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Liz sharing a bit of her World

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Sorry you had a rough morning. I hope you get to pee soon! Everything will work out fine and you'll also be "home" in Portland soon


Have a great day resting and relaxing. I should get some sun too and have lots to do today. A forum member is visiting from L.A. too, so we're training today in a little while.


Enjoy the sun. Lucky!

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Don't worry...next time I go I'll be sure to bring you.


Potter you are so great! But I have a hard time imagine that you would actually share your mighty-O's hahah


Robert - work out for me too! I need to lift some weights! I'm shrinking

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July 2nd - the day I ran my pants off!


I had a horrible morning! I have some things back home I ahve to deal with, that involves money. I can't do it from here, and just thinking about the whole thing makes me really stressed out and ready to weep like a baby!

I did have a good talk with my "mom" here and she has a lot of wisdom. I should not worry about it, should not let that ruin my staying here! Whenever all the bad thoughts come, I have to block them away and just leave everything to God. Worse case scenario, I don't get my money! But it's not like my life is depending on it (well it sort of is..)


So I went out on the trail.

I always work out when I have rough times. I train untill I can train no more!

That didn't happen this time though, but 2 hours and 15 minutes out on that trail is fairly allright I'd say! And for 30 minutes before that I was skipping rope and doing some exercises on my exetube! So a good 2 hour 45 minute constant workout at least it did cheer me up big time and I feel a heck of a lot better now!

There's nothing in the world like endorphines!


So I don't think I'll do much more than read, tan, eat and sleep today! Maybe I will go for a walk later on just for the relaxation. I did see a deer today. A huge one, just jumped out from the woods, stood there right in front of me, like he wasn't even aware tha tI was there...adn then took off again! What a powerful meeting! I was in awe! Of course I see them all the time at home, but never like this, and never this close!


man I gotta pee big time! Someone's in the bathrom and wont come out! DANG!!


Liz I'll pray for you

I hope you got the chance to pee ! Dang !!!

PS Relax with some soft christain music ! That always helps me when I'm going through something stressful

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Thanks Tash, that is a great idea! A funny thing is, usually when Im going through some hard times, I have christian music playing in my head! Certain songs that have a great message. Every time, thims morning too!! And I have plenty of such music where I am now, I should fill up my mp3 player before I return to Portland! I probably should find myself a new bible too, I left mine back home. It was too big hahah! Big thanks Tash!!!


Robert - you can sing for me anytime you like You are so sweet

Thanks for calling me earlier, it was nice talking to you again. I wanna watch ND and roll myself up in a big blanket!

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I kinda miss ND already. I don't know if you really do want me to sing for you. I was banned from singing on 2 cruise ships a few years ago. I'm not very good at singing. But I can sing with Backstreet Boys songs pretty well


Imagine this boy band tough guy singing for you!




Have a great day!

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July 3rd - the day I went bananas!!


I went shopping! Nuff said!!!

Not that bad, I needed some stuff, haven't bought clothes in like 2.5 years, esp not training gear and that was needed for sure! However, I'm on a REALLY tight budget now and will be for as long as I stay in America. Not due to the shopping, but due to other reasons. It sucks - but it's all right I knew it was going to be tight anyways! Besides, that's REALLY what living is about. A bit of struggle and a lot of love from friends...


Robert - you are so sweet! However, my ears are not really best friends with the backstreet boys. But I have a great idea!!! you can sing in the shower! How about that???


I'll go indulge in my people's mag now. I rarely buy gossip..but Paris claims she has found God i prison (that wasn't even a prison), and well, that was enough to make me curious! Hah!


I also went walking this morning. My calves are starting to beg for mercy... I miss muay thai!!!! I can't wait to go bacl to portland and really get into training again. Taking some time off every once in a while is fine, but not as often as I have been doing it these past 6 months!! I've been training seriously since I was 3 years old, not to do it is strange, and I don't like not doing it one bit!

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Hey Good to hear about Paris lol !! I was going to have a t-shirt made when she was in prison. That said "free Paris" It would of been fun for a joke.!

Speaking of which I went shopping today too. We are too much alike. What did you get Liz?

How are you enjoying the raw world?

Also I'm sorry I haven't message you back. I loved your message it's just been so busy lately.. I could call you ? Or try to write back sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing you life in Baltimore !

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Hi Tasha!


Hm.. what did I get? I did get a new suitcase, which I really needed. It's red and very cute! IF a suitcase can be just that - cute. (it was totally cheap too). Hm, handluggage can be like 15 lbs or so, I wonder if the same applies for carry on

I also did buy a SKIRT!!!

I have some issues about that issue, I don't really wear skirts or any type of clothes that could draw any kind of attention to me from the opposite sex. It just makes me very uncomfortable. I'm just more...comfy with gymclothes and baggy clothes and well... I'm realising I can't dwell in that forever, I have to learn to get back on the wagon. But it's some scary shit I tell ya!

So a skirt, and a matching shirt..and some new comfy gymclothes. And a black purse, and matching high heels with a matching FANCY SKIRT in case I"ll go someplace nice that require something else but my usual overcasual capris! I don't know if I'll ever wear it, but it made me feel very good BUYNG it! I overcame my fear! That is a good thing!

And everything was at a very cheap store. The most expensive thing I got (except for the suitcase) was the purse, adn that was like..$17 (and a good brand).

I really don't like shopping at all! And that goes hand in hand with the reason why I don't like wearing skirts! I used to love shopping... but I have a rough past. But I'm working every day on letting it go and move on. At least my wounds don't bleed anymore. I'm waiting for the scar tissue to develop and cover up! Yees, I hope that happens soon


Have a lovely day! I'm off to the trail now! And then I'll call my dad! I really miss my parents. I'm just very close to my family, that's all...

