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They may call it wrong, but it works for ME

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Do any of you have a "weird" diet/training habit that the world says is crazy or wrong but seems perfectly normal to you--and actually works? We are all different, to be sure, and no single rule book is going to apply to everybody across the board. But sometimes you find something that actually benefits you and you're almost embarrassed to 'fess up to it in public.


No judgment here, just appreciation and amazement.


Mine is I eat an apple for breakfast every day. That's all, just a giant, organic apple. If I eat anything else or anything more, it doesn't work. Several hours later, I do the mondo protein fruit smoothie before the gym but the first and only thing to pass my lips at dawn is Malus domestica. Dietitians call that starvation; I call it delicious.



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There seem to be quite a few natural health professionals who claim eating breakfast is unnecessary and some even say bad. But like you said, whatever works for you. I like to eat something small like a raw food bar or some fruit about an hour after I wake up, then for lunch I will have a big quinoa salad or something.

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There seem to be quite a few natural health professionals who claim eating breakfast is unnecessary and some even say bad. But like you said, whatever works for you. I like to eat something small like a raw food bar or some fruit about an hour after I wake up, then for lunch I will have a big quinoa salad or something.


Yeah, but what do you do that's downright weird? Inquiring minds....

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Oh, I garden in bare-feet and put seeds under my tongue before planting them.


That has to be weirder than eating an apple everyday for breakfast. :)


OK, you win! I've heard of people who garden naked, though, so if you ever want a new goal to stretch towards....


Baby Herc

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  • 2 weeks later...
Baby Herdules, I do the same thing....every morning before I workout I have about 12 oz water and an apple, that's it. It works for me. If I eat anything other than fruit before my early workout, I feel sick. It's perfect!


I have to confess, TFrasier73, that I had a large, juicy-ripe mango today, instead. Don't bust me--Ha, ha!


Baby Herc

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I usually have just a piece of fruit for breakfast as well. If I eat more than that I usually feel hungry all day and overeat on unhealthy stuff :/

And I sleep without a pillow. Some people say it's bad for your neck, but mine hasn't felt better since I've switched to that. Before I often woke up in really uncomfortable positions, but without a pillow it's impossible to get into these positions so I guess that's the trick behind it..

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And I sleep without a pillow. Some people say it's bad for your neck, but mine hasn't felt better since I've switched to that. Before I often woke up in really uncomfortable positions, but without a pillow it's impossible to get into these positions so I guess that's the trick behind it..

I do that too, but only because I am trying to help my kyphosis (rounded upper back). It's not as comfortable, but I think it's not supposed to be, since it's fixing a problem!

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Oh I see.. I didn't know that it could be used against kyphosis! Well in the beginning I didn't find it that comfortable to fall asleep without a pillow, but in the meantime it actually feels weird for me to sleep with a pillow.


I just now saw that this thread is about diet/training, sorry for the offtopic! Although sleep is rest and rest is part of training.. So I don't know..

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Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day. I wake up ravenous, and I usually eat a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Despite the high fibre and protein content, I'm hungry an hour later, and usually down a hemp/spinach/avacado/berry smoothie before work. Then, I count down the hours + minutes until I get to eat again bahahaha!


The earlier I get up, the bigger breakfast I eat. If I get up before 10am, I eat two breakfasts. It's so weird.

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Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day. I wake up ravenous, and I usually eat a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Despite the high fibre and protein content, I'm hungry an hour later, and usually down a hemp/spinach/avacado/berry smoothie before work. Then, I count down the hours + minutes until I get to eat again bahahaha!


The earlier I get up, the bigger breakfast I eat. If I get up before 10am, I eat two breakfasts. It's so weird.


So, Marcina, what do you do that's wrong according to the experts but works for you, like the thread title says?


Baby Herc

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Yeah I am really hungry in the morning too. I wake up, go for a run, come back and eat. A lot of people on this board seem to eat a very light breakfast. So I guess I always kind of feel guilty reading these threads, like I shouldn't be eating breakfast. But honestly I get so hungry if I don't I can't concentrate.

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Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day. I wake up ravenous, and I usually eat a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Despite the high fibre and protein content, I'm hungry an hour later, and usually down a hemp/spinach/avacado/berry smoothie before work. Then, I count down the hours + minutes until I get to eat again bahahaha!


The earlier I get up, the bigger breakfast I eat. If I get up before 10am, I eat two breakfasts. It's so weird.


same here!

I sometimes eat every two hours till it's 2.00 PM. I could kill for food in the morning

And one thing more that people consider wrong (don't see why?) is that one of my breakfasts is sometimes 10 bananas at once. I just LOOOVE that after morning workout! My mother that eats 500 g of ice-cream told me once: Isn't 10 banans too much sugar? She says that she "feels" how ice-cream is good for her digestion. So, we are allowed to eat whatever we think is good for us, just listen to yourself!

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one of my breakfasts is sometimes 10 bananas at once. I just LOOOVE that after morning workout!


vege, I dub thee King Kong. (taps sword on both of vege's shoulders)


I know a guy who does the same thing with cantaloupes before he goes to bed at night. Lobster, you are right, we are all different. And that's a good thing, too, because if we were all like vege, the banana bin at the natural foods store would be perpetually empty.


Baby Herc

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it makes some people nauseous, but I eat 350 calories (some is a protein supplement) before I do a middle distance run (8-12) then workout... Then eat another large breakfast after the workout - around 800 calories. Seems to do the job!

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