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Who's running a marathon this year?


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Thanks, I don't post much but lurk on this forum sometimes and find your posts quite interesting and helpful.

Good luck for your 3.30! My only goal is too make it to the finish line alive


I'm from Paris living in the UK, got back there for Xmas.

In a 10k you can run by a handful or world-famous places, it's quite scenic.

Looking forward to running there again.

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Fuck it, registrations for Paris are closed already ahah.

Plan B: just registered for the one in Manchester instead!


I'm living in East Cheshire, posh countryside really nice for long runs

Been in the UK for almost 5 years, so I don't feel really French anymore!

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No one here believes me when I say I prefer living in the UK!

Being my first marathon I don't want to bother with a time target, and will simply focus on finishing the race.

That said, based on my half-marathon times, it should be somewhere between 3.45 and 4.00

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Unless I'm mistaken, I didn't see any topic about nutrition so I'll ask you here if you don't mind : what do you eat /drink during your long runs? I've been toying with gels / gummy bears with mixed results, best so far are cubes of brown sugar. Any tips or advice would be great. Thanks!

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Unless I'm mistaken, I didn't see any topic about nutrition so I'll ask you here if you don't mind : what do you eat /drink during your long runs? I've been toying with gels / gummy bears with mixed results, best so far are cubes of brown sugar. Any tips or advice would be great. Thanks!

Probably not enough, I've occasionally hit the wall and I know that's due to nutrition rather than fitness. Any runs that are 25km or less I might head out with a gel and that's about it (I always make sure I have eaten well beforehand so I'm not hungry), I like the CLIF gels for my shorter runs a the consistency makes them easier to get down. For my long runs I'll take one or two of the PocketFuel gels with me, they're a lot thicker and taste more like a thick peanut butter than a gel. More nutritious and filling, they do the job well




Other than that I like trail mix and some fruit, bananas are usually the easiest to carry. I don't like relying on sugars, I want to get my energy from natural means and I figure I can get any sugars I might need from the fruit and gels. Drink wise, usually just a standard 750ml drink bottle of electrolytes; I use one that contains 200g of fresh fruit per 500g bag ~ nothing artificial in it and it isn't sweet tasting which I really like.

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Had a 25k yesterday - brought banana and trail mix. I don't know how people do it but I don't like chewing stuff too much while running, kind of interfere with my breathing ahah

Brown sugar is nice as you can just let it melt in your mouth.

I also ordered gels tonight, I'll give them a go next Saturday

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best of luck and welcome Tybear, have you got any objective time-wise?


Experienced with myprotein energy gels for yesterday's long run, 28k in 2h37, had 5 of them, giving 50g carbs/h.

Worked quite well, no problem with digestion, fatigue was delayed and had some energy left at the end

Also completing the marathon within 4h seems to be within reach!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I ran my second marathon this year. First as a vegan. My first marathon was 5:08 in 2008. Then I went vegan got passionate about running again and landed 4 hr 13 minutes on May 25th at Vermont Marathon. I have signed up for Manchester City Marathon. I should be training right now but I have an injury on my right ankle left side on the ankle bone I believe. I went to a chiro that does advanced release technique. Has improed a tiny bit but not much. Been injured since the second week of June. Not good!! I have until November 2nd to get ready for the marathon distance. I hope I can at least finish somehow.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 7 years later...

Hi. Thank you for this question. I'm going to run a marathon this year and probably even next year. I've been running professionally for about 4 years now and I'm enjoying doing it more and more every day. I have my own coaches and mentors. I also read information about running at https://innovativerunners.com/ , which helps me improve my skills in this case too. So good luck to everyone on the marathons, I wish you only victories!

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