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Posts posted by Danny1611124300

  1. I've been eating a tablespoon of cocoa fat every day to increase HDL. I also get B12 shots regularly so that shouldn't be a problem. I guess I'm going to have to eat more quality raw stuff (and less nuts). D2? Was that a typo?

    Do you have any reliable info on Q10 (I haven't found any reliable sources)? I hardly know anything about this and it's not in the standard "vegan checklist"...


    Thanks for the info everybody...

  2. It would be a lot easier to help you if you wrote down stuff about your diet, excersise level and type of activity etc.


    Yeah, I lift weights about 3 hours a week (mostly hypertrophy) and do Muay Thai and boxing about 3 hours a week. Until recently I've done a lot more but school and work has kept me awful busy. I think I'm in pretty good overall shape. I also ride a bike to get around. No walking or talking the bus/car.

    My diet has been pretty clean but not too much variety. I eat oats with soy milk in the morning a bag of trail mix (200gr of nuts + 200 grams raisins, I don't eat all of these though) at around 10 AM. From noon on I'll usually eat like 2 or three meals of legumes with a little veggies. (Like a garbanzo bean salad with cucumber and bell peppers or a bean burrito with corn and a little bit of veggies raw) and another bag of trail mix. Occasionally I'll eat fake meat with whole wheat noodles, but not often.

    I think I do well with cutting out processed crap and sweets (aka junkfood) but I have to eat a greater variety of legumes and more veggies.


    Are you overweight?


    No, I weigh around 76 keys (or 170 US pounds) at 6 feet (or 180 cm). I'm pretty lean and somewhat muscular.


    Are you active?


    Yes, see above.


    Taking a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement?


    Yes, I take a daily pill of Vegan Society's "VEG 1" although I'll have to stop using it because it contains selenium. I also sporadically (every second day) take Solaray's Zinc Magnesium Calcium pill and get B 12 shots.


    For D3, get some sun!


    I'm outdoor relatively often and definitely not a couch potato.


    Was the one test for D3 or 25(OH)D?


    No idea.


    For selenium, you must be eating a lotta nuts to get numbers like that.


    Between 200 and 400 grams a day. I guess that's a lot.


    Always look at the total cholesterol figure, not so much the component part.

    Should aim for 150 or less total cholesterol.


    My total is at 139 (LDL is 87 and HDL is at 41). Is this supposed to add up?


    Does anyone know anything about Q 10. As far as I've read it's in a lot of vegan food but is destroyed by boiling or cooking.

  3. Hi everybody,


    my Mom (she's a doctrrr) recently did some tests to check certain blood levels and there seems to be quite a few problems...


    -HDL cholesterol is at 40 which my Mom says is too low (I read it's okay but since HDL is important for hormone prod. I guess I'll try to boost it)


    -Q 10 is at 400 (supposed to be 3 times as high)


    -Selenium is way too high (at 230, almost toxic)


    -D3, magnesium, and zinc are below requirements


    My question is if this is okay for vegans (since they often have different requirements) and if any of you get tested regularly or have any experiences/useful advice.



  4. April 9 B/C


    Squats 185 (6,3,4)

    Side Bends 85 (2x10)

    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Leg Raises (5x10)

    Shrugs 90 (3x10)


    April 13 A/B


    Deadlift 225 (5,7,8)

    BOR 85 (3x6)

    Lat Pullups (2x5)

    DB Curlz 45 (8,7,6)

    EZ Curlz 80 (8,4,8)

    Cable Tri Ext 130 (10,8,8)


    April 14 B/C


    Squats 185 (3x6)

    Side Bends 85 (3x10)

    Russian Twists 3x10

    Leg Raises

    Lat Raise (25) 3x8

    Shrugs 90 (10) 3x10


    April 17 A/B


    Deadlift 245 (3,5,5)

    BOR 85 (3x6)

    DB Curl 45 (8,8,7)

    EZ Curl 80 (3x8)

    Cable Curl 2x40 (3x10) No fan of this exercise

    Tri DB Ext XX (10,10,8)

    Lat Pullups 3x4


    April 20 B/C


    Squats 195 (3x5)

    Side Bends 90 (3x8)

    Rus Twi. 20 (3x10)

    Leg Raises 3x10

    Lat Raise 25 (10,8,10)

    Shrugs 90 (3x10)


    April 22 A/B


    Deadlift 245 (3x5)

    BOR 85 (3x10)

    Lat Pullups (3x5)

    DB Curls 45 (9,8,8)

    EZ Curls 80 (9,9,6)

    Cab Tri Ext 130 (3x10)


    April 25 B/C


    Squats 205 (4,4,3)

    Side Bends 90 (3x9)

    RT 20 (3x10)

    Leg Raises

    Lat Raise 25 (10,10,8)

    Shrugs 90 (3x10)


    April 28 A


    BBBP 135 (4x5)

    ISO Incl BP 160 (5,5,4)

    Deadlift 245 (3x6)

    BOR 90 (3x4)

    Lat Pullups XX


    April 30 B


    DB Curls 50 (3x5)

    EZ Curls 90 (3x5)

    Cable Tri Ext. 130 (3x10)

    RT 20 (3x10)

    Sidebends 90 (2x10)

  5. Yeah, my off hand gets in my way too when doing deadlifts. I use the reverse grip (palm facing away) on this side. It works better, sometimes I still have to set the bar down early.


