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Freedom Day Videos!


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Here are a few videos from a gathering at my house on Independence Day. I'm not mocking America, just mocking the use of fireworks to promote our freedom.


I don't like fireworks at all, but since some friends with kids brought them over we set some off for the kids.


Here are a couple of videos from the party:


Video 1 USA! USA! USA!



Video 2 Independence Day



Video 3 Coach's kids playing video games (Coach is one of my best friends and I'm like an uncle to the kids and all that stuff)


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Yeah I know, but I don't really care. At the same time though I think they don't really symbolize freedom...its all made up. Plus people are stupid and kill each other with them. They were illegal in MD for years then they legalized them for a few holidays and that year 3 kids were killed using them. Goes to show how careless Americans are.

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Yeah I know, but I don't really care. At the same time though I think they don't really symbolize freedom...its all made up. Plus people are stupid and kill each other with them. They were illegal in MD for years then they legalized them for a few holidays and that year 3 kids were killed using them. Goes to show how careless Americans are.


All symbols are made up. What do roses really have to do with love? Nothing.

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However...you can love Roses which can make them synonymous. What does love have to do with Veganpotter, but at the same time everyone that knows Veganpotter loves Veganpotter.

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