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Posts posted by sinisterkungfu

  1. Hi there, I was referring the shoulder press with dumbells. And for me having palms face the side of my head feels a lot more natural than having palms face forward. This is with dumbells...so your palms are facing your ears. In football terms...think of an official signalling a touchdown.....palms face the side of the head.


    Again, I have no experience with shoulder injury as a result of shoulder presses...this is more from what I have read through research and talking to various exercie physiologists and Ortho's. Results may vary.



    I just blew out my shoulder doing those a couple weeks ago. Wasn't a complete dislocation fortunately, but it did put me out of the gym for a while. I've had problems with that shoulder before though.


    There also seems to be a view amongst some vegan sXe people (this is more a US thing I think, especially with the anarchist vegan kids) that ExC are a 'conservative' band & shouldn't be supported.




    It's also that, as a whole, metalcore isn't very good and most of the vegan kids that are into punk are more into crust and anarcho

  3. I typically use the one from the New Farm cookbook


    1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes

    1/2 flour

    1 tsp salt

    1/2 tsp garlic powder

    2 cups water

    1/4 cup margarine

    1 tsp wet mustard

    Mix dry ingrdients in a saucepan. Whisk in water. Cook over medium heat, whisking, until it thickens and bubbles. Cook 30 seconds, then remove from heat, whip in margarine, and mustard. It will thicken as it cools but will thin when heated, or add water to thin it.

  4. It's funny, most of the things you consider positive aspects I find to be annoying.

    I hated the home groups, and I really didn't like way things were grouped on the task bar.

    I hate, hate, HATE Windows Firewall and that's usually the first thing I disable on any system.

    Free A/V is great and all, when it works but there have only been like 2 viruses in history that affect Macs.

    Aero Peek was kinda cool.

    I had a lot of problems with the entire desktop freezing when I opened certain non-Microsoft programs (like Firefox), to the point where you couldn't even kill it with task manager.

    Their pricing scheme is flat out retarded and I'm not giving a dime to the evil empire.

    Don't get me wrong, Macs definitely have their flaws as well, but like I said before, I'd use Leopard before I used Windows 7 any day of the week.

  5. iPod's aren't macs but they are computers made by Apple.


    Macs are just terribly overpriced, which isn't something anyone can argue against. You can lookup production costs for them, the markup is insane. And now, their operating system feels like it was designed by a chimp compared to Windows 7.


    I'm interested to see what comes out in the latest advent of OSX, because they quite seriously are going to need to fix their dock so it works in a more logical, effective manner.



    Windows 7 is nothing more than Vista with a few tweaks.

    I've been using it since the alpha release. I don't plan on purchasing it. I'd rather use Leopard any time.

    I'm no Apple bigot by any means. I have a macbook that's dual booting OSX and Windows XP, and I've got VM's of OpenSolaris, Haiku and DekstopBSD on it. My desktop is triple booting Ubuntu, XP, and Windows 7.

  6. well,i was right,you are lazy,frivolous,and immature and disrespectful

    Son, call me when you have a clue as to who is "lazy, frivolous,and immature and disrespectful"

    Go back and read it.

    You jump down peoples throats and then blame everyone else.



    You're a real piece of shit, you pathetic old geezer.

    Is it your goal to make everyone on this board hate you, or what?

    It's a pretty safe bet a good percentage have zero respect for you already.


    PSS do you have a training log or journal yet?


    wtf is your damage with that? Is that supposed to be your pathetic attempt to discredit people, or what?

    If nothing else, you do a damn good job of making a complete fool of yourself on these forums, that's for sure.


    Your blind hatred has made you a bigot.

    You're a simpleton, who spouts rhetoric he read in some extremist publication.

    You're a hater.

    Listen to yourself



    Aw, what's the matter? Run out of material? Not that you've ever had anything interesting, or original to say.

    Interesting enough for you to return.



    Return? I haven't really gone anywhere, other than home from work.

  9. This thread raises my BP and lowers my IQ. I suspect it has the same effect on others.

    My guess is that it has the same effect on liberals and people who voted for Obama too.


    Still wondering were the outcry about the war went?



    People are too busy laughing at teabaggers, birthers and the moron McCarthyists running around crying Socialism. It's hilarious, really. Watching an entire political party disintegrate in front of you is pretty amusing.


    You're delusional, just like most of the other people in your party.

    It must be driving you crazy that a black man is the most powerful man in the world, and that he won in a landslide victory.

    Your blind hatred has made you a bigot.

    You're a simpleton, who spouts rhetoric he read in some extremist publication.

    You're a hater.

    Listen to yourself.



    That's hilarious.

    Are you so delusional you don't realize that's exactly what you're doing?


    How exactly am I a "bigot"? Because I think you're a nutcase?


    Simpleton? I'm a hell of a lot more intelligent than you are, you racist sack of shit. You're one of the halfwit "Joe the Plumber" fucktards that believes every word that comes out of the talking head hate platforms the right loves so much.


    Extremist publication? What, like Rush? Hannity? Levin? Coulter? Something along those lines?


    You post poorly disguised hate thread after poorly disguised hate thread on here. 90% of the threads in this subforum are started by YOU, with the sole intent of trolling, pissing people off, and starting a flame war. I'm guessing very few people respect you in real life. You're old, bitter, lonely and miserable and you hate anyone that's different from you. I know your type very well.


    Next up: you accusing me of some more baseless bullshit and hollow insults. Shoot.

  11. In your closet collecting dust?



    For a time. I've been going to the gym regularly for a while though.

    What are you trying to say exactly, and how is it relevant to the topic in any way?

    Nothing you've said has been relative to the topic.

    It's all about your hatred.



    You're delusional, just like most of the other people in your party.

    It must be driving you crazy that a black man is the most powerful man in the world, and that he won in a landslide victory.

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