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Interview Questions for Research Paper


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Hey everyone,


Someone at Willamette University here in Oregon contacted me for a college research paper.


I told him I'd try to get to it, but that I'd post it on here.


Feel free to reply and send responses to [email protected]


If I get permission, I'll just post his e-mail address here, but I want to make sure it's cool with him first.


Anyway, if someone could help him out with this, it would be great!





1. When did you first decide to become a vegan?

2. What were the motivations behind you choice?

3. Has it affected your social interactions in any way?

4. How did you become informed about veganism?

5. Have you found friends and family to be supportive of your choice?

6. Have you ever been in a situation when others have challenged or attacked your views on veganism? If so, how do you respond?

7. Has being a vegan changed you in any way?

8. What would you say are the main advantages and drawbacks of being a vegan?

9. Do you find that there are any misconceptions or stereotypes about vegans?

10. Do you think that there are certain "types" of vegans?


You can include as much information as you would like, examples would be great. Thanks so much for your help!



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1. July 6th 2006

2. Finding out that I could continue weightlifting without being cruel to animals or the environment made up my mind. Sites like this and others along with a few choice books really helped.

3. Not really. I think it starts interesting conversations for the most part.

4. The China Study helped me find out about the scientific aspect of a plant based diet. Sites like this helped me find out about the more human aspect and personal experiences.

5. My mom was right away and basically cooked me completely different meals. Now she's a vegan as well.

6. I've never been attacked probably because people think i'll break them in two. I've always been very calm in answering the usual "stupid" questions. I don't think they're stupid at all, it's just that not many people understand what exactly a vegan is. I'm always happy to answer questions politely. If they get snide, i get snide. My grandma was worried yet extremely knowledgeable about my choice. She even made me a huge pot of vegan chili when i went to visit her. Best damn vegan chili i've ever had!!!

7. I've dropped tons of fat off my body. I've also feel way more in tune with the world around me spiritually. I feel more healthy overall. I'm way more sensitive about the environment and animals.

8. Advantages- better health, better eating habits, less crap in my body, more endurance, healthier cleaner muscle growth, better sexual performance(i'm totally not kidding about this at all)

Disadvantages- socially weird. Prevents me from eating out with my friends a lot. May make some people think i'm a nut job, but i don't want to know them anyway if they're so prejudice.

9. We're all skinny hippies. We don't get enough protein. We all like PETA and blow up meat packing plants in our spare time.

10. Well, we're all vegan, but we're all unique people. Some of us may be raw foodists, i believe one of the forum members eats a diet much like that of a mountain gorilla, some of us are fruitarians. I wouldn't say we're different types, but we're all definitely unique.


Hope this helps!!!

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1. When did you first decide to become a vegan?

I cut out meats one by one for a few years, but only after I realized how garbage dairy was is when I chose that, I'd say sometime around early-mid 2005.

2. What were the motivations behind you choice?

My health and the impact on the enviornment. I'm not as "in it" for the animals as other people might be, but I feel that the problem would take care of itself if we didn't entrap them for food.

3. Has it affected your social interactions in any way?

Very much so. I answer questions all the time, and it normally means that I don't get anything if I go to a restaurant with friends.

4. How did you become informed about veganism?

The first time I heard the word was on America's Most Wanted (I'm not kidding), when they had a guy who was a "terrorist" for blowing up buildings where they conducted tests on animals.

5. Have you found friends and family to be supportive of your choice?

Family? They put up with me, though my mother just doesn't really cook for me anymore or anything. My friends are great about it, and I inspired a close friend to go vegetarian, and he's talking about cutting dairy and eggs out (or at least rashly cutting down).

6. Have you ever been in a situation when others have challenged or attacked your views on veganism? If so, how do you respond?

Everytime I'm out of bed this happens. I normally ask questions of logic ("Don't you think it's weird that no other animal drinks milk after birth? Don't you think it's weird eating food that comes from a chicken's ass? Don't you think that if we were carnivores, we wouldn't need to cook, salt, and slather our meat in ketchup, mustard, relish, bbq sauce, etc?)

7. Has being a vegan changed you in any way?

Very much so, I feel I have a much more peaceful attitude about living with other beings on this planet.

8. What would you say are the main advantages and drawbacks of being a vegan?

I'm so much more healthier and I stop and think about where things come from (food, etc.), and it makes me more aware of things that surround me. The drawbacks would be that it's still a generally unaccepted movement, and that you will be attacked for it.

9. Do you find that there are any misconceptions or stereotypes about vegans?

Yes, there are. That vegans are unhealthy, sick and pale, that we are all raging animal activists that are angry with everything in the world, that vegans are stupid (which has nothing to do with food choices).

10. Do you think that there are certain "types" of vegans?

Yes. There are ones who do it for athletic performance. There are ones who (more generally) do it for their health. There are vegans who care about the enviornment, for the animals, etc.

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