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Hi! from another Aus


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Hi everyone


My name is Kat. I come from a small country town in Queensland Australia. I have been vegan for 3 years now I have just started body building and am loving it! I use to do running and was doing marathon training and running for 4 years as a hobby. I first got interested in body building after watching a friend train and prepare for body building competitions. We were always at the gym at the same time so I use to bombard her with constant questions about it and loved learning more and more about the sport. I then came across Robert's book, read it, and that was it, I totally fell in love with body building, and wanted in on the action!




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I live outside Nanango about 4hrs from Brisbane. At first I found it extremely hard because I either got asked "what is vegan" at every cafe and pub here or laughed at because I was asking for no meat or cheese or creamy sauce or mayo etc in my meals lol (I had many "are you a rabbit?" comments lol) I had to learn to cook all my meals from scratch pretty quick hahaha because it is rare to find many vegan products in the grocery stores here but I am quite content because now I am a great cook lol! The locals have started to get use to my 'wacky' food orders now thankfully but they all think I am a bit strange still lol.


Kat xoxo

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