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Everything posted by MaryStella

  1. The reason I still think Michael is alive is like Jin we never actually saw him die. Also more importantly when Locke went to visit Walt. Walt asked about his dad and locke did not tell him that he was dead and locke is not a liar. I think that additional passengers on the plane were working for ben although it appears that they didn;t know him so maybe not. Only because when widmore wanted myles to go to the island this group was telling him he was on the wrong side of the fight. I'm wondering if Jacob isn't what they are all looking for behind the statue. Since Ben lost his ability to find him.
  2. i agree. good luck with your workouts today. I think a lot of recent illnesses are allergy related. So many things are blooming this time of the year, it kicks the allergies in those prone to them and poof illness all over the place. at least i think that is what happened to me.
  3. i am not accepting the deaths yet. LOL! We also saw them in the van with miles in the past when they were trying to convince him to come to the island so I think they will have a bigger part of the story soon. Especially since I think they work for Ben. Didn't ben owe miles money in one of the past seasons? I seem to remember miles guarding ben and taking him somewhere and asking for money.
  4. Thanks everyone I really hope I feel better soon too! Because if I don't I will need surgery on my sinuses as well as my shoulder. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! I am disappointed in my workouts the last month or so but I just haven't been feeling well. I just can't wait to get back at it for real. I've never been sick this long before in my life. All the equipment got delivered to the crossfit gym today so tomorrow I will be dropping by to see the setup and pick up my key. I am so excited! @joelk - i just realized I never sent you the recipes I promised with the yerba mate. OOPS! I will get on that I promise! Also thanks for the food compliment. I love to cook (and eat) so if you ever want anything of the recipes for meals I posted just let me know and I will send those too. By the way I tried the protein fudge and it didn't come out well. It is edible but it tastes like I am eating sun warrior right out of the container. I think I need more coconut butter or something. I swapped out the cocoa powder with carob to lower the caffeine content. Maybe that was it. I don't know for sure. I will experiment with it again. @jw - crossfit claims that you get bigger on crossfit than traditional bodybuilding but I don't really think so.I just don't think it is enough work compared to hours of bodybuilding. I do think they are great workouts though for a cutting phase or to crosstrain for other sports. I initially started doing crossfit to crosstrain for kickboxing but now as kickboxing is out because of the shoulder I am using crossfit and adding in running etc. Glad your gym is into it. I swear me and brennan are the only two that crossfit at our gym and literally people stare at us like they have never seen someone work out before.
  5. I think desmond will be back on the island and I think walt will too. Both had very special powers on the island. I am still wondering about michael. did he survive the explosion like jin did? I am curious to see this week why faraday got shot by his mother. She tells penny later that this is the first time in a long time she didn't know what was going to happen. She knew she was going to shoot daniel i just don't know why she had to. I am still hoping he makes it through. what about the others from the recent guam plane crash that landed in 2007? Are they all dead? I only saw a couple of them die so i don't think so. why is no one paying attention to them at all?
  6. I agree this weeks episode looks really good. Hopefully it will be revealing and not in the usual lost way of just making you ask yourself more questions.
  7. Kool Let me know what you think of it. Did you reserve the fresh from the vegetarian slow cooker one? that is such a time saver when your busy. Also I was impressed with the vast array of recipes in it. It goes beyond the usual soup and chili recipes to include things like pasta dishes etc. I like that even when I am really busy I can still put a healthy meal on the table and not resort to eating poorly. My husband is vegan now. He was not when we got married. He has been for several years at this point. The good news is that he said it was because he was eating the vegan food that I was making and really enjoying it. he didn't feel like he was giving up anything and felt healthier when he committed to it. He used to eat fish when we dined out and now he doesn't even like to dine out unless the restaurant is completely vegan. So who knows maybe your fiancee will come around too. I don't serve anything in my house that isn't vegan and it is so great that people still like to come here to eat. of course not everyone but many are open to it.
