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VP are you with me hits the big ONE "thousand"


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VP, known as "Potter" just hit a thousand posts and he did it in a more rapid pace than anyone. Perhaps he was just really bored this summer, or super interested in what we're doing here.


I don't even know if many people know his real name, we all just call him Potter and I've been known to chant his name while he eats.


Potter, well done on your road to 1000 posts. I know it's not that big of a deal and quantity doesn't mean that much, we value everyone here equally, I just like to recognize people when they hit major landmarks becuase it does take a long time to get there and we appreciate your support. That was a pretty awesome sentence too, totally long. You probably consumed 3 Vega bars while eating it.


I'll joking aside, it was GREAT to meet you this summer, and THANK YOU so much for all that you do to promote us, and for the food you cooked and for helping drive people around and for volunteering at our booth at the Animal Rights Conference and everything else!


You are the Potter, you are the man. Welcome to the club, son.

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Thanks Robert...it was definatly a privilage getting to know you and getting to see what goes on in your daily life(not that your smothered by extra roommates all the time). As for the posts...I didn't have much to do this summer but even if I did I don't think it would be as much fun as being on the forum. Its just nice to finally be "around" vegans that care about they're health for once...I was around alot of fit people before I went vegan and not meeting healthy vegans was the only sad point to my transition but this forum has showed me thats not true...its just true that there are pretty much no healthy vegans near me...which will change in a year. Oh...can I get some added to my total just for talking at the VV...its kinda the same thing right

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Well, I'd suggest the elbow, bu that can get risky due to injury if you hit wrong.


I always enjoyed the Double Axe Handle because it is simply awesome and involves someone stuck with their hands behind their back in a tag-team match. Even in a matched scheduled for one fall, one on one, it's still a great move.


Good luck with the leg drop, but what I'd really like to see is a suplex off the top rope, then climb back up and just do a Superfly Snuka dive from the top, even better if a cage were involved.


Once that has been administered I would for sure do some sort of submission hold, a camel clutch comes to mind, but there is nothing wrong with a crippler cross face or figure four leg lock. It's really up to you.

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