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How raw foodists eat grains and soy?

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Maybe it's a dumb quiestion, but I'm a big spelt and soy lover, and how can you eat them raw? beacuse I make bread from spelt but eating it raw sounds weird, and soy has, at my best knowledge, toxins in it that destruct the red blood cells, so how do you eat theese? and I love soy milk thats now raw, what do you replace that with? I cant get almond milk in my country

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Grains, I do grains. You can sprout them. Place in a bowl and soak for a period of time (larger the grain, more time it takes). I prefer Quinoa b/c it is so easy to sprout but I have sprouted spelt in the past; takes about 48hrs. Just put in a colander/sieve and soak 2-3 times per day and they'll sprout by the end of the second day.


As far as not being able to get almond milk, it is so easy to make. Get a fine mesh bag. Blend a cup of almonds into 4 cups of water, add a touch of agave to sweeten and blend. pour liquid into fine mesh bag over a bowl to collect thick nut debris and place remains into a blender and blend again. Takes 3 minutes and you have 4 cups of nut milk, any type you want.


All you need is a blender, a fine mesh bag and nuts, that's it!


I prefer cashew nut milk and brazilian nut milk, personally.

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There's gotta be a way to get it. I don't know how to search for stores around you online but someone has to carry whole grains in bulk for you to purchase. But even if you cannot obtain spelt, surely you can get some sort of whole grains? I have sprouted so many different ones...


kamut, spelt, wheat berries, quinoa, buckwheat, and there are many more but off the top of my head at the moment that's what I thought of. Quinoa is the way to go, easiest and quickest and hardiest, for sure. Tastes good also.

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You can definitely just make almond milk...it won't be raw though since you'll almost never actually get a hold of raw almonds. I've eaten soy raw and will continue to do so...I've typically eaten in sprouted with no ill effects. As for spelt...its one of the best grains to sprout. Its nice and sweet and has a nice nuttyness to it.

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Maybe it's a dumb quiestion, but I'm a big spelt and soy lover, and how can you eat them raw? beacuse I make bread from spelt but eating it raw sounds weird, and soy has, at my best knowledge, toxins in it that destruct the red blood cells, so how do you eat theese? and I love soy milk thats now raw, what do you replace that with? I cant get almond milk in my country


Not sure that it's possible to have raw soy? I thought the process itself meant that it's not technically raw. If you were to get your own raw soy beans, maybe you could do something with them, not sure though. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean

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Maybe it's a dumb quiestion, but I'm a big spelt and soy lover, and how can you eat them raw? beacuse I make bread from spelt but eating it raw sounds weird, and soy has, at my best knowledge, toxins in it that destruct the red blood cells, so how do you eat theese? and I love soy milk thats now raw, what do you replace that with? I cant get almond milk in my country


Not sure that it's possible to have raw soy? I thought the process itself meant that it's not technically raw. If you were to get your own raw soy beans, maybe you could do something with them, not sure though. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean

at my best knowledge I know theres toxins in the soy bean that distructs the red blood cells, this could take years to lead to a problem, but if you heat it this toxins will disappear

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I don't think it destroys the red blood cells, but the lectines or toxins like you say inhibits digestion, it just can't be digested or not well, it's suppose to cause cramps in the stomach. That's true for some beans and espescially for soy. That's what all the books - more than 10 - I've read about food when I started to be vegetarian. I think you have to soak them, throw away the water because it's toxic, sprout and wash, and I think it said also you need to cook them but I'm not sure, I don't have the books anymore but we could do some research on the web.

Now if Veganpotter says there's no problem, maybe he's right, I don't know. Maybe he just don't notice any problem because he have an amazing digestive system but for others it could be a problem.

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Personally I don't see a problem. If you have your own Soybean maker and you make your own Soymilk it will be fine. It may not be Raw( If you want a 100 percent raw diet ) but it won't be processed. Just buy Raw soybeans, soak them overnight and home soymilk them in a machine. Then if you want add that Soymilk in a blender with fruit and drink it up. That's how I plan on doing it. Since I won't be eating home cooked beans anymore( This morning was my last time ) Soy will be one major protein source. And a source of heart protection.

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They are grouted raw soy beans, not tofu, and my father says there all toxins in all beans raw that are bad for the red blood cells, I donno now what to believe, or maybe I'm slowing down after lunch beacuse I eat too much soy? It's easier to eat more if its cooked

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I'm just freakin out if I cut out soy beacuse it can't be eaten raw, that I wont get enough protein and wont grow but on raw foods I feel much more energetic


you don't absolutly need soy, there's other proteins considered as complete like hemp, peanuts and algaes/seaweeds... or combine 3/4 cereal with 1/4 seed or bean to have a complete protein.

If you want to eat raw but with lots of proteins and energy, eat a lot of those:


-lots of fruits (bananas, tomatoes, avocados, olives, figs, dates... all fruits, whole and in smoothies/juice)


- nuts (whole, almond and other nuts made into butter)


-seeds (whole, alfalfa and other sprouted seeds, tahini, flax seeds grinded and in smoothies)


-greens and green smoothies (carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale are all superfoods)


-protein shakes (I know brown rice protein can be raw, I don't know for hemp, soy and others)


-sprouted cereals (quinoa, spelt buckwheat, etc)


-sprouted beans : soy and others... except if it's causing digestion problems... but everybody eat sprouted mung beans raw in salads and there's no problem ?


Or check nutrition programs here : http://veganbodybuilding.com/?page=article_whatieat

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I'm just freakin out if I cut out soy beacuse it can't be eaten raw, that I wont get enough protein and wont grow but on raw foods I feel much more energetic


You should worry about protein if your eatting raw. If you eat enough calories and a variety of foods it's about impossible to be low on protein. I get over 150 grams of protein every day. If i wanted i could double that. Hemp, Spirulina, Chorella are some of my favorites.

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I'm just freakin out if I cut out soy beacuse it can't be eaten raw, that I wont get enough protein and wont grow but on raw foods I feel much more energetic


You should worry about protein if your eatting raw. If you eat enough calories and a variety of foods it's about impossible to be low on protein. I get over 150 grams of protein every day. If i wanted i could double that. Hemp, Spirulina, Chorella are some of my favorites.


Would you post up an example of your daily diet? I'm interested in seeing it.

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I meant to say shouldn't worry on my last post. On a average day it really depends. I have alot of different raw powders that i buy in bulk to save money. Allso alot of really big salads with alot of different green leavy veggies with some differents seeds and olives. Some of the main foods i eat are. Hemp powder

Goji Berries

Cocoa Powder



Wheat Grass Powder

Barley Grass Powder

Nettle Leaf Powder






there are alot more that i'm forgeting, but those are some of my favories

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I'm just freakin out if I cut out soy beacuse it can't be eaten raw, that I wont get enough protein and wont grow but on raw foods I feel much more energetic


If you eat enough food you'll get enough protein...I wouldn't worry about that too much...I'd be more worried about your fats and b12.

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