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Hello everyone (for the second time)

Ted Trendy

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Its been very hard for me to keep up with everything online with my crazy schedule. I stop in on here and read every once and a while but i haven't said much lately. Hopefully that will change starting today.


My name is Ted (obviously) and i have been vegan for just over 5 years. I am the founder of Team Green, a vegan (and vegetarian) athletic and social club. We specialize in training veg people in everything from 5k to ultra races and triathlon. We also do potlucks, volunteering, movie nights and animal activism. I am a personal trainer, cycling instructor, vegan chef and ironman.


My quick back story: From Chicago, been in San Diego for almost 13 years. I was close to 300 lbs. at one point and i wanted to get in shape so i decided to go vegetarian on a bet, a few months later i was vegan and never looked back. It truly changed my life. Now i try to do my best and help other people discover their inner vegan awesomeness. Hopefully i can weigh in on some topics here again and help out. Also this site as well as roberts book helped me get to the next level of my fitness about a year ago. Always looking for things to make me keep improving.


Lets keep insiring each other vegans and I'll see everyone around the forum.


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