    I'm keeping a log in a million scrap papers, I just have to write it down here. Let's see what I can reconstruct.


    March 14/B


    DBMP 70 none (didn't get weights up to starting position)

    SMMP (Smith Machine Military Press) 130 (without bar) 5,3,6

    Squats 185 (3x4)

    Lunges 85 (2x5)

    Lat Raise 20 (3x10)

    Shrugs (85) unknown


    March 16/A


    DBBP 70 (5,5,4)

    SMBP 110 (3x3)

    Deadlift 225 (3x5)

    BOR 85 (3x5)

    Lat Pullups 3x5


    March 17/B


    DB Curls 40 (3x10)

    Para Pullups (10,10,9)

    EZ Tri. Extension 80 (10,8,8)

    Dips (3x10)

    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 75 (2x10)

    Leg Raises


    Mar 19/C


    DBMP 65 (5,4,4)

    SMBP 110 (3x5)

    Squats 185 (3x5)

    Lunges 85 (2x5)

    Lat Raise 20 (3x10)

    Shrugs 85 (3x10)


    Mar 21/A



    Deadlift 225 (3x6)

    Lat Pullups (3x8)

    BOR 95 (3x6)


    Mar 24


    DB Curl 45 (8,7,7)

    EZ Curl 80 (8,7,6)

    Triceps 80 (10)






    Mar 31 Routine A/B


    Deadlift 225 (6,6,4)

    BOR 85 (3x5)

    DB Curls 45 (8,7,7)

    EZ Curls 80 (10,8,7)

    Triceps 80 (8,10,7)


    April 2 B/C


    Squats 185 (3x6)

    RusTw 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 75 (3x10)

    Leg Raises

    Lat Raise 25 (10,7,7)

    Shrugs 85 (3x10)


    April XX A/B


    Deadlift 225 (3x6)

    BOR 85 (3x5)

    DB Curls 45 (9,9,8)

    EZ Curls 80 (8,9,9)

    Cable Tri Ext. 130 (3x10)


    To be continued...

  6. Hi Brada, Boy I've bee slacking at writing my progress down in here... I use DB for shrugs. I'm at 90 lbs per dumbbell now...


    I hurt my shoulder so that for a month now I haven't been able to bench press, shoulder press or do dips. For this reason I have split Routine B and added it to Routine A and C.


    March 12, B


    DB Curls 40 (3x10)

    Para Pullups (3x10)

    EZ Triceps Extension 80 (8,8,6)

    Dips (10,10,7)

    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 75 (3x10)

    Leg Raises 2x10

  7. Feb 16, Routine A


    IDBBP 60 (3x8)

    SMBP 110 (8,8,7)

    Deadlift 205 (10,10,7)

    T Bar Row 135 (3x10)

    Dips (9,9,10)


    Feb 17, Routine B


    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 70 (3x10)

    Leg Raises

    DB Curls 40 (10,10,8)

    Para Pullups (10,10,9)

    Skullcrusher 80 (8,7,7)


    Feb 19, Routine C


    DBMP 65 (3x10)

    Squats 155 (10,10,9)

    Lunges 70 (3x10)

    Lateral Raise 20 (3x10)

    Shrugs 80 (3x10)


    GOING HEAVY: All compounds 5 rep maximum


    Feb 24, Routine A


    ICDB 65 (3x5)

    SMBP 155 (3x4)

    Deadlift 225 (5,4,5)

    Bent Over Row 70 (3x5)

    Wide Pullups -20 (3x5)

    Dips (3x5)


    Feb 25, Routine B


    Russian Twists (3x10)

    Side Bends 75 (3x10)

    Leg Raises (5x10)

    DB Curl 40 (3x10)

    Para Pullups (3x10)


    Feb 26, Routine C


    DBMP 65 (9,8)

    SMMP 110 (3x5)

    Squats 175 (3x5)

    Lunges 85 (3x5)

    Lat Raise 20 (10,10,8)

    Shrugs 80 (3x10)


    Feb 28, Routine A


    DBBP 70 (5,3,4)

    ISMBP 90 (5,5,4)

    Deadlift 225 (5,4)

