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Overwhelming smells: fruitarian or raw vegan...


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For about 3 weeks, I was eating 98% fruits (still consuming hemp/flax, micro-algeas, and sea veggies.)

I felt great, and would actually like to continue doing that...


But, one thing I noticed while consuming a much higher percentage

of fruits than normal.. (I am usually a HUGE salad fanatic..)

Was my senses all changed.


My vision became even more clear and perfect than before.

My sense of touch was much more sensitive..

& above all else, my sense of smell was extraordinary!



Now, I know being raw vegan, my senses are already amplified...

But fruitarian was another level!



For example...

I was going into work and my co-worker was the only one there;

I got a enormous wiff of sea food the second I walked in, I had to hold my

nose it stunk so bad...

Then later in the morning, she proceeded to tell me how she went out

to a seafood restaraunt the night before.


This happends with nearly everyone I meet now.

I can smell the foods they've eaten within the past 48 hours.



Also, cooked food smells awful.

I didn't like the smell of it before... but now, it's absolutely unbareable.

I have to hold my nose it's so overwhelming.




In conclusion..

I wanted to share this experience.., also, since eating more salads,

greens, nuts and some beets lately, I've noticed my senses dulled,

and back to "normal"... bummer.

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That is cool to know, I drink carrot juice and eat a few nuts, but other than that it's fruitarian. I'm just waiting until I turn orange from all the beta carotene in my blood.


The coolest thing about raw foodism in general is how your smell completely changes, body odors for the most part, just disappear, it's very cool. No need to toxify yourself wiht heavy metals from deodorant!


I was told that fruitarians have a "sweet" smell to them, I don't even know another vegan in real life so I can't confirm that.


I'm about to jump on the fruitarian band wagon with bigbwii if I keep hearing good stuff like this. Thanks for the post.

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For about 3 weeks, I was eating 98% fruits (still consuming hemp/flax, micro-algeas, and sea veggies.)

I felt great, and would actually like to continue doing that...


But, one thing I noticed while consuming a much higher percentage

of fruits than normal.. (I am usually a HUGE salad fanatic..)

Was my senses all changed.


My vision became even more clear and perfect than before.

My sense of touch was much more sensitive..

& above all else, my sense of smell was extraordinary!



Now, I know being raw vegan, my senses are already amplified...

But fruitarian was another level!



For example...

I was going into work and my co-worker was the only one there;

I got a enormous wiff of sea food the second I walked in, I had to hold my

nose it stunk so bad...

Then later in the morning, she proceeded to tell me how she went out

to a seafood restaraunt the night before.


This happends with nearly everyone I meet now.

I can smell the foods they've eaten within the past 48 hours.



Also, cooked food smells awful.

I didn't like the smell of it before... but now, it's absolutely unbareable.

I have to hold my nose it's so overwhelming.




In conclusion..

I wanted to share this experience.., also, since eating more salads,

greens, nuts and some beets lately, I've noticed my senses dulled,

and back to "normal"... bummer.


Fruitarianism is another level all together......


I don't believe that your totally clean until you go Fruitarian...

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i know evactly what you mean about cooked foods smelling terrible. i have to say, it's not all cooked foods, but definitely a large portion of them. it's just like when i was a kid and i turned vegan (12yrs old). i remember wanting to throw up at the smell of roast chicken, cheese, burgers, anything.


this is interesting that going full fruititarian made your senses increase even more. i'm going to do it for a few days just to see what happens.

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Fruitarianism is another level all together......


I don't believe that your totally clean until you go Fruitarian...



& Not only physically.. but karmatically as well.

Fruitarian(ism) is an even more peaceful approach to mother earth than

Raw Vegan is...



Also, something I found amazing, was cucumbers were SWEET! .. I mean,

this makes sense to me, but before they tasted very watery/plain.

But after having my palate become so sensitive, cucumbers became a very sweet food.

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Fruitarianism is another level all together......


I don't believe that your totally clean until you go Fruitarian...



& Not only physically.. but karmatically as well.

Fruitarian(ism) is an even more peaceful approach to mother earth than

Raw Vegan is...



Also, something I found amazing, was cucumbers were SWEET! .. I mean,

this makes sense to me, but before they tasted very watery/plain.

But after having my palate become so sensitive, cucumbers became a very sweet food.


for how long have you been fruitarian? what about raw? and vegan? i would like to know.. and how old are you now.. ? sorry for the questions.. i'm curious you know..

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for how long have you been fruitarian? what about raw? and vegan? i would like to know.. and how old are you now.. ? sorry for the questions.. i'm curious you know..



I am 22.

I was raised vegetarian(never eated eggs, never drank cows milk,

I basically grew up with the notion consuming animal products was just weird...)

Vegan since the age of 10(so.. 12 years)

Raw Vegan for 4 years now...


& Fruitarian, well... I am still trying to find out if that is what is best

for my body, & lately, it has been.

So, a couple of months..

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for how long have you been fruitarian? what about raw? and vegan? i would like to know.. and how old are you now.. ? sorry for the questions.. i'm curious you know..



I am 22.

I was raised vegetarian(never eated eggs, never drank cows milk,

I basically grew up with the notion consuming animal products was just weird...)

Vegan since the age of 10(so.. 12 years)

Raw Vegan for 4 years now...


& Fruitarian, well... I am still trying to find out if that is what is best

for my body, & lately, it has been.

So, a couple of months..


How fortunate you are to not know what that stuff tastes like....

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How fortunate you are to not know what that stuff tastes like....



You know... tonight I got to see Victoria Boutenko give a lecture

on malnutrition and the raw vegan diet.

And she was saying how the foods you were exposed to, as a child,

from 9 months old-15 months old,

are the foods that are imprinted in you for life.

The foods you will crave, the foods you will be tempted by.




