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So Disappointed In Earth Day Events This Year


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So I attended just 1 Earth Day event last year and this year I went to 2.


I REALLY expected a kick ass year for Environmentalists and for participation because you can't look at anything without the "Go Green" buzz. And hey, I absolutely love that its gone mainstream... we're all in this together.


But I was COMPLETELY dissappointed in the Earth Day events that I attended. One was at a huge college by me, UCIrvine. Last year there was MORE participation, more booths talking about a variety of environmental topics. I expected a better year this time around and was completely disappointed. I ended up educating the Global Warming booth on methane and how going Vegan postiively effects climate change. He had no clue. I did ALOT of educating and zero learning... which was great, I guess, but I did want to feel inspired by some things I saw and I didn't.


I attended one yesterday as well at a very hip, well known outdoor mall where it seems all the cool people of OC hang... and again, was highly disappointed. There was maybe 3 to 4 booths talking about the environment and the rest were just pushing merchandise mostly unrelated to environmental issues.


I don't know if I just chose poor venues or what, but I was so disappointed. I wanted to grab a cardboard table, a folding chair and just start talking to people about what they can do to help. Seems alot of people came for answers and nothing I saw gave them any hope, including me. Very, very disappointed.

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We are having our animal rights conferance the same day as the earth day jam which is usually very cool so i will see whats up this weekend.


I totally got dressed at 8am in my finest and headed down to where the animal rights conferance was suppose to be but turns out i was a week early. Doh!

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I only read offense's quote from Pollan, but I completely disagree.


My personality is not that of cheerleader's by any means. Which is good, because I look horrible in those skirts -- tree trunks for legs.


Anyway, I found the end to An Inconvenient Truth inspiring. I even remember thinking at the time how I loved it because those films just grind your down without giving you something you can do and An Inconvenient Truth gave you something that you could do. I remember thinking that the suggestion Al Gore made were practical. They did not take up a lot of time, the suggestions did not cost a lot of money, and if large numbers of people did them would make a difference.


I spent about $30 for new light bulbs and power strips. I took about 15 min on a step ladder changing my light bulbs. I spent another 15 min signing up for wind electricity for my apartment. I saw results on my next electricity bill. My costs went down by about $5 a month.


All easy stuff with tangible results....very motivating.


My personal theory about Earth Day is that it is an old hippie event started by hippies, abandoned by hippies taken over by the funnel cake vendors and the festival crowd who don't care enough to promote it.


Boy, am I a grouch this morning

Edited by beforewisdom
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Our festival was rained out. We set all the tents up and had to take them down almost immediately. I was all in my VBBF t-shirt, armed with vegan literature and baked goods (one vegan here did an amazing amount of baking). We are going to have a belated one next Tuesday. It is going to be better for it. We are determined.

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