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Bloated belly

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It could also be from water...if you are either drinking a lot of water or drinking a decent amount of water and eating something that retains water, or if you even just have a body that retains water. And like the person above said with the beans maybe...it's hard to say when each person really has a different answer for a different body.

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It might be a soy, wheat or gluten intolerance. Try cutting out soy and wheat for a week, and see if it goes away and then reintroduce one or the other to find the culprit. And if you are eating a lot of beans, make sure you're soaking them for a full 24 hours and tossing out the soak water before cooking and try cooking with kombu. Both of those practices reduce lectins.

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I would suggest cutting back on your sodium as well, and always drink plenty of water.

Are you taking protein supplements or creatine? That can also cause bloating.


No creatine. I eat some raw hemp protein powder, maybe 1-2 servings per day at most. No other supplements of any kind. And my sodium intake is low. My diet is maybe 60% raw, I use very little salt (if at all) for flavoring, and I generally don't buy or eat processed foods because I like to cook my own food.


I guess it could be gluten, but I even if it was, I don't want to give up wheat! I have an a priori ideological bias in favor of wheat. I refuse to acknowledge wheat could be bad.

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It could also be from water...if you are either drinking a lot of water or drinking a decent amount of water and eating something that retains water, or if you even just have a body that retains water. And like the person above said with the beans maybe...it's hard to say when each person really has a different answer for a different body.


Why do you have to toss out the soak water? (I always do, but just curious.)

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I guess I have a similar situation but personally I don't consider it a problem. I just figured it was because I eat quite a lot (for me) and frequently (since it's fine first thing when I wake up or after not eating for 3 or 4 hours or so). Mine's at its worse after I drink a smoothie or a lot of water at once. I also have a low salt/processed foods diet.


What's it like when you wake up in the morning?

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Try chewing some fennel seeds after meals for a few days, or crushing some seeds and steeping them for tea. I always chew some after a meal, because I eat a ton of beans. They help immensely.


cool. i'll try that. thanks.

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I guess I have a similar situation but personally I don't consider it a problem. I just figured it was because I eat quite a lot (for me) and frequently (since it's fine first thing when I wake up or after not eating for 3 or 4 hours or so). Mine's at its worse after I drink a smoothie or a lot of water at once. I also have a low salt/processed foods diet.


What's it like when you wake up in the morning?


i guess it's probably not a problem. generally it's much better in the morning. just wanted to make sure.

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It could also just be abdominal fat (some people store more visceral fat, even without much being under the skin). Another issue could be poor tone in the tranversus abdominis- this muscle is often overlooked in ab training, but is important for flattening out the stomach.

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It could also just be abdominal fat (some people store more visceral fat, even without much being under the skin). Another issue could be poor tone in the tranversus abdominis- this muscle is often overlooked in ab training, but is important for flattening out the stomach.


Good point. You might want to try some planking and holding a heavy squat bar in the fully upright position, focusing on sucking your abs in. That rapes my TVA.

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It could also just be abdominal fat (some people store more visceral fat, even without much being under the skin). Another issue could be poor tone in the tranversus abdominis- this muscle is often overlooked in ab training, but is important for flattening out the stomach.


Good point. You might want to try some planking and holding a heavy squat bar in the fully upright position, focusing on sucking your abs in. That rapes my TVA.


I have the same issue, never thought about it as being the culprit. It's really beneficial anyhow to get those muscles in shape for a healthy back ( big focus of mine).


also, cutting out wheat and soy seems like a good idea, seems like this could also be my bloated belly culprit. As a girl, having your lower abdominal bloated and being my age, people start to ask the question that makes me want to punch them right in the face!

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