I also remember my mother telling me how when I was a baby,

my baby food was fresh from the garden into the blender.

"Spinach in a blender", is what she fed me.

I am so thankful for this, because it makes being RAW for me, not only

a pleasure, but a nostalgic one as well...

Raw Fruits and Veggies were always my favorite.

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How fortunate you are to not know what that stuff tastes like....



You know... tonight I got to see Victoria Boutenko give a lecture

on malnutrition and the raw vegan diet.

And she was saying how the foods you were exposed to, as a child,

from 9 months old-15 months old,

are the foods that are imprinted in you for life.

The foods you will crave, the foods you will be tempted by.




I also remember my mother telling me how when I was a baby,

my baby food was fresh from the garden into the blender.

"Spinach in a blender", is what she fed me.

I am so thankful for this, because it makes being RAW for me, not only

a pleasure, but a nostalgic one as well...

Raw Fruits and Veggies were always my favorite.


Hope you enjoyed the speech.


That is definately true. I'm still eating raw, but I grew up on a largely meat, cheese and egg diet. I crave them all the time. I'm hoping that will subside soon, but it hasn't yet. It's much harder to do raw when you still have these cravings. Glad you're thankful for it, it's definately something to be thankful for.

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my parents fed me meat, cheese, eggs, etc. when i was a kid. but i would never eat beef, no matter how it was prepared. i would only eat bacon if it was cooked so crisp and brown it was unrecognizable as bacon, and turkey or chicken had to be inside something else. i was never able to eat meats as just meats. fish a little, cuz we lived by the sea. but i didn't even like that. i always used juice on my cereal cuz milk smelled like ass and it made me sick (later figured out i'm allergic). and only one or two cheeses were acceptable.


i remember when i was in the third grade, my parents took me to a chicken place and when i got my food i was pulling it apart and suddenly wondered how chicken made it. i knew it wasn't like eggs and i was farely certain the chickens had to die for me to eat chicken, but i didn't really understtand how foghorn leghorn turned into el pollo loco. my parents told me it was the muscle fibers and i didn't eat any chicken that night. now i still ate poultry and fish every now and then til i was about 9 or 10, and maybe turkey til 12. one day i remember i was eating a turkey sandwich at school and it just didn't taste like food. when i got home, i said i was thinking of becoming a vegetarian and my mom said that would be fine. so i've had fish once since then, and it was a test to see if i would like it or not. it made me sick.


anyway, that's been a little over 12 years since i cut out meat and abotu 10 years of strict vegan. over the past two years i've gone more and more raw til now i'm at about 75-80% (i eat a lot of steamed greens...raw too, but steamed are still good to me, and beans...sprouted beans get tiring to me).


my point i'm trying to get around to is: i don't ever crave meat or cheese. and i don't feel nostalgic for it. the opposite in fact. i often feel regret that i didn't make that decision earlier in life (especiallly since i never liked meat). i remember going to friends houses as a kid and going hungry because they had burgers or tacos. and it was embarrassing that i couldn't (wouldn't to them) eat it and didn't have an excuse (like now saying i'm vegan). if i had made the dicision earlier in life, i might not have so much regret about it. it's not for lack of education, cuz my mom was a vegetarian flower childin the 70s and the original dr dolittle was one of my favorite movies as a kid (and what made me stop eating bacon).


i guess that victoria boutenko lecture bit you posted made me think of this. in fact, i often tell people that the only think that's not vegan that i ever miss is a bearclaw. you know, the donut/pastry? weird, huh? and i know how to make it vegan (and a raw one to boot) so it doesn't really matter. i don't eat soy or gluten anymore and those end up being the things i'm nostalgic for sometimes. man, now i'm hungry for an almond stuffed pastry... good thing i have some soaked almonds and raw agave in the fridge!

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How fortunate you are to not know what that stuff tastes like....



You know... tonight I got to see Victoria Boutenko give a lecture

on malnutrition and the raw vegan diet.

And she was saying how the foods you were exposed to, as a child,

from 9 months old-15 months old,

are the foods that are imprinted in you for life.

The foods you will crave, the foods you will be tempted by.




I also remember my mother telling me how when I was a baby,

my baby food was fresh from the garden into the blender.

"Spinach in a blender", is what she fed me.

I am so thankful for this, because it makes being RAW for me, not only

a pleasure, but a nostalgic one as well...

Raw Fruits and Veggies were always my favorite.


you're too lucky.. lol

i've been eating ''normal'' food all my life ( well, i'm a teenager ), it could be anything, i could eat 4 big macs in a day.. and then i found ''meet your meat'' on a website ( i was 15 at the time ), and it was a wake up call for me, i started doing research, i ended up finding other things as well ( environment, health n etc.. ), it was crazy, i went vegetarian, 2 weeks later i was vegan.. and now i'm just giving myself some time... to go raw

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I don't crave meat or any of that either, ever. In fact I can't even stand meat analouges, so I don't find that to be completely true that the first few foods you eat are the ones your body will want to stick with.


me neither, before taking it seriously ( before i went vegan ), i would eat anything ( literally ), but then after my ''personal revolution'' i kinda lost my cravings for animal products.. i not only lost craving, but now i find the smell ing, totally. i don't know why, but it's a good thing, at least now i will never go back...

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me neither, before taking it seriously ( before i went vegan ), i would eat anything ( literally ), but then after my ''personal revolution'' i kinda lost my cravings for animal products.. i not only lost craving, but now i find the smell ing, totally. i don't know why, but it's a good thing, at least now i will never go back...



Perhaps your morale and ethics are stronger than your imprint.


That doesn't discredit any of what Victoria has researched and spent

decades learning about...

It doesn't generalized everyone into one catagory.

It's a biological thing, how suseptible you are to the cravings is an environmental one.

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