on my fb page, I'm starting to get critical of myself and my bf%. funny thing is, it can't be much over 12%. if it's even that...just was at 6% for years as a bike racer, so I'm feeling pretty chunky!


I was at 197.5 yesterday after work in shorts and a t shirt. then this morning at work I was at 201.5 (disclaimer: in shoes and jeans). Point is, I need to buy a scale for my home. I am 100% positive my shoes and the difference in clothing cannot be that big of a weight difference, especially once you add the difference in one meal vs a whole day of eating. I'm so confused by this whole gaining weight thing. It's pretty freakin' hard.


also, the above workout was done the day after weighted hill repeats, squat jumps and buddy carries. It dawned on my today that my legs were probably tired. Not so much an excuse for the last workout, but added motivation for the next one! YEAH BUDDY!

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Deadlift 245 1x5 (my gym won't let me use chalk. I won't get better until they do.)


You could do the old "spit on your hands and let it dry" trick.. not very hygienic but it works


Or you could use liquid chalk. They might not have a problem with that. I've never used it but I've heard it's not quite as good as real chalk. Probably better than nothing though.

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nice job with the weight vest isn't that thing a joy! I always though towel pullups were a sub for rope climbing if u don't have access to a rope. Isn't it going to be more biceps and shoulder assistance compared to pullups being mostly lats?just wondering.

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Mary, yes, it'll be more bicep, grip and to an extent shoulder, but I figure i've got lats covered with barbell rows and tri pullovers. not to mention deadlifts.


besides, my arms are tiny and i want that fixed! I'd rather do towel pullups than curls.

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hello internet world! I waited until after the world cup was over to go to the gym today! disappointing result (for soccer, the gym was ok).




squats 5x5 @ 230 went fine. could still go a hair lower, or maybe even a couple hairs, but I'm ok with it. will repeat one more day then continue on as usual. I gotta say though, 5x5 is daunting at about the 3rd set.


Deadlifts 2x5 @ 250. spit on palms does trick in more than one situation. (the other obviously being right before you slap someone when challenging to a duel)


inverted bench 3x5 @ 125. getting there.


tri pullover 5x5 @ 75. dumbells go no higher here...I might start trying to use the easy curl bars. but even those are in 10lb increments. fine for 80#, but not so much skipping to 90... will just add one rep per set every day, maybe.)


barbell rows 3x8 @ 125.


standing military press i just took off the 5's from the rows and tried them at 115. first set went fairly ok, but failed on the 5th rep of the 2nd set and the 4th rep of the 3rd set. will do the 110 next time)


also met/talked to the pretty girl with dreadlocks for the first time today. neato!


oh, did a few sets of pullups, too, but i don't keep track of those... tomorrow night is more conditioning practice!! YES!


edit: since i'll just start keeping track of this for fun, I weighed 199.5 at the gym today at about 4:30. Take that for what it's worth. Funny thing is, I still feel like the same little bike racer I did back in January. 40 lbs ago. I guess I'm not so worried about being fat today either. Went to a white trash themed party last night and wore some jorts and an old football practice jersey (that was significantly too short) and actually felt kinda confident about it. I had brought a different shirt just in case i wussed out. I guess that's something to be proud of.

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It's way more hardcore to do the towel pullups rather than curls too! All of the dudes at my gym do curls - but I haven't seen anyone do a towel pullup!


I actually watched the game today - it was the first soccer game I have ever watched! Wasn't really cheering for a particular team though.

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ugh. you picked a bad game to introduce you to the sport! yesterdays game was FAR superior. rainy conditions, slippery pitch, very beautiful possessions. such a great game! today's game kinda sucked. 9 yellow cards? that's just silly.


Premier League starts august 14th. Try to catch a chelsea game (not that I'm a chelsea fan, but I'll admit it's prettier than the West Ham game!)

