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Fighting a union


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Surely it is against one civil right or the other to make you pay into the Union if you don't want to ...


Does it come out of your paycheque ?


They do generally take the money directly from your pay. It's optional in some states in the U.S., but no way out of it in others.


In states that it is optional, there are usually any number of other anti-union ie. anti-worker laws. Pay scales and benefits are generally much lower in those states, often by up to 50% lower. For example teacher salaries are nearly double in Pennsylvania what they were in Virginia where I am from.


Try joining the Young Republicans CB, they should be abled to help you out.

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Naw the republicans are a bunch of fascists, they support the president and a whole slew of other things I find unconstitutional, and a few of them have said I should just pay the union. let me just say i've been in gun stores and called the NRA a bunch of communists...some people just find me hard to get along with (I think i'm just misunderstood). I'm not anti union, if workers want to join together to bargain for their rights with management fine by me. I have a problem when I am forced to pay them money they have not done anything for, nor did I agree to pay them. Do i need people to represent me to my bosses? No. Anyhow from what I've been reading on the subject money is going to be taken from me anyway but I can go through a lot of legal hassle and have it given to a charity not the union. In america if it was a civil right not to be forced upon, that would mean big trouble for the authorities.


Tigress: In some states you can choose to join the union, IL is not one of them.


Love its GA United (GAunited.org). and they are a small union however only 4 months after being voted in they are adding $80 onto their dues since they are joining two other unions. Its the only thing they've accomplished sofar.

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Naw the republicans are a bunch of fascists, they support the president and a whole slew of other things I find unconstitutional, and a few of them have said I should just pay the union. let me just say i've been in gun stores and called the NRA a bunch of communists...some people just find me hard to get along with (I think i'm just misunderstood). I'm not anti union, if workers want to join together to bargain for their rights with management fine by me. I have a problem when I am forced to pay them money they have not done anything for, nor did I agree to pay them. Do i need people to represent me to my bosses? No. Anyhow from what I've been reading on the subject money is going to be taken from me anyway but I can go through a lot of legal hassle and have it given to a charity not the union. In america if it was a civil right not to be forced upon, that would mean big trouble for the authorities.


Tigress: In some states you can choose to join the union, IL is not one of them.


Love its GA United (GAunited.org). and they are a small union however only 4 months after being voted in they are adding $80 onto their dues since they are joining two other unions. Its the only thing they've accomplished sofar.


be patient. Being in a union can be quite beneficial when the MAN tries to stick it to you.

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Naw the republicans are a bunch of fascists, they support the president and a whole slew of other things I find unconstitutional, and a few of them have said I should just pay the union.


Phew! I would still love you if you were a republican, but I'm glad you're not. Your views sound more Libertarian and I can relate to that much more. Regardless, like me you probably think for yourself and don't fit neatly in to one label.


Good luck with the union, it's unfortunate but some unions quickly become "the man". They are their own bureaucracy and often the people running them become greedy and self-serving. Once again, a whole world full of a**holes!

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Michael I love you too. We're all vegans here and I think thats the important thing. And I am a libertarian. I dont like authoritarian systems. From my point of view the union has some functions, and its good that people join together and take on an administration and things like that, i just dont like being forced to support them. Ineed like you say this union has become "the man" and I think its sad that the romanticized rebelious ideal of what I always had as a union is for the most part dead. The union has just become a giant money making apparatus. It uses force, created for it by the government to make sure it is supported. I think this is a losing battle for me as far as having money taken from me, but I might be able to turn it into a positive situation if I can talk them into givng my money to a charity (one of the options for religious people. thanks to civil rights type non-discrimination laws ) which ones do you all think I should suggest to whatever board I have to speak to?

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My ex's father is one of the strongest union presidents in the nation...one of the teamsters big dogs...a real dick if you know what I'm saying. Thanks to his threats Sysco delivery men in MD can now be caught 5 stealing from trucks 5 times before being fired instead of the cruel 3 strike rule. CollegeB...you need a union president like him...he does his job and gets you perks...like maybe even a harem

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wow stealing and a harem! How can I turn that down, what was I thinking? Well I think the NRA being communist organization is a bit of an overstatement but gets some stares. They do support increased government involvement with firearms (gun control legislation) so are not popular with libertarians. Here are some specific reasons:http://www.strike-the-root.com/3/powers/powers2.html I dont even have a problem with some of the legislation passed so maybe i'm the communist, but in any case it got your attention didnt it?

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Thanks for explaining that College B - I'd love to watch ya say that in a crowded gun store!


I think of the NRA & PETA in pretty much the same way - you, I or anyone may not care for much of what each group does but they definitely both do a lot of really good work & regardless, they are THE groups that almost everyone thinks of when you discuss the issues each works on. With both the NRA, PETA & any other group, the real power lies in their members & grassroots activists.

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since im in education an industrial union like the wobblies really wouldnt suit my field.


You misunderstand what they mean by industrial union. Anyway, here is the link to the IWWs Educational Workers Industrial Union 620:




Who We Are:


We work in schools, in day care and learning centers, and on campuses. We teach. We fix equipment. We cook. We order and shelve books. We clean. We research. We tutor. We file and type. We keep computers running smoothly. We do what needs to be done to bring education to the world. We are in the same union.


Currently, we are building local Industrial Union Branches, participating in rank and file activity in business unions, and forming unions. We are organizing to improve our working conditions, and students' learning conditions, today, and building the sort of union power that can bring about a better world.


Why not join us?

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I think you should join with the wiggles...if the wiggles threatened to go on strike every business would fold in fear of employee children going crazy...so I give a vote to the wiggles

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