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Preparing food in bulk


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I usually try to take one day where I get some food ready for the week. I don't cook every meal at once because that would be 42 meals, but I usually cook something that I can divide into 6 or 7 so I have at least one meal each day that I don't have to think about. Usually if I'm working in the morning, I'll get my other meals/shakes ready the night before.


What I did today was just a mixture of things, including quinoa, 4 bean mix, tofu, peas and LSA mix, with a bit of tomato puree and garlic for some flavour. I got the idea from Billy Simmonds, but left out the ricotta cheese. I guess you could put some vegan cream cheese or something on it if you wanted.




Share any recipes that you like to make in bulk!

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I don't really do that anymore, but when I was in grad school Sundays were my cooking days. I'd make a lot of big dishes and then individually portion them out into containers. I had a huge deep freeze then, so I had a lot of room to freeze individual servings of soups, stews, enchiladas, casseroles, etc. It's such a time saver! I should get back into the habit.

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I do something similar. It is essential for me during workdays when I have to pack 3 meals with me and don't always have time to cook them that same day. I usually make a big batch of brown rice or quinoa and a batch of beans or lentils to keep in the fridge. When its time to pack a lunch I work from these big containers into smaller containers like sosso has pictured.


I also try to keep a bag of chopped kale and veggies on hand.

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