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ok im a little pissed


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dunno what section to put this in so w/e


but im a little pissed..... when i posted that alicia silverson video when she was on ellen i got happy...and yes what ellen said bothered me about being vegetarian "as long as possible".....BULLSHIT


ok so the reason im pissed now is because i love Reese Witherspoon and since i thought she was vegetarian i loved her even more....... but watch this bullshit....... then you'll see why im pissed




i know consumerfreedom is a bullshit site and i dont stand behind what they promote and i was thinking they were bullshitting about what she was saying on the show but video is video and this video didnt lie


*sigh* ok im done

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Okay so, assuming that was recent, she OBVIOUSLY she isnt vegetarian and peta f***ed up on that one too.


Yup, consumerfreedom website is BS as it is a front group for the tobacco, alcohol and meat lobby - BUT they have her on tape saying "everything is good with [tortured intelligent animals - i.e. pigs]" so obviously that part isnt bull shit - she aint a vegetarian.


**** moron. I never liked her anyway - something about her never really sat well with me. Her co-star Joaquinn Pheonix would be ed if he heard that tape.


Ellen is also a morally weak pathetic sell out. "I am vegetarian as long as I can be..." Being vegetarian, and even VEGAN, when you have money coming out of your ass like that is EASY AS PIE!!!!!


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how come they dont have the same warning on meat commercials like they have for tabacco and alcohol?


i also love how that site is against MADD..... morons


They are against MADD because they are financial stakeholders in the alcohol business (just like they are against PETA, PCRM, etc. because they are financial stakeholders in the meat and dairy business).


But that should make people question their credibility right there -trying to silence MADD. like you said, morons.

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how come they dont have the same warning on meat commercials like they have for tabacco and alcohol?


I'm veggie, but I think it's important to maintain credibility. Meat is not in the same class as tobacco or alcohol -- in moderation, consumption of meat can be very healthy (for the consumer, less so for the meat source). The same cannot be said of tobacco. When we make our arguments for vegetarianism/veganism, we have to be honest and factual, or else the other side gets to score some cheap points.


On the other hand, a warning on a McDonald's value meal might not be the worst idea.

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how come they dont have the same warning on meat commercials like they have for tabacco and alcohol?


I'm veggie, but I think it's important to maintain credibility. Meat is not in the same class as tobacco or alcohol -- in moderation, consumption of meat can be very healthy (for the consumer, less so for the meat source). The same cannot be said of tobacco. When we make our arguments for vegetarianism/veganism, we have to be honest and factual, or else the other side gets to score some cheap points.


On the other hand, a warning on a McDonald's value meal might not be the worst idea.


If meat in moderation is good for you, then how do you explain the epidemiological studies that consistently show an inverse corelation between good health and the consumption of animal produce?


Meat is deficient of vitamins and fiber. What it has to offer is protein and iron - both of which you can get elsewhere from much healthier sources. And yes, non-heme iron is not as readily as absorbed, but taking it with vitamin C aids absorbtion.


Have you visited www.pcrm ? I realize you are a doctor/med student, and no disrespect intended here, but you have been trained under an old school system I assume, and many of your colleagues still think that veganism is unhealthy. So you will forgive me if I take what the oldschool medical community has to say with a grain of salt. As far as I am concerned they (and I am not including you in this ) know didly squat about good nutrition. It isnt considered radical by them to cut somebody open on an operating table for a coronary by-pass, but they consider veganism radical. Need I say more?


if you havent already, I highly recommend Neal Barnard's book "breaking the food seduction", Colin Campbell's "The China Study", and John Robbins Food Revolution. The latter one, Robbins book, is especially factual and honest and does a comprehensive and honest job of surveying the medical literature on meat vs. veganism.

Edited by compassionategirl
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Actually Craig I read an article which claimed that elderly smokers who continued to smoke had less incidence of alzheimers, and I'm sure you are aware of the glass of wine a day study and how it correlates with good health...I suppose that in moderation all things are quite healthy. Or is it just that our bodies can adjust to them though they might not be very beneficial? Our bodies have adapted to all sorts of toxins...flouride, aluminum, carcinagens of various kinds. All in moderation are not very harmful immediately, certainly not healthy either. I think meat warnings would not do a thing to alter consumption though. They have not worked for alcohol nor tobacco yet. People for the most part are very short sighted and do not consider long term ramifications. The majority will do what they want, until their behaviors become a problem they no longer want to deal with, thus seeking a solution.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i dunno who this will apply to but i live in toronto and reese witherspoon will be on ellen this thursday june 15th .... the episode this thread is about actually ....... some people say the voices were dubbed or whatnot so im gonna watch the episode just to make sure

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i dunno who this will apply to but i live in toronto and reese witherspoon will be on ellen this thursday june 15th .... the episode this thread is about actually ....... some people say the voices were dubbed or whatnot so im gonna watch the episode just to make sure


Please do and post back - I a mvery interested on this also, as I think it might be fake.

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ok so i watched the episode this morning and heres what happened...... reese comes on saying shit like "you're from the south too, i'll show you im more southern than you" whatever i dont care ..... she has the crok pot waiting beside the seats brings it out and describes whats in there, chicken, bacon, and other stuff... the entire time ellen was pretty uneasy about the whole thing from what i picked up, like she knew she would have to try it even though she claims shes vegetarians sometimes..... then comes the tasting, reese digs in, but ellen picks up alittle and touches it to her mouth and drops it really quickly and screams "ouch thats so hot. i bet its really good but its so hot" something to that degree...... so............ basically heres my conclusion....... ellen, even though i dislike her attitude towards vegetarianism but it was still a nice move none-the-less (if she really didnt put any in her mouth) but reese, you are officially on my shit list and i hope that bacon gets stuck in your throat and you die....... muahaha eeeeeeevil

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