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Hello from a future vegan personal trainer!


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Hello everyone! My name is Sandy and I am a 43 year young mom. I became vegan in November after 2 people I was close with passed away...one from heart disease and one from cancer. This was my wake up call. I began researching and came to the conclusion that becoming a vegan was not only the best thing I could do for my own health and longevity, but also the best thing I could do for our planet and all it's inhabitants.


My beautiful children are now 18 and soon to be 17. As I look over my life and to my future, I know that NOTHING in life would give me greater pleasure than to devote the second part of my adulthood to helping people reclaim their health and vibrancy. As I watch people, it hurts to see our elderly try and manuvre through restraunt aisles, unsure of their next steps...or people younger than I walking around with this "dead" look upon their faces, just going through the motions of life without any energy or hopes. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that health and fitness are the cornerstones of a happy and successfully lived long life. I want to not only add more years, but add more life to those years as well!


I have lifted weights fairly consistently for the past 20 years, and while I am in fantastic shape compared to the large majority of my peers, I have never challenged myself to take it to that next level. So that's where I am at now...


And dispite my best intentions, I slowly began backsliding into my previous bad habits, first with the "evil" white stuff, then slowly dairy and ... once meat. After a couple weeks of backsliding, I began to feel awful. My previosly high energy level began evaporating and a varicose vein in one of my legs began talking back to me. I knew it was my body yelling at me. So I have returned to what I believe to be the best way to nourish my body and soul.


I look forward to getting to know more people who believe as I believe and I am hoping to learn from all of you as well!


Thanks for listening!



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Touching story. Stay at it, it's much easier to keep on track when you fall off after you've been on it for so long as opposed to the uninformed who are just starting out.


With 20yrs of lifting I bet we stand to learn alot from you as well!


first with the "evil" white stuff
ahhhhhhh, the notorious white flour.


How do your kids do; are they influenced by the plant based diet you upheld for yourself?

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Hi Lean and Green!


Are my kids influenced...hmmm...yes and no. After a few weeks, my son did decide to go vegan, that lasted 1 week, followed by a 1 week stint into raw veganism. Now, although he has gone back to some of is old ways, I do notice he does at least make some better choices. My DD, not so much. Actually she has been quite vocal on her love of meat...but I am hopeful she will come around a bit. My DH has been pretty good about it, although I do supplement his meals once in a while with leftove meat from preparing my DD's meals.


Actually the one's that have been influenced the most is my mom and one of my son's friends. Whenever he is over at dinner time, he always chooses the vegan dinner option!

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for telling us the inspirational story of your journey towards a healthy vegan lifestyle.


Your reason for becoming vegan is a lot like mine. I'm the only person in my family that isn't struggling with health or weight issues. Even though heart disease, diabetes, and cancer do not run in my family.. I can see that they look unhealthy because of their bad habits. Not only do they consume large amounts of meat and dairy, but a majority of them smoke as well. I hope they will look to people like us and be inspired to do something about it.

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


HSOrlando~You'd think that personal training and vegan would go hand in hand, unfortunately, I think most of the weight lifting community as well as fitness professional still operate under the old "need meat" dogma. And unfortunately they pass this misguided information onto their poor unsuspecting clients that are eagerly yearning for their direction. I am however very inspired by all the people who are actively trying to change this (like everyone here )! And I plan to prove to my future clients that you can be even healthier, fitter and more built with out animal protein! And I feel I will learn a ton from all of you!


Marcina~I am keeping the faith with you. I do not want to see my kids

inherit an unhealthy future. And if I can change just one person's life, words alone cannot express how happy that would make me.


Robert~Your writing has been instumental in my journey...THANK YOU!!!


Richard~Thanks for the chuckle! No, my mistake, my DS is 18 and DD will be 17 in about 4 weeks...YIKES!


Veganpotter, DV, Michelle, cubby, flanders, and anyone else...Thanks again for the warm welcome and as I said before, I look forward to learning a TON!!! THANKS!!!



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I love to see all kinds of people joining here; mothers, teenagers, men, women... I also love the idea of you becoming a personal trainer.


Hope you'll share some pics of your current shape. It's very motivational to see people with kids almost my age (well, 8 years difference ) to be in good shape!

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