  8. @ jw - I do the "Crossfit" workout of the day (modified if necessary) currently at a regular gym with my workout partner brennan or by myself. Usually people start at us because of how intense the workouts are. check out www.crossfit.com if your interested. However really soon brennan will be opening the first crossfit gym in my area so I will start going there. He has asked me to get certified and start training there too so that will be in my future once I get my shoulder surgically repaired. Got my Catscan back and my sinuses are still blocked so more meds more times a day at higher doses. YUCK! if this doesn't clear up in a week or so I will have to go and get my sinuses drained. really hoping that doesn't happen. Workout: Run 4 miles 35 minutes. Face Pulls 45lbs 3 x 15 Shoulder Stability Circuit - 3 x 15 w/6lb Dbs - V raises, Rear Delt Raises, Scapular Pushups Meal 1 - VEGA WFO Meal 2 - Clif Bar Meal 3 - White Beans, Tempeh, Carrots Onions and Garlic Meal 4 - Granola with Rice Milk banana Meal 5 - Lima Beans with tomatoes, Onions, Garlic Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagel (antibiotics)
  9. congrats on the compliment that is great. I am similar that if i don't really watch my protein consumption goes down significantly. But if i am training hard I really make it a priority for recovery purposes.
  10. Your welcome. Let me know what you think. The professional vegetarian cooking was expensive for a cookbook. I was lucky enough to attend Summerfest where Chef Bergeron oversees the food preparation. The food is always very good so I bought the cookbook there to get the recipes for some of delish dishes I dined on. I have to make at least one of two of the thrive diest pizzas a week as my husband really loves them. They are very different for "pizza" but very healthy and good tasting.
  11. I agree I got one at my shower too and don't use it enough that I would have actually purchase one myself. I would also go with the cast iron grill pan. Takes up less space in the kitchen.
  12. I agree faraday is most likely dead. I will have my tissues ready for wednesday night. But it is still confusing to me because we have seen him in the future. I don't understand how his mother would have known to kill him in the past etc. we know the hatch ends up getting build because he couldn't change things but how did he get back to the island. if his father sent him on sub for research why can't his father get back to the island himself? so confusing... I have a feeling locke will have to be involved with the next episode because he has to get them back to the present or they will be stuck in the 70s forever it seems. I think love sayid and can't wait for his character to have more of a role again. Maybe he will join up with locke.
  13. I'm a foodie too. I really love that non-vegans love coming over to my place to eat vegan food. Always makes me smile. Your shower sounded great. I really like robin robertson fresh from the vegatarian slow cooker cookbook. I use that a lot when I am busy with work etc and want to eat as soon as I get home. There are some really nice recipes in there. Little vegan slow cooker is another vegan cookbook but I don't like that one nearly as much as a lot of it isn't the healthiest of vegan food. I checked out your food blog that looks fantastic! I am also a big fan of the moscowitz.romero cookbooks as they are actually cooking instead of processed vegan foods. I've been using chef ken bergeons professional vegetarian cooking alot recently. Oh and the thrive diet by brendan brazier.
  14. @aluck - not commiting to anything until I find out when the shoulder surgery etc will be. Not sure I could be ready that early anyway. I am thinking more like october or november. but don't let me know stop you. I'll be cheering you on even if you do it without me. Today must have been a refuel food day because I ate a ton and things I wouldn't normally eat. Maybe cause I am finally getting over the sinus infection and could taste good again. Meal 4 - Peanut Butter and Wheat Crackers, Chocolate Green tea cookie (mmm!) 2 pieces of Loving Earth Chocolate Mint Bar!(MMMMMMMMM!) Meal 5 - White Beans, Tempeh, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Shallots, Sprouted Wheat Berry Bagel w/ antibiotic
  15. 5.3.9 - Crossfit Workout of the Day "HANSEN" 5 rounds for time of 30 Kettlebell swings (because shoulder injury used 20 lb DB 30 Burpees (with scapular pushup at extension and vertical jump at top) 30 Glute Ham Situps Time 26:27 Face Pulls - 45lbs X 15 X 3 Shoulder Stability Superset w/ 5 lb DBS - 3 x 15 V raises and Rear Delt Raises Meal 1 - Vega WFO w/ Coconut Water and rice Milk Meal 2 - 3 tablespoons of Protein Fudge Meal 3 - Lima Beans, Tomatoes, onions, garlic, Broccoli, Spinach, Whole Wheat Cous Cous, Almonds
  16. i agree with you. one thing that really gets to me is when people are telling me all of their helath problems that for the most part are because of their diet yet when you tell them that they still want to eat the way they are eating and then they still want to tell me about their poor health. It is almost like I told you what to try and you don't want to so i don't want to hear it but I don't shut anyone off like that because i still hope someday they will hear me.
  17. Your diet and training is looking really good. So glad your getting great results. How was your bridal shower?
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