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Fructose and Obesity/Liver Health


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I came across this today, seems like a good article with some scientific evidence behind it. It starts out as explaining obesity, then goes into why fructose is bad for it. Of course, it's mostly talking about isolated fructose like juices and sodas, but it's got me rethinking getting all my carbs from fruit. Especially when it talks about damage to the liver from it, my liver's already in bad shape.




Pretty long read, but you can listen to it instead. Not sure where to go with my diet from here. Thinking about getting carbs from other sources...my situation it's particularly necessary.


Can't really trust just one article, but this is very thorough. I understand he is talked about added fructose, fruit juices, and not regular fruit like a banana, but I still think it may be wise to reduce my consumption. I've been taking in ridiculous amounts of fructose.

Edited by Zack
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There's quite a few studies showing how it can damage the liver, which for me is not good. I don't really believe eating fruit is horribly damaging, but in my case it's not wise to get all my carbs from it.

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Ok but at this point even if fructose what one sholud be eating? I'm reading everything poossible about diets and nutrion but the more I learn the more I discover that virtually everything can makes you fat and lean at the same time according to the variuos scientists.

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In your case I wouldn't worry about it. The reason I do is that I have a liver disease. Fruit is not an evil thing, they're mostly talking about refined fructose not bound by fibers. The reason I was concerned is because almost all my carbs came from fructose.

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In your case I wouldn't worry about it. The reason I do is that I have a liver disease. Fruit is not an evil thing, they're mostly talking about refined fructose not bound by fibers. The reason I was concerned is because almost all my carbs came from fructose.


Thanks for the reply I was worried to stop eating my amounts of fruit now that I succeded in substituting biscuits,ice creams and all of these stuffs with the pleasant taste of a raw fruit

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to bump this to see how some of you react and how you think about it. For me, it's a pretty important issue due to the fact that I've already got liver cirrhosis. I am eating raw right now, with what is probably too much carbs from fructose, which is pretty dangerous in my position I think. Generally I go by how I feel, which is pretty good on the raw diet, but I think due to the way fructose is processed in the body, it shouldn't be consumed in such abundance. I realize they are generally talking about high fructose corn syrup, but in a raw dieter's case, they are still getting a large amount of fructose, fructose is fructose wherever it comes from.


"All this should not dampen your taste for fresh fruit or fruit juice. The hazards associated with fructose appear to be dose dependent, according to Yudkin and other experts. If you eat predominantly natural foods, and avoid large quantities of processed foods, you have little to worry about."


I do understand that the fibers in fruit help slow down absorption, but I'm always worried about how it's affecting my already damaged liver.


There's a good bit of evidence to show that it is harmful, but my thought is that would just be fruit juices, and hfcs. I'm not sure though, I'm eating a ton of fruit lately and I'm not sure if that's the best thing to do in my case.


At any rate, some good reasons to avoid HFCS at least.


Any opinions?

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Any opinions?


I would say contact a doctor, but so many times when it comes to nutrition, many seem clueless ("eat better," seems to be a throwaway statement while they write a prescription for whatever medication a pharmco rep recently pushed).


That said, bring the article up with your doctor and address your concerns. If they don't take time to listen, consider another doctor or a specialist.


I've been eating a lot more fruit since reading the VB forum, and I don't feel like I have anything to worry about, but with your condition, I'd push with professionals until you get a couple opinions from both sides that can help you decide what's best for you.


Good luck!

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Sprouting! I think that is an amazing idea Ed!


It seemed to me like one of the only options (if he's going to stay fully raw), simply because greens don't have the calories he's looking for, and most grains would have to be sprouted to be eaten raw, including Zack's favorite (?) armaranth (spelling?).

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I realize that most med schools teach a minimum of nutrition classes but that doesn't mean that all doctors know nothing about nutrion. Some doctors have done a lot of research on nutrition, especially as it affects diseased organs (liver, kidney, heart, joints, etc). I would not listen to anyone unless they understand liver cirrhosis and how nutrition effects it. And I realize that finding that information may be harder than it should, but I hope that the information read on this thread is taken as it should be - as layman opinions rather than medical or nutritional advice.


Zack, I don't know how you manage your disease or how far it has progressed. I truly hope that you have your LFTs (liver function tests) checked regularly as these tests are more indicative of your liver function than your overall feelings of wellness. If you are not getting the answers you need from your doctor then it's time to switch to one that has a comprehensive practice that involves nutrionists and other health care professionals.


Good luck with your health.

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