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Everything posted by JoshD

  1. Good news boys, thanks for all the help, started getting a lot more commited and working out 5 days a week, making steady gains, upped my strength a LOT. example, single arm dumbell curls on the precher bench have gone from 35lbs for a set of 8 reps.. to 50s!!! for a set of 8!!! . Woot ive just exploded,packed on about 9lbs. i guess i just needed to eat more and step my training up a notch. thanks again guys. -josh
  2. LoL hey guys, long time no talk. Since I last was on here a couple months back, my gym routine has just gone to shit, I'm getting skinnier and skinnier(losing muscle size) and yeah, no matter how hard I train I can only seem to maintain what I have. I'm eating lots doing pretty much everything I can. I've been working out for about 3 years now and never had a problem like this before untill I went vegan. Im not gonna change being vegan though as I've never felt healthier, but holy crap. I used to weigh 198lbs at like 8% body fat, I'm still 8% but I only weigh 172:( Help Meeeee. Gimme new routines for size , or diets for size, or Something my skinny chest is driving me nuts, i bench the same weight but its so much smaller than it was. BLah. help me out guys, l8rz -Josh
  3. WooooT. I've been doing the Vineger and Honey method. Wow! I've noticed big results so far, I'll keep you guys posted. So far all I've been doing is having one glass in the moring when I wake up and one before I got to bed, I find it helps me sleep better too. -josh
  4. DUDe. i JUST got that tonight when i was training, granted i was pumped up and im cut like martini glass right now. But like honestly, roids are gross, and SUPER expensive if you want to do them right. Ew.
  5. lol good old lightbulb jokes. How many skaters does it take to change a lightbulb. Just one, but it takes him 1000 trys. heheheh
  6. Definitely, ever since I turned vegan I've noticed a Huge increase in energy and stamina, especially with running. I can probably run twice as far with half the effort now, it's a great feeling. -j
  7. Rich, keep us posted on your progress, I'm curious to see if this works.
  8. HAHAha, what a great topic. I'm at work and I got bored, 2 minutes even, I think I could do better though but my hands started to hurt.
  9. JoshD


    Yayyyy Canadaa!! . Yeah I just started sculpting, I'd like to get a lot better at it. I used to do a lot of digital art, and after watching behind the scenes on the movie Hellboy it made me want to start sculpting in oil based clays. Finally got my clay and tools just a couple of days ago, its so much fun:D O man, you should team up with Richard bro, he's a very talented artist. Would you make sculptures if someone paid you? I definitely want a Venom sculpture from Spider Man and Colossus from XMen. Hahaha, I'm not very good yet, gimme a few months to see if I can good at it, And superheros, comic people and movie monsters are all im planing on sculpting so yeah I probably would if i get good enough at it
  10. JoshD


    Yayyyy Canadaa!! . Yeah I just started sculpting, I'd like to get a lot better at it. I used to do a lot of digital art, and after watching behind the scenes on the movie Hellboy it made me want to start sculpting in oil based clays. Finally got my clay and tools just a couple of days ago, its so much fun:D
  11. was 154 at the turn of 2005 got upto 192 last month, but some mega stress made me stop eating and working out all together for weeks.so 4 days ago I was down to 159 lol!, BUT, I'm already up to 171 and really cut, lets see how fast I can climb the weight ladder.
  12. JoshD


    Helloo. My names Josh, I've been body building on and off for 3 years, only started getting commited about it this December. I've been vegan for a whole 3 months now, all it took was a day of watching holocaust videos on history channel, and then a night of Peta ones. Totally turned me off animal products, and let me tell you, I've never felt better. Not only do I feel better about myself morally, but I have way more energy and feel a lot more healthy. I feel like a car thats just gone from burning gasoline to running on electricity, it's great. The shirt I ordered just arived today. Talk about fast shipping, it only took them 8 days to get it all the way to Victoria BC. It looks great, thanks Rob. Anyways, I look forward to this lifestyle and chatting with all you people on the board. Talk to you guys soon. -Josh
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