    BOR 75 (3x5)


    March 1, Routine B


    Skullcrusher 80 (9,9,7)

    Dips (7,7,5)

    DB Curls 40 (3x10)

    Para Pullups (10,8,10)

    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 75 (3x10)

    Leg Raises (5x10)


    March 7, Routine C


    DBMP 65 (3x10)

    SMMP 120 (3x5)

    Squats 185 (3x5)

    Lunges 85 (3x5)

    Lat Raise 20 (10,10,9)

    Shrugs 85 (3x10)


    March 10, Routine A

    DBBP 70 (5,4,4)

    SMBP 90 (3x5)

    Deadlift 225 (3x5)

    BOR 80 (3x5)

    Lat Pullups (3x5)

  8. Hi @ all,


    I got some questions about bench and shoulder press...


    My bench press really isn't going anywhere. I'm at a 70 pound dumbbell press now (3x5 reps), I've hardly made any progress during the last years. I used to do only the barbell variation with about 8-10 reps unsurprisingly I didn't get anywhere.

    I did try a lot of variations, right now I do a max of 5 reps I start with dumbbells on a flat bench and then go on to the smith machine and do incline press.

    I don't seem to use my triceps at all, only my chest (near the shoulders) feels sore sometimes on the next day.


    I was really happy about my shoulder press (I sit down leaning back very slightly) doing 3x10 reps at 65 pounds.

    Problem here is I can't get the 70 pound dumbbells into starting position. Just to heavy. I have similar problems with the incline bench (therefore the smith machine). I usually lay the DBs down on the floor and then snatch them up and press like hell till I'm in start position. I see guys just kick them off their thighs but this doesn't work for me.

    For some reason I can't nearly do that much weight when I use a barbell or the smith machine.

    I've seen people do a shoulder press where they turn the palms inwards and let the weight come all the way down to the shoulders. Isn't it bad for your joints to let your elbows lower than your shoulders?

    If not this could help me out...

  9. Hi everybody,


    I'm interested how much you guys/gals spend on food per month and maybe a rough overview...

    Do you buy a lot of organic stuff? A lot of supplements? Bars? Processed stuff? Fresh fruit/veggies?


    I guess I'll start with myself... I spend about $ 300 on food. I really watch have to watch my budget.

    I buy some organic stuff (mostly dried stuff like beans and rice) barely fresh stuff (expensive).

    I spend about $ 30 on protein powder (nutribiotic) and eat about 40 builder bars (which I get for $ 1 per piece).

    So thats 70 bucks per month on supplements and bars.

  10. Kickboxing gals rule!


    I used to do Kickboxing, I went from light Contact Western (I did pretty good in comps) to Thai (no elbows though).

    I really love the sport, since I moved to the States (I'm from Germany) I haven't been into it (for lack of money and time)...

    just going to the gym right now... I got a little to hung up on getting big! Every time I see pics of people kickboxing I feel sorta bad... I used to run about every second morning and work cardio like crazy, now I'm just lifting.

    Gotta get in shape again so I can kick ass when I come back...


    Don't forget that to spend most of your time doing drills to work on your technique AND your conditioning if you wanna compete! I don't think you gotta worry about muscle imbalance unless you have a history of related problems...


    Edit: Do you know where I can get quality non-leather sparring gloves?

    I used to have pregan leather Twins...

  11. Fr, Jan 30 Routine B


    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Sidebends 70 (3x10)

    Leg Raises 5x10

    Skullcrusher 70 (3x10)

    DB Curls 40 (10,8,9)

    EZ Curls xx


    Sa, Jan 31 Routine C


    DBMP 65 (8,8,9)

    Squats 135 (3x10) RIGHT FORM THIS TIME!

    Lunges 60 (3x10)

    Lateral Raises 20 (10,9,7)

    Shrugs 90 (3x10)


    We, Feb 4 Routine A


    ICBP 60 (8,8,10)

    Bench Press 90 (3x10) SMITH MACHINE, LOWEST PART OF ROM

    T Bar Row 180 (3x10)

    Lat Pullups 3x10



    Th, Feb 5 Routine B


    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 70 (3x10)

    Leg Raise 6 sets

    DB Curl 40 (10,10,8)

    EZ Curl 60 (3x10)

    Skullcrusher 80 (8,7,x)


    Feb 6, Routine C


    DBMP 65 (9,9,10)

    Squats 155 (6,8,8)

    Lunges 65 (3x10)

    Lateral Raise 20 (10,8,7)

    Shrugs 100 (3x10)


    Feb 8, Routine A



    BP 110 (8,6,6) SMITH MACHINE LOW ROM!

