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Everything posted by MaryStella

  1. Have to get sinus surgery done on Monday. Basically have a deviated septum that is causing an obstruction which is why sinuses won't drain and I can't get rid of this infection for sooooo long now. mostly likely a broken nose from getting hit in the face kickboxing. I need to be off for a whole week next week! Feeling crappy today not sure if I will get a workout in later or not. Hope to at least run. thanks for all the well wishes. maybe I will finally get better after this surgery!
  2. Good Point. I forgot about that! Your new avatar is a little creepy!
  3. My husbands birthday is on friday and he wants the chickpea cutlets for his dinner. We haven't had those since new years eve. He really likes them and he doesn't eat cake or anything like that so I will make those for him. Not sure what I will make with them yet. Last time I think I made them with mashed parsnips, Roasted Broccoli and the Peanut butter eggplant soup from veganomicon.
  4. Your so welcome. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know how you make out with them. I will send the other soups I have another day. At least your finance cooks. My husband has never cooked a thing in his life except oatmeal and I don't think that counts as "cooking". He won't even heat up leftovers. He will eat them cold out the fridge.
  5. I don't eat scrambled tofu often but once in awhile I do. I think you will really like tempeh that way, it is soooo good. Let me know what you think of it.
  6. Ethiopian food isn't really difficult it mostly a lot of spices. I am sending recipes to lobsteriffic tonight if anyone else wants them let me know.
  7. I agree with both of you. I tend to take recipes as starting points to learn a method of how to cook something. Then I switch it up with what I think is necessary, or what I have on hand etc. But I do have to say I LOVE men that can cook! So nice to hear both of you are cooking!!! Nice job boys!
  8. I am very excited for wednesday's finale. Looks like there is some special lost episode on first. I think it is probably a recap show of some sort. Locke is not himself. He would never say he was going to kill someone. I think he has joined the likes of christian on the show. Perhaps that is the group of the "others" that they were referring to as being at the temple. The "undead" characters than seem to play an important role on the island.
  9. 5.11.9 Took another rest day today as I didn't feel well and had really low energy. Going to see an Ear Nose and Throat Dr./Surgeon tomorrow for my continuing sinus issues. Wednesday I go to the shoulder surgeon. Meals 1 - VEGA WFO w/coconut water/ hemp milk 2 - 2 larabars 3 - Leftover Tofu Scramble with Sprouted Wheat Bagel 4 -Granola with Hemp & Coconut Milk 5 - Kamut with Carrots, Parsnips, Celery Root, Shallots, Raisins
  10. glad to hear your on the mend. Glad you evaded the needles.
  11. Oh thanks for clarifying. I didn't mean to sound preachy. Low carb diets are a touchy subject with me. Most people I have meet that are on them are not justoverweight, they are obese and it really makes me sad to see them eating that way instead of any actual healthy diet. anyway I am going to try to PM those recipes to you tonight.
  12. Ok I will e-mail them soon. I collect a ton of recipes too! Beside my cookbooks I have a computer file for them and anything Hardcopy I punch holes in and keep in a binder. I will give you the recipe as is, then any mods I make.
  13. If you try it let me know how it goes. I don't believe in the whole low carb thingfor myself. I believe it is about eating the right kind of carbs. I know you can cut weight fast lowering carbs but it usually makes me really cranky, which I just don't think can be good for the body so I try to make sure my carbs are from natural sources and then I don't worry about it. To me eating something in it's natural state like a potato (or a sweet potato, yam, fruit, etc.) is so much better for you than eating refined carbs. I just can't believe a potato is bad for you. It's a vegetable.I didn't realize you were doing the low carb thing. Do you think it works for you?
  14. Yes I do have a recipe. I also have an Ethiopian Chickpea recipe and some soup/stews too (even with peanut butter added to them, they are very good) I can e-mail them to you when I get a chance or if you want to PM me your mailing address I can copy them and mail them to you. Whatever you would prefer.
  15. sure i just wasn't sure because you posted weight for everything but.
  16. I agree. I doubt the chocolate layer has any substantial protein though. If you let them melt a bit I am sure the chocolate layer will come off although I don't know way you would want to do that.
  18. Hi tasha been better but doing the best i can right now didn't get a run in, still recovering. but have been doing of sets of 20 on my ab ball all day. not keeping track of total count though as i am doing them in between errands. Meals 1 - tofu scramble with spinach, onions, garlic, "bacon", carrot, Nutri yeast, braggs, lemons juice, spices Bagel with earth balance 2 - Vega WFO w/ coconut water and milk - more tofu scramble 3 - Ethiopian Lentils ( onions, garlic, tomatoes, peas, spices) over brown rice with green beans
  19. I have also roasted and eaten entire heads of cauliflower! Have you tried using Ener-G egg replacer instead of the flax? I find it works more consistently for me in baking than the flax does. It is a powder. I get it right at my grocery store.
  20. It depends because I've gotten a couple that were not even expired and when I opening them they had fuzzy white stuff growing on them. Let me tell you when your hardcore craving larabars and you open on and see that it isn't pleasant! By the way if you trying to go raw they are raw so they would fit into your diet plan. I like some flavors better than others but none of them are bad. oh and what soyjoy bars did you have that are vegan? Every one I ever picked up and read the ingredients to have something in it that made it not vegan. I am curious I've never been able to try one.
  21. I really believe it or it wouldn't say it. Your diet and workouts look good! Really curious about this cauliflower crust? I love cauliflower!
  22. I am liking this speed session stuff! I think it is important to do sometimes not just big weights all the time. Sometimes the things we hate doing are what we need. (Don't hate me for saying that) I am not a big fan of tofu either but Have you tried turning it into a "cheese" using garlic, olive oil, salt, oregano and pureeing it. It comes out close to a ricotta cheese. or if you cut it into cubes and let it marinate in that stuff it comes out like a feta cheese. Another quick way I will make it sometimes is to press and drain the water out of it then cut into cubes and sautee it in some olive oil until it starts turning golden. then with the heat med high - put some soy sauce on to taste, then take it off the heat and dust it with nutrional yeast. Comes out very good this way. I notice you eat a lot of tempeh I do the same thing for tempeh if i am in a hurry and it comes out nicely. Also have you tried tofu scrambles?
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