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  • 3 weeks later...

How is it lame Matt?


I havent watched it but have heard critiques that it is only slightly concealed pro- oil wars propaganda with a fair amount of heterosexist undertones:

- Greeks = "The West"/USA & uber-masculine, Muy Macho straight guys

- Persians = "The East" Iraq, Iran, etc & much more effiminate men


I do really like the "Molon Labe" idea!

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I agree there were some definite Hetrosexist undertones, which have no basis in history at all.

The Spartans were superior fighters, hetrosexual muscle men with beautiful women as their wives.

Whilst the Athenians, were the weaker Boy loving (As they refer to them in the movie) cowards who run away.

The fact is pederastic relationships were common place in all of Greece at this time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
the movie looks horrible and i hate movies that just have eye candy.

Hero, I agree, the movie does look horrible. And the fact that it is meant to be a titillating gore-fest (eye candy) is annoying. (The comic book version of history does a disservice to the cultures of West Asia, Central Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe.)


loveliberate, why do you have any desire to see this film if you know it's problematic? I agree in part with your earlier reservations. Given the world's current political environment, I think you would have to be living in a cave to not see 300 as having toubling implications for world affairs. According to a review in the Guardian, the film depicts Spartan King Leonidas I "as cynical about diplomatic niceties, slaughtering Persian emissaries against all convention." Well, if you read the news you'd know that, at least figuratively, this is how the U.S. State Department is handling Iran (present-day Persia) at this very moment. Here we have a movie that dipicts Persian as the dominate threat to the Western civilization at the same time Washington is calling Iran "the world's top sponsor of terrorist groups." Hmm? If it ain't propoganda, it's still completely insensitive to the current state of affairs in a way that the practical effect is the same as if it were propoganda.

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Its just a movie..and every single historically based film can be referenced back to something that makes it seem problematic but trust me...this movie will not change the world for the worse or better. The chronicles of Narnia has tons of Biblical "historical" reference and I don't think it turned any athiest children into christians or made and christian children want to follow the footsteps of Jerry Falwell. Movies can simply be movies. Anyway at the time Persians were a threat to the west...the same way the west were a threat to Persians a few generations before...and that traded off a few times. Movies have been made for both sides and they will be made for a very long time. Is one better than that other??? Its just a coincidence that this is the situation we are in now. In the future people in the Middle East will be a real threat to us(I don't think they really are just yet)...and in terrible human fashion we'll be a threat back 500yrs later. And in 3000years if the planet is still around...movies will be made about that too.

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I agree there were some definite Hetrosexist undertones, which have no basis in history at all.

The Spartans were superior fighters, hetrosexual muscle men with beautiful women as their wives.

Whilst the Athenians, were the weaker Boy loving (As they refer to them in the movie) cowards who run away.

The fact is pederastic relationships were common place in all of Greece at this time.


I agree. I'm not an expert on ancient greek culture, but I did some research last year while writing on pedophilia and androphilia and found nothing to suggest pederasty was limited to any city-state. In fact, it's even possible it started in Sparta.


Its just a movie..and every single historically based film can be referenced back to something that makes it seem problematic but trust me...this movie will not change the world for the worse or better.


You're right, a single movie won't change the world. Yet, a single person being vegan doesn't change the world either. I like to think, however, individual acts either reinforce a culture, or challenge it. And the more prevalent a certain ideological undertone is, the greater political and cultural force it has.

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I agree with you that things like movies and books may have an influence but movies based somewhat on history that are for entertainment(the writers know they weren't making this to tell the true story) don't do that. If this were something like Davinci Code thats a different story. Dan Brown is a dufus for claiming some of those things as fact(aka the killer albino monk) and morons believed it(I don't exactly believe in the bible either but the Davinci Code has more BS in it than an autobiography that Dick Cheney would wright). Also I think Americans take things differently. Japan is full of voilent movies and video games. The movies they make are far bloodier than the movies here and the video games are more vivid as well however they aren't terribly violent. The Philippines shows news coverage of war, famine and whatever terrible things are happening around the world...and they show it in its true fashion. They don't smudge out overly bloody bodies or anything like that and for the most part there is little violent crime in the Philippines other than in the Islamic southern region.

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You're right, a single movie won't change the world. Yet, a single person being vegan doesn't change the world either. I like to think, however, individual acts either reinforce a culture, or challenge it. And the more prevalent a certain ideological undertone is, the greater political and cultural force it has.

Excellent point, pharmakon. BTW, I like your signature.

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Most of the world dislikes (or downright hates) the US (or really, the politics). Even so the US seems to be doing alright. Movies have been made, books have been written, leaders have threatened with war, nuclear warheads have been pointed, demonstrations have been made all over the world. There are no country on earth that is the subject of so much hate and propaganda as the US. And still it stands. The others fall, the more hate they spread about the US the more likely they are to fall. When they fall, the US is blamed.

If your identity is formed by others to the degree that total censorship is needed to protect you from harm you're never going to find happiness and prosparity. Neither as a person nor as a country.

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