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Keeping weight while doing cardio?

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I have been doing HIT and HIIT weight lifting sessions for the past few months and have found myself in pretty good shape. I can last longer running and not get as tired, but if I find myself sprinting for longer periods, or just going faster over a long distance I get tired.


ANYWAYS. So I know there are different types of cardio your body is prepared or umprepared for. I want to start running a bit more to get some endurance behind my running.


How do you maintain the muscle mass you added, while taking up running? Is it just once again a matter of how much food you intake?

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I always find that performing cardio in the form of running tends to eat up muscle mass. That's why I tend to stick to the bike for my cardio.


If you are going to be running, you will have to compensate with some additional calories.


I also take in additional branched chain amino acids when I up my cardio to speed recovery, and reduce muscle breakdown. Peace.

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Good thoughts.


I guess my question should go more in line like this. Boxers are bix guys, the fit ones especially. I have seen workouts and most of their include a lot of running. How do they remain so fit and big while running?


I do a lot of jump roping and have found that my muscle mass never gets lost when doing this.

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Good thoughts.


I guess my question should go more in line like this. Boxers are bix guys, the fit ones especially. I have seen workouts and most of their include a lot of running. How do they remain so fit and big while running?


I do a lot of jump roping and have found that my muscle mass never gets lost when doing this.


Most of the running boxers do is low intensity and for fairly long periods of time(for being boxers)...also they taper cardio. They have muscle building phases with strength endurance excersizes for most of the year...then they mix some cardio in for an extra boost for later rounds.

What do you like doing more though??? You may need to give up one of them to some extent if you plan on being competative as a runner or just a really muscular person.

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Honestly. I just want to be fit. Right now I dont feel as fit as I was when playing competitive sports, but I also was skinnier then. I practive martial arts 2 times a week, and weight lifting the other 3 times a week. I want to gain weight and strength but its hard for me to think about giving up martial arts. And a lot of the martial arts practices are very high intensity with a lot of cardio (kicking and punching a bag for an hour is very tiring). I probably cant have the best of both worlds. But I want to get to the point where my tall lanky frame doesnt show my ribs anymore.

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100-400 meter sprinters are extremely muscular...more muscular than most natural body builders(they aren't natural of course). It doesn't have to be that way...you can have your cake and eat it too if done properly.

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