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Hey Tasha,

You've just gotta hammer it for the whole pedal stroke. Most people don't pull up on their legs at the bottom of the stroke when accelerating...think of scraping dog poo off your shoes Then pull up at the back of the pedal stroke. Its much easier to do when climbing but on the flats it will allow you to get to speed much more quickly. Once you get up to speed its not so hard to maintain it. Its getting there thats the hard part. Then try holding your top end or near your top end as long as you can. This will make it much easier for you to hold a good lower speed as done in a pursuit.

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Had a pretty nice ride today. Lots and lots of climbing. Not quite the distance I climbed in Canada but some of the hills were much steeper. I probably climbed for 40 minutes total today. Not bad for going alone. Hopefully next few times I do it I'll be able to pick up the pace.

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Hey Tasha,

You've just gotta hammer it for the whole pedal stroke. Most people don't pull up on their legs at the bottom of the stroke when accelerating...think of scraping dog poo off your shoes Then pull up at the back of the pedal stroke. Its much easier to do when climbing but on the flats it will allow you to get to speed much more quickly. Once you get up to speed its not so hard to maintain it. Its getting there thats the hard part. Then try holding your top end or near your top end as long as you can. This will make it much easier for you to hold a good lower speed as done in a pursuit.

Scrap pooh off the shoes. That makes sence. What part is the flat? and you want me to the hold my foot at the top. Okay that makes sence, for keeping a good pace in a team race... got it.. thanks Jer

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I meant flat as in flat roads. Its not as easy to pull when your legs are pedaling at 90rpm and faster as it is to pull and put power into the whole stroke at 75 or 80rpm. Most people pedal smoothly there but not at higher speeds. Just try going on a flat road and use the small chainring and your biggest cog in the back. Pedal as fast as you can and you'll notice you can't really pedal smoothly once you get accelerated. Everyones point of loosing a smooth stroke is different but you want to make this as high as possible because it will help you significantly when you pedal at a normal race pace. You'll wind up using much less energy.

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I had decent run last night. Maybe 3 easy miles with many with probably 150lunges or more after. I'll be feeling it in a few days but I think I need to so I can prep my body for lifting again.

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Listen to Dave he knows his stuff....far better than I do. He'll get you in great condition.


Today was lots of fun. It started with some berry picking. I got a ton for very cheap. Then went to a concert tonight with Jamie. No hard working out but I was on my feet all day so I'm happy to use this as an easy day.

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I just got back from a really great late night climb. It was just under two hours but I killed the hills. I only cut it short because I was having trouble seeing in the rain with my glasses. I found some great steep hills I never noticed before and since it was dark I had no idea where the trees stopped at so I just kept seeing a long hill at every switchback. I'm very pleased with how I handled the hills after carrying all this extra gunk in my stomach after eating out twice today. The few long false flats that used to kill me in Richmond would be nothing now. I'm surprisingly enjoying climbing now...now all I need is some better gearing.

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I've got a standard 53/39 and a 11-23 cassette. On a few of the short steep sections last night I wound up around 55rpm in my easiest gear which isn't where I should be so I'm thinking a compact will do the trick or maybe even a 12-27. Even with my lousy gearing I still managed to be near 70 for most of the longer hills which is reasonably acceptable but not perfect. We'll see what Santa Fe has in store for me. I'm hoping I don't need a compact and a 27t cog.

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Listen to Dave he knows his stuff....far better than I do. He'll get you in great condition.


Today was lots of fun. It started with some berry picking. I got a ton for very cheap. Then went to a concert tonight with Jamie. No hard working out but I was on my feet all day so I'm happy to use this as an easy day.


Yeah that what I keep hearing He's good, but in a way you're better at explaing things. It made sence when you told me to use a low gear and high cadence. I'm feeling so much faster. Thanks for the tips.. I'm pulling my legs up faster!

In a secret code I'm good to go

SHHHHH ! Remember hehe I just took my bike in to get inspected and I'll find out if it's okay to ride on the roads.

