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Dietary advice needed


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Hi everyone. I've been 95% vegan since Feb of this year. I get my 5% of animal products from eggs from my chickens and ducks. As I still live at home with the parentals, I often can't escape a quiche for dinner (dairy free) and I will sometimes have an egg for breakfast if I'm out of tofu. I became vegan for ethical reasons, and so don't really see anything wrong with eating eggs produced by happy healthy hens (feel free to disagree).


My primary aim is to lose weight. I have a progress pic thread in the 'before and after pics' topic, and as you can see I have a fair bit of 'chub'. I have never been an active child. I've only really started getting into exercise the last five years, and properly the last couple of months. After I have gotten down to 55kg, I would like to maintain that weight and continue to develop very defined muscles.


For the last few months I have employed the help of a online calorie tracker food diary called myfitnesspal. You can view my diary here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/emma1488.


Each day I average about 1500 cals, more if I've been exercising. I am hoping for some advice to help promote weightloss without restricting my calories too much. I am also after some ideas to help get to my daily protein goals, because as you can see, I rarely meet my target.


Thanks in advance

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There are few approaches to that.

But If you wanna loose weight. I see no point for you bulking up at this stage.

From what I saw your nutrition looks relatively clean. Eat whole foods, stay away from junk/processed stuff that includes processed sugar and processed oils.

My advice would be to focus on a weight loss. Your workouts would consist of running at least 3 times a week 60 minutes (First you should reach 30 minutes and up from there). I am talking here about real running no walking. How's your endurance ? Can you sprint?

Also you'll incorporate some Core workouts and strength workouts using weights. This will give your muscles definition.

If you aren't looking to gain massive muscles mass you don't really need a lot of protein. You'll see if you need more once you give your best when working out.

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Cheers for that! I'm not much of a runner but I sure am improving and am determined. This afternoon I did my usually walk, but instead sprinted as fast as I could between every third poles. I will keep doing this, whilst increasing the distance. I want to build up to jogging for recovery and keep the sprints happening.


I've been doing a fair bit of strength training. I use mostly body weight exercises and exercises with free weights during the week at home. Then on saturdays I hit the gym (can only make it one day a week atm), and hit it hard. I've dramatically improved with what I can lift and will continue to push myself hard

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Cheers for that! I'm not much of a runner but I sure am improving and am determined. This afternoon I did my usually walk, but instead sprinted as fast as I could between every third poles. I will keep doing this, whilst increasing the distance. I want to build up to jogging for recovery and keep the sprints happening.


I've been doing a fair bit of strength training. I use mostly body weight exercises and exercises with free weights during the week at home. Then on saturdays I hit the gym (can only make it one day a week atm), and hit it hard. I've dramatically improved with what I can lift and will continue to push myself hard


Well done.

If you wanna get visible results forget about walking do your best to build that running endurance. Else you are wasting your time. You gotta push yourself constantly out of your comfort zone. People aren't doing that and when they see no real results they give up.

You burn fat when you actually challenge your body. It burns mostly after 30 minutes of running. Many runners are made, our body and mind has a huge potential. For me the mental aspect is much more important than the mechanics.

You have a vision "loose fat, improve endurance, improve strength" right ? You know how exactly you wanna look ? How will you know you achieved your vision ? If not, find out cause it will give you much more drive.

Now you need a simple plan. So you set yourself some clear, specific mini goals to support that vision.

You decide in advance on which days you gonna train, how many times a week, what kinda workouts you gonna do, how long your workouts gonna be.

And you stick with this plan every week. That way you can actually see the impact of your actions. You build habits that gonna become automatic. You can easily modify your Nutrition/workout if are not getting the results you want.

You can make a plan that looks something like this:


- Whole foods only, no processed junk/sugar/oil.

- Run at least 3 times a week.

- Reach a state where you can run at least 30 minutes no walking, then 60 minutes.

- Incorporate sprinting at least once a week once your endurance is better.

- Decide how many strength workouts you gonna do. Create some mixture between big Core muscles of your body, upper body strength, legs,etc...

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It's going to take me a while to build up to that. At the moment I am flat out keeping a jog up for 9 mins straight I'll keep trying to improve, but it's going to take a lot longer to get there, as I can't just make myself run for 30 mins straight

You said it, you have to build it!

9 mins that's a start! Most of the people can't run for 2 minutes.

There are no magic pills really. If you want great results you'll need to be willing to pay the price and put the effort into it. You'll even learn a thing or two in the process. Your results are in proportion to the effort and dedication you put in, that's simple as that. People take it easy and stay in their comfort zone. And then they are complaining it's not working. I believe you don't wanna waste your time like that.

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