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Hey Sweetie,


You have a big hug from me. I hope all is going well. That is cool about the shopping. I think it's awesome that you are into gym clothes and things like that but I understand wanting to get back into the other types of clothes too.


We'll go somewhere where you can wear all your new clothes


That is great that you are overcoming some fears. I think it is a positive thing. We all have different types of fears and obstacles and when we embrace them and face them it can be a powerful thing.


Enjoy the trail and the phone call home. I'll speak with you soon.


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July 5th - blah, blah, blah...



I just realised something...

The ammount of money I spent a few days back on clothes, suitcase, shoes, bags and whatnot...the exact ammount of money is what I spent on ONE pair of jeans back home not even 6 months ago.

I didn't even think about the price of them jeans... but I thought I spent an awful amount of money buing all them other items. But my financial situation was a bit different back then..


Anyways! Got good news from dad

I live way out in the bush, I have tot ake a train, and then a bus to get all the way home. The bus runs about 8 times daily, which is not much. So after my muay thai training, I'm in a lot of hurry, running to catch the bus to the train station, and then when I arrive, I catch the last bus of the day. Which leaves the station at 7:42pm (!!)

That bus is connected with the train, so if the train is late, the bus must wait for the train before it can leave.

My train was late 4 weeks ago, right before I arrived to the US. 8 minutes late. I was pissed, and about to walk home, which is something that takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes and not something I'm willing to do after MT training. So I called dad to whine, and he told me to take a cab (which is like, wicked expensive) because the bus company would pay me back if I saved the receipt. And he had a point, so I took a cab home. Mmm, lovely.

To get to the bottom of things - I just got my refund! Yay! $30, which is not all that big of a deal, but I can get a lot of bananas for #30 hahaha

I had forgotten all about it, but I'm surprised it took them that long. Gotta thank dad though, he filled in the forms for me and did all the research for me to get them money back. I've got the best dad in the world! And mom too, for that matter. They are so great. They are very supportive and they are always there for me. I'm so grateful for the both of them and I do miss them a whole lot!


10 days untill I go back to Portland! yay!

Robert and I have a lot of catching up to do, a lot of movies to see, and a lovely detox to look forward to. 4 adults in the house, 2 on detox, only one bathroom. I see a future video blog...

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Liz, why the detox?


Just for fun, mainly. (I have an odd sense of humor)

I have been doing a lot of poor food combining these past 4 weeks, and the last time I really cleansed out was 1.5 years ago. Liver cleansing. Good stuff

I was about to do some kind of cleansing before I went vegan, but I never did.

So I thought...oh well, why not. Could be a fun experience with 4 adults in the house, 2 on cleansing and 1 bathroom. Shake and bake, baby!


It's not a big deal. We'll probably just do the salt water thing..

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Actually 5 adults in the house! (unless you are considering me a child)








So it will be even more interesting! But Dave and Stephanie work all day long and aren't home much and Eric has a strong bladder so we'll do OK fighting over the bathroom

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Eric already bought a bit air filter and I have a small fan in my room....but I think I might need a BIGGER fan since my food combining hasn't been great lately!


Stephanie does great ND voices too! Our house might be a little out of control soon!

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I don't think I'll be visiting anytime soon with you guys around. I think the addition of myself may even cause structural damage to Dave's home. It can only take so much.

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July whateveritis - a friday


Potter, you HAVE to come over!! We need you to cook the yams haha



I'm getting better and better. At going to bed on time and gettin gup on time too. This morning I woke up right before 8am, and went to bed last nite at 10:40pm.


The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day but it's HUMID. Poooh!

I skipped 2002 times with my rope, that is HEAVY so I felt it in my shoulders too. Awesome. I didn't count, but my rope counts for me

Then I too my "mom" on a walk on the trail, but she forgot to have breakfast, went all dizzy so we turned around and walked home at a - for me - slow pace. Still got 1.5 hours of sloooow walking though. So I've filled up on watermelon, time to go back out there walking my pace


So my friend Alex from back home will visit for a few days. We'll probably rent a car and harrass the Amish in PA *hee hee* and if Ed doesn't mind having 2 nerdy swedes over for a day or so, I would very much like to try to make that happen!

I haven't heard from her yet, but hopefully we'll sort it out!

I'm exited about that! Finally Ill get to see Baltimore, and other places too... Yay!


9 days to go!

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Holy shit (yes I know shit isn't holy)!!!!

For REAL?????

Oh dear! That's awful!

Offense - I'll stop whining! But you'll end up giving sweden a bad name if you don't stop them posts


So... I think I've been walking for about 3 hours or so. Lovely! the train is just so lovely I just look at the birds and the trees and today I also mashed a bug on my chest. I didn't mean to, I thought it was like a drop of sweat or so..and then I had yellow goo all over my chest. So GROSS!!


Today I've had SO much friots. Yum! I LOVE fruits!

And one hour ago I felt like some PB (the natural, but not raw), 2 spoons and a few choc chips (becaus eI"m a junkie).

10 minutes later, I slept like a baby, I fell asleep out in the SUN!

I just woke up, with drool all over myself. That was so gross!

Like that PB was too tough for my body to hadnle that it put me to sleep, and as a thank you it made me drool all over myself. Yuk! And I dont' drool. Not even when I see something yummy. Drooling just isn't something I do!


Oh well..

I think I might go for one more stroll on the trail. It's so beautiful out, and so humid, that if I'm going to sweat, I might as well do it the right way - by moving my ass! hah!

I remember Offense. I wont whine! humidity is good, humidity is GOOOOD......but anymore humidity here and it will count as rain!

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