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Everything posted by roid_rage

  1. I´ m using since one week a doggcrap workout plan... look it up here: http://timwescott.proboards18.com/index.cgi?board=Talk&action=display&thread=1101334382 and i have to say: whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... thanx to daywalker for his advise to use this program... usually I´am through with the workout after only 45 minutes.... This is the first plan which really finishes me... The leg workout is the hell... i just fuckin hate it when I´m in the gym.... 20 reps squats after one muscle failure set with 8 reps.... and also my biceps is pumped like after a workout with 4 exercises.... believe me, its incredible intense.... I´ supplie you with news about my strenght and mass progress with this plan... For those of you, who got masochistic side, just give it a try
  2. cool pics! you improved since your first pics! your shoulders and your arms got bigger... its great how massive you became in this short time
  3. Of course i'm serious. At the IFBB, you can compete in the Junior class before your 21st birthday. In the GNBF i think it's before your 22nd, that leaves plenty of time! I had four competitions before i turned 21, and i started lifting seriously only two years earlier. In the Juniors class, they're all the same age, they won't be working out much longer than you. hmmh, lets do it that way.. i ´ll bulk and eat like hell till the end of february and then i´ll post my dates and pics again.... then i´ll decide! hehe, and ooooooooooooops, it was a mistake.... i dont press that much on the much, but on the leg machine....
  4. and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat
  5. Nah, not if you have me as a coach Bulking takes the longest time, the pre-contest diet is about 3 months, depending on how much you have to lose You look great already. If you're interested, we could get you on stage next year. That leaves you ~8 months of bulking Experience on stage is an important thing, get it as soon as possible. How old are you? How heavy at the moment? There are various classes, we'll find the right one for you I have serious knee problems and therefore the ONLY exercise i can do is squats Squats are, properly done, really the safest exercise for your knees. Leg press and leg extensions are far more dangerous. haha, yo mean taht seriously? I think it would be a great experience but i dont think i´m developed enough for it.... ah, you asked how long i pumped for the mass... I´m doing bodybuilding seriously for 1 1/2 years now... with a 3 month injury break... when i began with pumpin i was at 78 kg, now i´m at 90 kg with 178 cm... I´m 20 years old now. hmmh, okay, at the bench press i usually press far more than 300 kg, by doing squats i usually only press about 90 kg
  6. yo, thank you so much guys! @ robert:Thank you also no, I actually never thought about competing... I think it will take 2 or 3 years of work until I could be ready for the stage.. @ daywalker: I started now also with squats und deadlifts... I usually only did legpress and leg curls, because I wanted to save my knees.... So, I´ll more focus my abs and legs and get you informed about my results
  7. thanx man! yep, you are good in guessing peoples size! i`m 1,79 m
  8. I made some pics today after i finished my workout.... So here they are... http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/9315/10000557jr.th.jpg http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/6466/10000577nt.th.jpg http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/8048/10000565bp.th.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/3929/10000584qb.th.jpg I became really fat you cant even see a 2 pack... After winter I´ll start defining... But till then I just eat eat eat... and becoming fatter... I think my breast and biceps are okay... My worst parts are my abs, triceps and legs....
  9. wow, great! congratulations!!!! Second place is awesome!!! Good job.... and your breast is incredible!
  10. wow, really, your shape is awesome... didnt expect a poerlifter to be so ripped! great body!
  11. wow, i found that link on a german forum... http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do;jsessionid=54F8FA363BC1DD0E1F4AE316549123CB.hydra?id=699538 its unbelievable that this guy has such a symmetry buy only doing basic exercises like squats, benchpressing, deadlifts, and good mornings.
  12. So, who of you ever thought about taking roids? I thought about it a several times... but i came to the clue that 1. if I´d take roids, I´d only do it when I´m older than 22 2. it would be dangerous for me cause I have heart valve problems 3. I would be not able to stop it... I think it would come to the point that i just want more and more mass... and this wouldnt be healthy This propably leads me to stay natural So whats you opinion about this topic?
  13. hmmmh, why does it have to take place in dunkeldeutschland? its quite a distance :-/ i´d like to visit a natural competition, and to support an vegan BB would be cool, but its sooooo far
  14. yo, thanx guys.. i think i perhaps will try it for 3 weeks or so... and i think i´ll try it this dogcrap style...
  15. yo, i´ ll try to translate my recipe into english... i hope you ´ll understand it! mix 1 cup oatflakes ( i read one cup is 250 g, so it should be 250 g) 5-6 tablespoons of protein powder 2 teaspoons of baking powder some cacao powder then add some water or soy milk, until you have a dough like consistency. After that you add some sweetener... you know, this artificial crap then add what you want! Almonds, an apple, a banana, raisins.... something you think its tasty... And now you put the dough into little muffin pans.... Bake it until you think its ready.. usually i bake it up to 15 minutes... so. its cheap, rich of good carbohydrates and rich of protein... good to gain some mass! i hope you understand my crappy english
  16. yo, is anybody here using a HIT program? I d like to try it, but I cant imagine it will work naturally... So what do you think?
  17. yo, when and where is the competition? perhaps you mentioned it before but i was to lazy to read all 5 sites... and great numbers, 110 kg are heavy
  18. Rocky VI is in the works now - http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051017/en_nm/stallone_dc Just like Rambo IV
  19. so, whats your favorite workout music? I usually listen to music that kicks my ass... Lil jon & the eastside boyz may it be when i´m listening to rap... on the other side i listen to much Hardcore and metal like hatebreed, rammstein, end of dayz ( german metal band with a bodybuilder on the mic)...
  20. @flanders77: haha, thats cool... @ lelle : hehe, seems so... i always thought daywalker would be the only german here... and talking english to german people is cool
  21. ooops, i wanted to say "i´m fearing bitch tits" I´m also quite not sure if soy supports a higher estrogen level in your blood, but i read several times about it... @daywalker: I´m from recklinghausen/Ruhrgebiet...
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