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What to do, when you're on 'light duty' and cannot run.

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So, My doctor today informed me that I am not allowed to run, and put me on light duty for the next 3 months. my Meniscus was nearly torn, and the tendons/connective tissue on my Patella is all but shot. SO! What are some AWESOME things to do, when I'm not allowed to do really anything?




And, does anyone else have knee troubles?

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yeah. same boat. stress fractured foot.


For a long time I did nothing. lately i've been doing bodyweight stuff (pull ups/pushups/etc) and upper body stuff (not standing, obvs). or did you mean cardio stuff?


if that's the case, shadowbox. (even if its' just 30 seconds of as fast as you can uppercuts .that'll wipe ya). also, just circuits of pullups and pushups gets the heart going!

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yeah. same boat. stress fractured foot.


For a long time I did nothing. lately i've been doing bodyweight stuff (pull ups/pushups/etc) and upper body stuff (not standing, obvs). or did you mean cardio stuff?


if that's the case, shadowbox. (even if its' just 30 seconds of as fast as you can uppercuts .that'll wipe ya). also, just circuits of pullups and pushups gets the heart going!

Ooooh I like it Strength and Cardio, if I can't do anything for three freaking months I'm going to go out of my mind.


Would swimming or aqua jogging or some kind of aqua fit class work?

I called, and asked, and no, I'm not allowed to swim. He believes my competitive nature will make swimming impactful and harmful to my knee.

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what about the elliptical or arc trainer? I broke my foot twice and relied on the elliptical as a replacement for running. What about the rowing machine? I'm not sure how that affects the knee joint. Also, if your gym has one, you could use the upper body bike.

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what about the elliptical or arc trainer? I broke my foot twice and relied on the elliptical as a replacement for running. What about the rowing machine? I'm not sure how that affects the knee joint. Also, if your gym has one, you could use the upper body bike.



Can't use the ellip or rowing, pretty much anything that isn't walking. I have to take a stupid walking stick/hiking pole or wtfever with me on a hiking trip this weekend.



We do, however, have an upper body bike.

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