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Everything posted by no_oops

  1. I've done 25 each day for the past 4 days . . . = 100. By the way, why is the site so slow lately. It seems like it was so much busier before christmas. 11,246
  2. I have a lot of trouble working out because I get tired so quickly. By tired I don't mean my muscles get sore or I'm breathing too hard. I will be perfectly awake, and active before I start, for example, doing sit-ups. About 30 seconds after I start I become exhausted and have trouble keeping my eyes open. It's getting extremely frustrating because I want to be able to work out until my muscles hurt so much that I have to stop. I've heard a lot of people say to sip water while working out which is something else I have trouble with. I can't drink while working out, it makes me even more tired. I try to breathe properly and try to get enough sleep. Any suggestions?
  3. 4 x 10 . . . for the slower people on here, that equals 40 3715
  4. I really just want to add on muscle. I've unintentionally lost 18 pounds in 3 months, which is how long I've been working out. I'm 5' 10" and 149 lbs., so I'm trying to get my weight up in muscle.
  5. Wow. This post was started in 2005 and is still going. Well I added myself. I'm the only one in Connecticut.
  6. Yeah. Sorry for the unclear message. Right now I'm doing every part of my body every day. I have a "Weider" machine that I've been using which has a leg press and leg extension, a chest-press, and a lateral pull down. I also have a bench that has a preacher curl "station". Right now I'm doing a little of everything every day. I'm doing low reps, high weight on the things that I can. One problem is that for the leg extension I can do 75 in a row on the maximum weight, so I think I might have to find a new exercise that's harder for me. I'm also maxed out on the lateral pull down but I can only do 10, so that's not really a problem. This is my typical minimum each day: 50 preacher curls with 12 lb. dumbbells 20 bicep curls with 25 lb. dumbbells 150 sit-ups 75 leg-press on max weight, which I believe is around 150 lbs. 10 leg-extension -- max weight 20 lat-pull down max weight I typically work-out for 20-30 minutes every day. I assume this is not the right thing to do by what you said and by what I've read and been told. Any suggestions? I'd like to get fit as fast as possible, but I don't want to put to much strain on my body.
  7. Is it better to work out every day, or twice as hard every other day?
  8. Ya. I live about an hour away from you. I live in Newtown.
  9. Where in Connecticut do you live?
  10. No specific questions really. I keep seeing the add's on Yahoo for it saying it's $10,000, so it seems like a deal I can't pass up. I was on Nissans site yesterday and was reading all the awards this car has won, and wow! It sounds extremely safe and it has the highest horsepower for the size of the vehicle. I would be getting an automatic if I get one, which adds on $1,000. All in all, it would come to about $12,500. I've sat in one before and them seem comfy, so I'm just wondering how it handles?
  11. Yeah. I rarely bake too. I would also highly recommend the lemon squares in her cook book. They are veryyyy good. To anyone who plans to start listening to her podcast, 2 things. 1. When she first started it her sound quality was awful. I'd recommend listening to the podcast after mid to late 2007. And 2, every other week she will read an animal-rights related story. The reason I'm telling people that is so that you don't start on one of her story podcasts, not like it, and think that they are all like that. Now stop reading this message and download her podcasts!!!
  12. I highly recommend it to everyone. I've been listening for about 1 year now. Coleen, the creator, has written a vegan dessert cook-book which I also own, and she frequently writes articles for Veg News. Check it out!
  13. I'm thinking of getting one and I'm just wondering how they are.
  14. Alright. I'm relatively new to working out so try to deal with my stupidity, but what's a bench V-up and a reverse crunch, and how do I do them? Thanks, Drew
  15. I live near Danbury -- South-Western Connecticut.
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