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on the road


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What sort of work-outs do you do while on the road? I am going to be on tour with a couple of different bands from May until December of this year and I want to continue to stay in shape so that I have a lot of endurance while on stage. I play the drums, so that is a work-out in itself, but in the past 5 months I've started to lift weights and run. I know I can do push-ups, sit-ups, tricep extensions using a chair.."I think that is what they'd be called." I also have a set of 20 lbs weights that I am thinking of bringing with me, while I am in the US. When I travel abroad, I will be left to just working-out without weights. I checked around for a thread about this but didn't land on any. What are your thoughts? Thanks!

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I avoid any travel so I dont miss workouts. I get really crazy if I miss them. Do pushups and Kalisthenics. Sorry I cant be more help. Gotta stay in my comfort zone. I will say Some hotels have stuff, you could try to book ahead and make sure they have something to lift. And there is always the luggage/gear you tour with.

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You can always go for a run. Plus there's tons of bodyweight exercises that only require the smidgeon of floorspace in your hotel room. In addition to the ones you know, like different types of push ups, and tricep dips, do crunches, hindu squats, wall sits etc. Some hotels have gyms you can use too. This won't replace heavy weight lifting, but it should fill the gaps. I always find working out when I'm traveling for work less of a problem than finding good food to eat. Fortunately, there are Vega bars!

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Thanks for the tips. Yeah, being on the road is tough when it comes to stability. I have figured out how to eat well on the road, but working out has been something new to me in the past year. I will try doing these exercises that you suggested. I am learning more about the nutrition of an athlete or a bodybuilder, and really finding the six meals a day thing to work well with my energy levels. I used to be a "3 meals a day" guy and I was very active with the drums, but I was always tired and low-energy. I really think that working-out and spreading the meals apart has helped quite a bit. It will be a trial by fire to see if I can keep up with this lifestyle on the road, but I am willing to give it a go. That is one of the reasons why I am really glad that this forum exists. It is great to learn from the experiences of the people on this board. I'll have to share my experiences when it is all over to let others know how to make it work. Thanks!

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BTW, that's cool that you have an Earth Crisis quote up there, CollegeB. It has been a long time since I last saw that name. I remember seeing them back in the day in Ohio with Ignite. That was an awesome show! I can't find my "All Out War" cd though..haha! I think my old room mate borrowed it but never gave it back. I've been jonesing to listen to some Earth Crisis lately.

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