There was this sweet Argon frame that I was lovingat.. It matches our colors.. Orange and black.. and there's orange tape on the handles bars. Too bad the price was lower..

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Forget price. Get a big home lone but don't actually buy a house...just buy lots of bikes with it then flee to the US so you don't need to pay them off

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Had a fun day "off" today. Jamie and I went for a hike at the Arboretum in Portland's wonderful Washington Park. Lots of nice hills and things for nearly 2 hours. Nothing hard but a nice recovery walk.

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I had a crazy ride today. Lots and lots of hills. Well...maybe just two but they were really really big. I wanted to keep going up the second climb but it seemed to go over the mountain to the other side and I didn't wanna get stuck climbing back the other way or not being able to come back so I make it to what seems the top(or very close) and turned around....I could smell my brakes burning on the way down which was a definite first. So now I have two new locations that are very close for very good hill climbs...this place is really great for cycling and it gets better every day.

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Forget price. Get a big home lone but don't actually buy a house...just buy lots of bikes with it then flee to the US so you don't need to pay them off

Yeah great thinking..

I can get another road bike, time trial, cyclecross, bike, and a track bike.. and I'll buy a frame for you too !!!

Are you thinking about going to the track on your vacation?.. I wished I could join in on the fun.. darn darn !!! that's too bad.

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Nah...no track while at the beach house but I'll be bringing my bike and hopefully a few people with bring their bikes or rent bikes. Oh as for getting me a bike I'll throw you a few pots if you get a big enough loan

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I had a nice little ride today. I waited a bit long to get on due to the rain but in the end I took a two hour ride with some fairly hard efforts and lots of heavy spinning.

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Had a nice late ride last night for about 2 hrs. Some decent long efforts and some short uphill sprints. Today I'll be racing...3 omnium events again which I don't like that much but it'll still be fun.

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Just got back from the track today and it went much better than last week. I finished 3rd in the points race(20 lap). It was probably my best one ever(tactically but not my best result). I only scored a point on the second points lap(none on the first), then 3 on the second, 3 on the third then I came in second on the final point sprint. The guy in the lead was way out there the whole race doing a pursuit and he led every lap after the first points sprint. Next comes the unknown distance race. I was dead from the previous race and thought about sitting in and getting lucky. I wound up in last for all but the last 3 laps. It wound up being 11 laps I think. Anyway...I finally moved through a chaotic pack and with the bell ringing I was maybe 12th. I closed about 20meters or more in the final lap starting on the back straight but it was way too late and I finished 6th...almost got a point. Then comes the tempo. Some guys went off and I couldn't keep up with them. They soon died other than the guy that won the points race. So I wound up in maybe 4th position and not getting any points until that last 4 laps. I scored 1 point twice, then I wound up passing the leader for the last two laps. Pretty good day. I'm quite pleased with how it went. Biggest thing is still drafting though. I rode a lot up track without anyone directly in front of me but to my left. That is by far my biggest weakness. Its not such a big deal on the road with mixed turns but on the track its really stupid. Anyway thats just a technical thing which will make things a lot easier on me.

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Yeah I'm super excited. I'm hoping some others can get ahold of road bikes and are willing to wake up early and spin around with me.

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Yeah I'm super excited. I'm hoping some others can get ahold of road bikes and are willing to wake up early and spin around with me.


I would if I could Jer maybe next time


Also what is your theory on a frame alinement? My trainer told me I shoudln't ride it.. I was looking at this sweet Argon frame... I'll be copying Dave haha !

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Not too sure.. but I think the frame is damaged and they need to line it up propley.. My trainer said I should get my frame replaced.. She told me she's seen too many bad accidents with that.. When she was racing in Japan. One guy's fork cracked, while he was riding down hill.. And he pretty much wore the road with his face.. Yikes

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Ahh OK. I think most people cannot adjust an aluminum frame properly but it can be done if someone knows how far they can push things. However if this person has no idea what they are doing and has no experience doing it its not worth risking. Steel is a different story but aluminum can only be bent so much. A front fork will need to be replaced but rear forks(stays) can be moved minimally. Just find out how many times he or she has done it before.

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