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Anyone tried it before?

I've started a week and a half ago doing pullups 6 days a week(ontop of my current workout) and it seems to be working!

Before I started this(10days ago) I could do 10 pullups max. Been doing between 5 and 10 sets of 5reps for 6 days a week.

Haven't tried max yet but today I did 3 sets of 8reps with 30sec rest between sets and then did 12reps for the 4th set.


Gonna try max sunday or monday, think I should be able to do 15 for sure, feels like I could do 20 really...that would be cool!!

Might try this for benching next!

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I've been trying to do a few chinups when ever I think of it at work. Around the house the best I can do is fingertip chinups in the doorway, which right now I find pretty difficult. The whole GTG idea seems to make sense though. For the next week I'll practice and report back with results.

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What is GTG?


The idea of doing an exercise as often as possible is not new and i always preach it Few listen, most like the idea of HIT better.

I can only recommend to train like this once in a while, the main negative points are 1.) it takes a lot of time and 2.) overdoing it is a danger (though that's true for most workout styles).

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GTG is short for grease the groove, I prefer this link: http://www.dragondoor.com/articler/mode3/69/


I only do this for pullups(maybe I should say chin ups, I always do them palms facing away), and I'll do it for 2 weeks only. My regular workout are all compound ex. 4 days a week.


Can you post your workout routine please?


Also, what kind of GTG / repitition break up do you guys suggest?


Lets say your one Set max for pullups is 8 or 10.


What should you do? e.g. X reps Y sets through the day separated by Z hours?


Please replace these X, Y, Z's with numbers.



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Well my current routine changes but I pick between these monday: squats, hack squats, bulgarian squats, deadlifts, romanian deadlift. Wednesday: Bench press, Incline bench, dips, pullups/chinups, bb rows, military press.

Friday looks like monday but not as heavy and saterday some close grip benching and more dips and abs.


Also, what kind of GTG / repitition break up do you guys suggest?


Lets say your one Set max for pullups is 8 or 10.


What should you do? e.g. X reps Y sets through the day separated by Z hours?


Please replace these X, Y, Z's with numbers.



Have a look at the link I posted, you will find what you need.


I think tho if you would do 4 to 5 reps per set for 5 to 8-10 sets a day, about one hour rest between sets, 5-6 days a week you will improve quite a lot. Only do this for a short time(I think 2 maybe 3 weeks).


I'm sure Daywalker will correct me if I'm wrong and/or give better advice.

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Grease the groove, i like it


Didn't read the articles, but the basic idea should be to do the move often and in the comfort zone, and steadily increase the total amount of reps per day. But always stay in the comfort zone, at least have light days and some slightly harder days. Once you're doing a high number of reps, you can start adding weight if you wish.

It works, i did it with push ups and with chin ups, but it takes a lot of training time.

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Grease the groove, i like it


Didn't read the articles, but the basic idea should be to do the move often and in the comfort zone, and steadily increase the total amount of reps per day. But always stay in the comfort zone, at least have light days and some slightly harder days. Once you're doing a high number of reps, you can start adding weight if you wish.

It works, i did it with push ups and with chin ups, but it takes a lot of training time.


Thanks both of you. I'll try this and let you know in a bit.

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Just tried max, felt a little tired but wanted to try anyway..did 18 reps - not to bad!

All reps are from dead hangs to chest with palms facing away. Also I don't have a chinup bar so I use a lose bar that is only supported in the middle- so I have to balance it while I'm chinning. I'm sure I could do some more reps with a fixed bar.


So 2 weeks ago I could do about 10, thats 80% in 2 weeks!

I've also gained some weight and all my other lifts went up in these 2 weeks.


Is nice, I like

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Just tried max, felt a little tired but wanted to try anyway..did 18 reps - not to bad!

All reps are from dead hangs to chest with palms facing away. Also I don't have a chinup bar so I use a lose bar that is only supported in the middle- so I have to balance it while I'm chinning. I'm sure I could do some more reps with a fixed bar.


So 2 weeks ago I could do about 10, thats 80% in 2 weeks!

I've also gained some weight and all my other lifts went up in these 2 weeks.


Is nice, I like


Damn! What was your program like?


You had a max of 10. So you did...how many, how many times, how far apart, how many days? rest?

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I've been doing this with pushups. The first time I tried for max reps I did 50 and collapsed. I tried again a week later and did 63. The biggest difference I've noticed is in the amount of time it takes to recover; I can do 50 and rest for like 30 seconds and do 50 again. That's a big improvement from when I started.


I'm working my way up to 1,000/day.

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