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Skippint days >:o

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Man, I'm skipping today (my back day) because my biceps are slightly sore, which isn't much of a problem, but it's also raining so I'd rather not ride my bike to the gym.


Do you guys ever have days that they really just can't comfortably go to the gym, so you stay home? I'm on my 6th week of bulking (6 days a week), and this is my third day skipped. The first one was in my first week, when my biceps were sore from my back day. The second was in the third week on leg day when my legs were sore from my Phys. Ed. class.


Is it bad to skip days like this, even when it's not often? I mean so far it's only 3 out of the last 32 workouts. It's a lot better than I used to be, when I used to skip at least one day a week.


I've got like two questions plus a discussion going on at once. I wonder how this thread is gonna turn out lol.

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If you aren't sore going to the gym you aren't pushing it hard enough to make big gains. Most soreness goes away with a good warmup so there is rarely need to take off because of a little bit of soreness. A lot of soreness to the point that you can't tear a square of toilet paper is a sign not to lift but other than that I say hit the gym. When tapering to max you shouldn't be sore...otherwise no pain no gain.

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Yesterday I was supposed to train chest. But my triceps were extremely sore from an arms workout over the weekend. So I trained back since my bi's are hardly ever sore. The back workout went fantastic, and I'll train chest my next session.


The moral of the story: If your too sore in one bodypart to train, train a different body part.

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I don't tend to skip workouts very often.

If I am sore I push through it, or train around it.

I will only skip a day if I am sick or feeling really tried with no energy.

On those days I think your body is telling you to take a break, so I don't tend to feel guilty.


Training around soreness is the best possible way to go, because it keeps you motivated too.

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If you rotate thru body parts over the course of the week, the body part you are working should always be fine (even though the rest of your body might be killing you). I train so that I hit each major muscle group about once every 5 days. For example, if I train chest on Monday, I won't work chest again until Saturday. Therefore, on Saturday, my chest is no longer sore however my legs may be killing me.


You don't want to work a sore muscle. The soreness may go away after you warm up, however that muscle still has not recovered fully from the last time you worked it.



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