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conditioning practice again! still a light turnout, which I'm starting to expect. It was beautiful outside today. 5 people today (plenty enough, but I prefer even #'s for the teaming exercises)


maybe 3 minute jog/rugby ball movement warmup. then a few minutes of stretch it out time.


we moved right into teaming up 2 on 2 (the 4th guy was late) for buddy carries out/back (switch shoulder on the far side) x2 (4 total, 2 on each shoulder per person) and then crabwalks x2 (each person. out, switch back, switch out, switch back. these get tough) over 30 meters.


(for my own personal notations and records to beat, I was teamed with Grinder. Big guy, 6'2 or 3 and 265 lbs. made it with relative ease.)


after that we did lunges out and squat jumps back. only 15 meters, though.


then we went down and did some rugby drill i devised. not tricky. start 30 meters away on your belly, jump up and sprint at a guy with the ball (who then passed it to you when you called for it.) 4 rounds of 3. everyone seems to like this one.


THEN, we did a set of 3 hill sprints. (run up, jog down, run up, jog down, run up, jog down, walk it out).


By then I was starting to get a wicked side stitch and others were ready to call it (one had to poop, another was exhausted, etc.)


SO, we called it, and then Bill walks up. He had missed the workout, but I told him to give me a few minutes and i'd be ready to go again (hehe..) so I saw everyone else off and we stayed an additional hour and change throwing and kicking a rugby ball, and then a soccer ball.


great time! good workout. I'm eating as I type this. I'll never get big if I keep this up!! I suppose there are worse things...

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Not only am I confident you'd do fine (for one, because I tailor it for who's around, and for two, because you're tough), if you ever find yourself in minnesota, we'll have to find out!


Open invite to vbbf forum members, if you're ever in the same city as me, let's work out together!!!

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taking tonight off just in case my way lower abs area is worse than just sore. I'm thinking that's the case, but i haven't been this sore in a LOONG time. hopefully i feel up for running tomorrow. (not a whole lot of choice in that matter...) My inguinal ligament is awful tender today i'm desperately hoping i'm' not on the verge of a hernia. sports or otherwise. dun dun dun...

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felt like a total asshole today directing the workout without actually doing it. I am NOT into that at all. "Here, you do this, even though I can't right now." ugh.


went well though. people are into it, it's not super brutal, but people get worn out, which is ideal. better than them leaving room in the tank.


anyhow, I ran a little today and carried joe (210) for 50 meters.

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okay this sounds totally stupid but I have never actually seen a rugby game before and I had no idea you guys played without helmets or padding! They were talking about it on some TV show I was watching today - I knew it was a tough sport, but sheesh! You guys are beasts!

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No, not stupid.I take no issue with that. I havr no idea how cricket is played. For GAA sports. You never know until you're exposed to it. Glad you know now!


And mary, which is the interesting part?


Also, viva, I forgot to say thanks for the compliment. That's awesome.

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Mary, what I can say. I can appreciate yelling as a motivation tactic. Not that it's something I would personally utilize.


Well, after taking it easy since monday I went back to the gym today. felt weak and a little stupid, but that's because I am also conflicted. I'll go back to the normal routine on tuesday, but today I was aiming for more reps (without decreasing the weight too much, which was my issue. poor planning.)


squats 225 2x10, 1x4 (big fail on the 5th rep)

deadlifts I only got to 3 reps at 250 before my grip gave out. that really pisses me off, so I quit.

overhead press 115 1x8 1x6

bb row 125 1x10, 130 1x10, 1x9.

tri pullover (at the end) 75 1x6, 1x5 give up.

bench 135 1x8. 1x6, give up.


I wasn't feeling it at all today. like I said, I'll get back to my routine tuesday. I don't know what the fuck i was thinking today...


but, I'm at about 80% with my whatever my current issue is. This is a very appropriately titled journal!


(and by the way, tomorrow marks the day my By Ginger "clients" are going to hate me. we'll see how much attendance drops. difficulty ramping up now.)

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