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Raw foodists are Vampires!!


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Let the similarities speak for themselves...




- We don't get sick or (general population) illnesses


- We're immortal. (or we'd like to believe it...)


- We experience "detox symptoms" when 'transitioning to the lifestyle'


- We get sick if we eat "normal" food/cooked food.


- We really enjoy eating and drinking LIVING things..


- Some of us, typically don't like spices, especially garlic..



- We're seductive.



- If we're drinking something crimson red in a glass, it probably won't be wine.


- We enjoy excuding energy.



- Our kitchens look VERY different from a conventiental kitchen.. you won't find any of the typical cooking utensils or kitchen dishware..


- We generally dislike fire, or anything that has been put IN fire.

(except me..hah)



- We're "deep" and can be a bit anti-social


- We can't(or don't) go out to eat with any of our 'normal friends'



- Our eyes change color ;P


- We believe we posess "psychic capabilities" and "special powers"


- What we consume is our "lifeforce"


- We come up with interesting drink names, such as Julianos "Blood" drink from RAW.



- We don't age.


- We require little sleep.


- We have hypersensitive hearing and eye sight,

and can probably hear your thoughts..


- We LOVE soil and anything earth related.




Ok, I know there are more..but that is all I can think of at the moment...


Man, the only thing we're different in is..

We don't have fangs (usually?)

and We like/need the sunlight.




But, there HAS to be a book/article written about this..

I swear, the similarities are phenomenal.

I knew my childhood fascination with vampires would manifest somehow!!


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Also, we crave and drink Chlorophyll which is nearly identical to hemoglobin found in human blood. So, we drink plant blood.


"Hemoglobin is the molecule in red blood cells that transports the oxygen. Chlorophyll and hemoglobin are nearly identical in structure. At their center, there's a difference of only one atom. It seems that enzymes in our blood easily convert chlorophyll into hemoglobin."

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