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Everything posted by MaryStella

  1. I love henry rollins. "We're gonna have a tv party tonight.... alright!!!" hee hee
  2. Thanks lobsteriffic! I didn't get another work in today but here were my meals. my appetite is finally coming back now that I am feeling better. Meal 1 VEGA WFO w/ coconut water Rice Milk Meal 2 Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagel Meal 3 Larabar Meal 4 Adzuki Beans, Quinoa, Sesame Seeds, Vega OIL, Broccoli, Yellow Squash, Green Onions, Garlic Meal 5 Tempeh, Onions, Celery, Red Pepper, Kale, Garlic, Tahin Meal 6 Banana
  3. I FINALLY WATCHED "THE VARIABLES" episode. I liked it. Your right it didn't give much new info but it was putting the pieces of the puzzle together a bit. As soon as I started watching I thought Charles is Daniels father and when that was revealed I was like I KNEW IT! I will be very upset if Daniel dies. I really like that character. I cried when charlie died, I get a little to into it sometimes. I am afraid he might after how he was explaining to Jack that this is there present and they can die. Miles screwed the whole thing up. He always has a bad attitude! What is desmond going to do now? Glad he is ok. It should be interesting to see how "the hatch" happens. Remember the schematic that was on the hatch door when locke got stuck under it. I've always wanted to see what that was about. oh and the numbers.. Wouldn't be surprised is charles kidnapped charlie (des and penny's child) just to get desmond back to the island or something. You guys remember the older episodes better than I do. When this whole series is over I might get the DVDs and go back and watch them.
  4. Joel - guess what came today baby??? my coconut chocolate butter!!!!! getting ready to make the protein fudge right now! I only hope that loving earth doesn't turn into living girth for me. hee hee!
  5. @aluck -- Hee hee - yeah they food wasn't actually horrible I just hate eating stuff like bars instead of actual fruit and veggies. I didn't expect the day to go that way or I would have been better prepared. Thanks for sending the mail I didn't get it yet and I will let you know when I do. I am going to call the surgeon next week and see what we are doing. I'm so psyched right now. I just visited Crossfit NEPA. My training partner Brennan is opening the first crossfit gym in this area and it is really sweet. I needed something really positive like this right now in my life. I have a huge smile on my face. It isn't ready to open yet but it is going to be so sexy when it does. Brennan has asked me to get certified and become a trainer there which I am going to do as soon as the shoulder and schedule allow. I am really looking forward to this opportunity in my life to positively influence others lives with fitness and nutrition. I hope to build with brennan a culture based around fitness where we motivate our community to higher standards of health and wellness. I am so excited for this opportunity and really hope that it works out. Am workout with brennan - it was so great to workout with him again. we train so well together. Most of the gym stares at us like we are completely out of minds but I love it. Normally we workout together every morning but i haven't been getting up early to train since i've been sick for so long. I am finally starting to really feel better and hope to get back to doubles. AM - Modified Crossfit Workout of the Day "Tabata Something Else" Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Had to swap out pullups as I can't do anything overhead with my shoulder right now and no pushups either. So my workout looks like this interval 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Squats 20 20 17 19 20 18 18 18 situps 15 17 17 16 18 16 16 16 lunges 11 12 12 12 13 12 12 13 flutter 30 32 30 29 30 24 26 22 kicks Face Pulls - 45 lbs X 15 x 3 Hope to get a run in later today.
  6. 5.1.9 I wasn't able to get my shoulder drained today. Had a bunch of tests done but they were not able to reach where the cyst is. Waiting to hear what we are going to do now. Most likely surgery. My meals were horrible today as I spend a bunch of time at the hospital and then was very busy at work to catch up so I didn't have access to my normal food most of the day. Meal 1 - VEGA WFO w/ Hemo Milk Coconut Water Meal 2 - Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagel Meal 3 - Odwalla Bar & Lara Bar Meal 4 - Suncake Meal 5 - BOBOS Oat Bar Meal 6 - Brown Rice Pasta, Spinach, White Beans, Cashews, Onions w/ antibiotic Think the new Antibiotic is working because I am finally starting to really feel better. Workout Shoulder Stability Circuit - 6lb Dbs - 3 X 15 - V Raises, Rear Delt Raises, Scapular Pushups Face Pulls - 40 lbs - 3 X 15 Superset 3 rounds of Back Extensions - Body Weight X 15 Ball Situps - BW x 30 Superset - 3 rounds V Raises w/ Ball x 30 Tricep Extensions - 40 lbs X 10 Superset - 3 rounds Inner Thigh 100 X 10 Outer Thigh 150 X 10 Superset - 3 rounds Decline Bench Situps - BW x 20 Plank Hold 1 minute Run Stairs - 20 minutes - 108 floors 2.26 miles
  7. hhhhmmmm maybe you can top your salad off with some beans like garbazos or black beans if you not already doing that. I don't eat much pasta but when I do I use the Ezekiel brand. that has a good amount of protein in it. Although you had to watch when you cook it because it cooks really fast. Have you tried Hemp bread? That also has a lot of protein in it for bread. It does taste grainy so I think you will like it. There is also Ezekiel brand bread and wraps.
  8. Got a small workout in. Guess it was better than nothing. Not sure if I will be able to do anything tomorrow, will have to see how the shoulder feels and the Dr.'s instructions are. So tonight was Shoulder Stability Circuit: 3 X 15 w/ 5 lb DBs V Raises, Rear Delt Raises, Scapular Pushups Face Pulls - 3 x 15 @ 40 lbs Superset - 3 rounds of Walking lunges holding 20 lbs Bicep Curls w/ 20 lbs - 15 reps each set This actually tired me out a bit guess I am still not feeling well with the whole sinus infection.
