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organic fruit vs other fruit


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I dont know to much about this, but there are genetically modified produce which usually are seedless. As far as chemicals, i think the chemicals are mostly on the skin, and about 90% or so can be washed off with some vege soap.

the chemicals/pesticides are sprayed on the crops which aren't organically grown to keep away bugs.

I think organically grown food is more nutritious because it is grown in soil with more minerals or something.

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Organic is still best


Randall Neustaedter OMD




Do you still think that the fruit you are eating is safe? Think again. A recent study from the United Kingdom shows that pesticide residues on some common fruits are uncommonly high. Some apples, pears, raspberries, and grapes contained pesticide residues that exceeded the legal limits of permitted residues. The list goes on. Lettuce, cherries, and pumpkins all contained potentially dangerous levels of toxic pesticide residues. The produce originated from all over the world, grapes from Brazil and Europe, lettuce from Spain, and cherries from Canada. Remember that when you reach for that luscious fruit at the grocery you may be inadvertently feeding your children up to six different pesticides on any one piece of fruit. Pesticides are potent hormone disrupters as well as carcinogens, and children are especially susceptible to their toxic effects.


What commercially grown fruits are relatively safe? Blueberries, California grapes (in season), citrus, pineapple, and melons.


Fruits that are heavily sprayed include strawberries (and most other berries), peaches and nectarines, and imported grapes,


When you cannot get organic produce, clean fruit with a fruit and vegetable wash made with natural surfactants, enzymes, sorbitol, and other extracts.


To view the UK study go to:



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For me organic food is more about the environment and the fact that I don't feel the need to wash my veggies/fruits. The real health benefit is that organic foods have had time to mature and non organic foods are grown so fast they don't have time to develop...sort of like giving steriods to a baby. I think tomatoes are the most obvious example...they are much more watery if you buy cheap non-organic compared to organic.

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Organic foods are must to me. I eat whatever I can organic because that is whats natrual to me.

Organic foods are higher in nutrition, good for our world, and usually don't contain pesticides, and God knows what else.

My store has a great organic section where I can buy organic red apples, coconuts, pears, oranges, berries, bananas, etc.

I can also buy organic raw nuts, seeds, and even organic raw chocolate and Living Sprouted grain breads.

I just don't trust the huge food companies these days that fill their products with ingredients you can't even pronounce. I don't eat much packaged foods at all anway; and if I do it is't processed much and is still raw/organic.

Organic is the way to go.

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