    Deadllift 205 (9,9,8)

    T Bar Row 135 (3x10)

    Dips (2x10)


    Feb 10, Routine B SHITTY DAY #1


    Russian Twists 20 (3x10)

    Side Bends 70 (3x10)

    Leg Raises (3x10)

    DB Curls (10,10,8)


    Feb 14, Routine C SHITTY DAY #2


    DBMP (9,10,8)

    Squats 155 (8,6,6)

    Lateral Raise 20 (3x10)

    Shrugs 100 (3x10)

  12. We, Jan 21


    Routine B


    Military Press 60 (10,10,9)

    Lunges 50 (3x10)

    T Bar Row 160 (3x10)

    Dips (3x10)

    Skullcrusher 60 (3x10)


    Fr, Jan 23


    Routine A


    ICBP 60 (8,7,7)

    Deadlift 205 (7,7,5)

    Lat Pullups 3x10

    Pullovers 70 (3x10)

    DB Curls 35 (10,x,x)


    Su, Jan 25


    Routine B


    DBMP 60 (3x10) YAY!!!!

    Lunges 55 (3x10)

    T Bar Row 180 (3x10)

    Dips 3x10

    Skullcrusher 70 (10,10,9)


    Su, Jan 28


    Routine A


    ICBP 60 (3x8)

    Deadlift 205 (8,5,6)

    Lat Pullups 3x10

    Pullovers 80 (x,x,x)

    DB Curls 40 (x,x,x)


    I've had problems lately getting enough sleep. I got to get up early (at 6) on Mo, We, Fr (for college), the other days I don't. I aim for seven hours of sleep (I mean sleep, not laying in bed) but some days I've barely gotten four.


    I did a couple changes to my program... the arm exercises have been added to the core routine, making way for some other exercises to hit certain muscles more (like legs, chest, delt and trap) since I think my arms are small in proportion...


    Here it is...


    Routine A

    Incline Bench Press

    Bench Press


    Lat Pull ups



    Routine B

    DB Military Press



    Lateral Raises



    Routine C

    Russian Twists


    Leg Raises

    Biceps extension

    DB Curls

    EZ Bar Curls


    I'll start with Routine C today... see you later.

  13. So my girlfriend who was visiting me for three weeks left again, I'm pretty down, and I started college.

    I hope that counts as an excuse for not working out for one and a half weeks...

    Anyway college and working out will keep me busy and the troubles away, I'm pretty happy about this.

    Enough crying here's what I was doing the last three days.


    Sat, Jan 17


    Routine B


    Lunges 45 (3x10)

    Military Press 60 (9,9,8)

    T Bar Row 135 (3x10)

    Dips (3x10)

    Skullcrusher 60 (3x10)


    Sun, Jan 18


    Core Day

    3 sets of Russian Twists

    3 sets of side bends on Roman Chair with a 70 pound dumbbell

    3 sets of hanging leg raises

    3 sets of supported leg raises (in that power tower type thing)


    Mon, Jan 19


    Routine A


    IDBBP 55 (3x10)

    Deadlift 185 (3x10)

    Pullover 70 (9,9,8)

    DB Curls 35 (3x10)


    No latwork today since they were aching today, maybe from the hanging leg raises)...


    I forgot to add I'm at about 170 pounds with 13% body fat according to that game boy I had to hold at the gym.

    I don't know how accurate those suckers are but I hope they can tell if you're making progress in cutting fat.

    It'll still be a while till I start cutting but I'm thinking about it more and more...

  14. Hi Sasa,


    wow, where were all the weightlifting vegans when I lived in Germany...?

    Probably lower Bavaria (Passau, to be exact) wasn't the coolest place.

    Do you happen to have Serbian roots? A cousin of mine (he's from Belgrad) has the same name...




  15. I used to eat a lot of flax seeds, but I got some serious flatulence so I quit.

    Beans (pinto, garbanzo) and nuts (almonds, peanut butter) are my main protein sources...

    I use about 30 grams of nutribiotic whole rice protein a day I get for a reasonable price at the local food co-op.

  16. I guess pretty much everybody makes mistakes, I have to agree with Phil that a couple things could be improved...


    First of all, I think you should forget about the machines and use free weights. Big difference in muscle growth and especially

    functional strength. Have somebody show you techniques so you don't mess yourself up. Try squat, lunges, deadlifts,

    military press, bench press... do rows in all free weight variations, bodyweight exercises are also cool, do dips and forget the lat machine, do pullups...


    Secondly, use whole body movements, I already posted the best exercises above...


    In addition to theses tips I'd advise you to use heavier weights. The ideal weight for muscle growth is one that will allow you to do about 8-10 reps, 15 is okay for a start if you're new to lifting and worried about getting injured but 20 is too much.


    There are a lot of good articles in the net (including this website) and also a lot of good routines.

    Check out other peoples routines here and don't forget about nutrition and rest.

    Good luck!

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