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Something I don't get about the Raw Food Diet.

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I know how it works and the reason why people do it( Mostly becasue the nutrients get depleted a bit right?) But what I don't get is how would one eat an item that is meant to be cooked? Like Pinto Beans? Surely you cannot eat them raw. So do Raw food dieters pass up beans and the chance to get protein simply becasue some of that protein will deplete? Wouldn't it be best to get the protein you would get by cooking the pinto beans than by not eating it all-together?

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I know how it works and the reason why people do it( Mostly becasue the nutrients get depleted a bit right?) But what I don't get is how would one eat an item that is meant to be cooked? Like Pinto Beans? Surely you cannot eat them raw. So do Raw food dieters pass up beans and the chance to get protein simply becasue some of that protein will deplete? Wouldn't it be best to get the protein you would get by cooking the pinto beans than by not eating it all-together?


In my opinion/experience cooking the bean will just make it softer to eat and render the protien and anything else useless and way harder to digest.


Look at it like this, do animals in the wild bother about protien, carbohydrates, calories?


Or do they just eat whats available in it's raw state, after all when is the last time you saw an animal boiling a pot of beans so it can fill it's "protien" quota for the day?


We are the only living being that alters/cooks their food!!!


Do some research on Raw Veganism, there's plenty of info out there, or check out previous posts here....

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Yeah I see your point. But does that work for Pinto beans( The Mexican Bean) There really hard and almost unedible.


But I guess I could call myself a half-raw, Lazy Man's Pre-Cooked diet. I do love to cook food like Chow Mein but cooking is such aa strain. So I was working on a diet of mainly Organic Soymilk( Cold straight out of the fridge) Organic Raw Tofu( Tastes pretty good raw just needs salt sometimes ) And Granola Bars for lunch( It has roasted peanuts but I eat it mainly for the taste.


So yeah I'm not so much a raw dieter as I am Lazy

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Yeah I see your point. But does that work for Pinto beans( The Mexican Bean) There really hard and almost unedible.


But I guess I could call myself a half-raw, Lazy Man's Pre-Cooked diet. I do love to cook food like Chow Mein but cooking is such aa strain. So I was working on a diet of mainly Organic Soymilk( Cold straight out of the fridge) Organic Raw Tofu( Tastes pretty good raw just needs salt sometimes ) And Granola Bars for lunch( It has roasted peanuts but I eat it mainly for the taste.


So yeah I'm not so much a raw dieter as I am Lazy


Well most people go raw for health reasons....


The whole process of going raw is a hard one and is not to be messed with, because of the detoxification process..


Like I say do a bunch of research.

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raw diet is the philosophy of eating a diet that is natural to our biological requirements.


if something has to be prepared in anyway, then it is probably not truly natural to us.


it makes sense.


i'm not saying you should never eat legumes and such that need to be sprouted to be edible... they can be a lovely treat occasionally... but in terms of "getting" how to eat them... there's nothing to get, i think. if it has to be sprouted, cooked, or whatever, then it's not natural for us.

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Beans are great sprouted and I'm assuming you can eat them raw(not sprouted) if you grew them yourself. However they don't come that way when you buy them.

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Beans are great sprouted and I'm assuming you can eat them raw(not sprouted) if you grew them yourself. However they don't come that way when you buy them.


I am going to start a garden soon and I plan on growing some beans to eat raw. So hot here right now. My tomato plant that looked so good just fryed from the sun.


I was wondering myself about protein sources on a raw diet.

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Protein is easy on the raw diet...its no different than a non raw vegan diet. If you eat enough to not be hungry protein is the last thing to worry about.

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