  9. Sleeping last night was rough, my shoulder was hurting after all the tests the dr. did on it. It still hurt today during the day too. Also I felt really bad last night but I think my new antibiotics are working as I am feeling better today. Got my bloodwork and catscan done today. Need to get myself ready for the procedure tomorrow. Hopefully it will go well. Hope to get to the gym later but have a lot to do tonight. Meal 1 - VEGA WFO w/Hemp Milk Meal 2 - Larabar - Cashew Cookie Meal 3 - Tempeh & Green Beans Meal 4 - Lentil Soup with Kale, Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagel (with antibiotic)
  10. Love it! Although I do hate when they explode and the place smells like vinegar. I didn't like it when I first had it either. I started mixing it into smoothie with fruit and VEGA smoothie infusion and then I started to like it. Gives the smoothies an interesting fizz quality and the fruit sweetens it up to. Never made my own though.
  11. Have you tried the grain tempeh? It still has some soy in it though. Lentils also have a lot of protein. And of course beans. I guess I would have to know more about what you eat so I know what to suggest. You can use Quinoa as your base instead of rice for a lot of dishes. that will up the protein content. If you bake you can bake quinoa into your bread/muffins etc. Also you can make your own protein bars for snacks using VEGA.
  12. Got home too late and was too sick to stay up and watch last night. Tonight isn't looking good either so I probably won't get to it until Friday. WAH! sorry to let you down, I can't wait to watch and talk about it. Although you guys don't seem too excited about the episode. I thought perhaps smokey did judge jack and kate because when they were running through the jungle in the earlier seasons it never snatched them up. I'll post when I watch. thanks so much for not revealing anything yet!
  13. Oatmeal. Good idea. Thanks 4 that ALUCK! My stomach is killing me all day and night. @thendanisays - thanks a ton. I am not feeling like a badass lately I am just feeling bad. But trying to take care of it so I can get back to it. I can't wait to see the finished product!
  14. I happy to see more real food too. It can be expensive but i make it an important thing in my life
  15. Forgot to post my food for the day Meal 1 - VEGA WFO with Hemp Milk Meal 2 - Walnut and Hemp Seed Burger, Spinach Salad Tahini Dressing Meal 3 - Suncake Meal 4 - 2 Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagels - normally don't eat something like this but I needed something in my stomach to help absorb my heavy antibiotics as they kill my stomach. Also with all of the dr. appts. didn't have time to cook. Handful of Sunflower Sesame Seed Spelt Crackers - again used them to take some medicine with. If anyone has other food items that are good for taking antibiotics with to help reduce stomach pain please let me know.
  16. Oh No! Sorry to hear this. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
  17. I am not going to make the quinoa again until I am 100 percent over this sinus infection. My smell and taste are off because of it. I love Quinoa though. Excellent food.
  18. Made the black quinoa and of course it was very good. It keeps its crunchyness compared to the white. Still waiting for my coconut butter.
  19. @RC - least I could do. Can't wait to see it. Today was all about medicine. Met with the orthopaedic surgeon, I am going on Friday to the hospital to a have a cyst and fluid drained out of my shoulder. Want to see if the combo of this procedure along with some rehab will help my shoulder any. If it doesn't then I will need surgery but we are going to try this first since I have been dealing with the tears for awhile now. Also starting more aggressive antibiotics today to try to rid myself of the sinus infections I've had for weeks now. Going to get a cat scan and bloodwork too. Feeling tired tonight so I took the day off.
  20. Could be the regret angle... but then we have to analyze do all of the characters regret what they have done Kate for killing her mother's boyfriend? Jack with his relationship with his father? Sawyer for all of his cons? We know sayid regretted his torturing. I have a concert to go to tonight but I hope to watch the episode when I get home.
  21. I love Vega so I would recommend that. What do you eat? Tofu, Tempeh are pretty high in protein. Try to find items made with hemp they are usually high in protein, such as hemp bagels which have 19G per serving.
  22. what does this mean for ben then? He was judged and passed for alex but will he be judged and pass with what he did to locke? It sounded like that needed to happen for them to get back to the island but ?
  23. 4.28.9 Run 3.5 Miles - 30 minutes - legs still sore from 4.26 workout. hoping they are feeling better tomorrow Shoulder Stability Circuit: 3 X 15 w/ 5 lb DBs V Raises, Rear Delt Raises, Scapular Pushups Face Pulls 30 X 15, 35 X 15, 40 X 15 Thigh Superset Inner - 100 x 10, 100 X 9 failed on 10, 100 X 9 failed on 10 Outer - 130 X 10, 140 X 10, 150 X 10 Core Superset - 3x 30 Ball Situps 25 Supermans 3 minute plank hold Parallel Grip Cable Rows - 80 x 10, 80 x 5, 80 x 5 Meal 1 - VEGA WFO w/ Hemp Milk and Coconut Water Meal 2 - Tempeh & Yellow Zucchini Meal 3 - Suncake Meal 4 - Black Quinoa, Black Beans, Spinach, Onions, Garlic, Oil Olive My sinuses were draining a ton. Hope I am almost over this sickness. I can't take being sick any longer it is horrible! Tomorrow is the big day, I go to see the surgeon about my shoulder. It is nerve wracking and I can't wait til it is all over and I can just rehab the thing and get on with life.
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