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Posts posted by Hero

  1. I'm right here


    I'm eating 90-100% raw/fruitarian.

    I feel way better raw and healthier and my skin is really clear.


    I'm pretty thin and still detoxing. I just need to officially give up cooked foods forever again and stick with it. and then i can build muscle.

    Once I get a job I will be able to afford to eat a lot of fruit, and get back to weight training. where I plan to slowly but surely put muscle mass back on as a fruitarian.


    Ive lost interest in cooking and making meals, and stuffing my face full of processed food, cooked meals, and protein shakes. everything tastes bland to me but fruit. Ive even lost interest in eating nuts/seeds. I just want to eat fruit. it tastes so good, hydrates me, and is easy on my stomach. its very simple to eat and tastes soo delicious.


    no idea about what nutrients i need and healthy fats and calories and all that, etc. so i decided im not gonna worry about it.

    Im just gonna eat whatever fruits Im hungry for and can afford, and then lift weights and see what happens.

  2. the glands in my throat swell up immidiately upon cooked food. also immidiately my nose is filled with mucuous and sometimes running.

    i also get a headache right away.


    anyone else get reactions like this?


    How long were you raw for?


    since this winter 90%-100% raw. i keep trying to reintroduce cooked food into my body but it doesnt want it. but eating fruits is so damn expensive. i cant get the variety i need and the amount i need. And im spending money like crazy just to eat fruits and I cant even get enough calories.

    so i was trying to introduce rice and pasta...cheap grains and stuff that are calorie dense. but my body doesnt want em

  3. http://www.charliesgym.info/



    "Bodybuilding & Weightlifting on the Raw Food Diet?


    That's the question I'm so often asked, "Can you actually lift weights and build muscle on a Raw Food Diet?" The whole question is asked in a state of disbelief, especially the words Raw Food Diet, which bring to mind images of people looking like concentration camp victims, with protruding ribs, trying to live on lettuce and celery, and oh so woefully deficient in that magic ingredient: PROTEIN.


    But when I tell people that I'm a bodybuilder; I'm 49 years old; I just won 3rd place in an actual bodybuilding contest; and my diet consists of of fruits, vegetables, and only 1/2 cup or less of nuts per day (considered a protein food); well, they really don't know what to say. And then I go on, "OK, so if you're eating all this protein - meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, and I'm not, in fact, according to you I'm not getting any protein," then, rolling up my arm and showing my baseball size biceps muscle, "then how did I grow these muscles, in fact, let's see your biceps muscles!" To which I've yet to receive much of an intelligent response, and certainly not a response that has any facts or research behind it.


    I really can't blame anyone for their interest in protein. I grew up on the Standard American Diet myself. As a bodybuilder in my teens and 20's, I read the bodybuilding magazines and I too, was convinced enough to spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on protein supplements along with eating all the protein foods: meat, dairy, eggs, etc. But then my life changed, and I started to learn differently.


    In 1999 I opened a personal training studio, and my life's work was to show people how to reap the benefits that a strength training program could offer. I sought to deliver to people the most effective methods I could find in both training and nutrition. We'll talk about training methods later, but right now the focus is on nutrition.


    As I sought the best nutritional information, I read book after book, fascinated by what I was learning. I was definitely in the correct occupation because I loved what I was doing, eagerly devouring new information. What I found was that a plant based diet, and specifically a raw plant based diet, was incredibly healthy for humans. I read stories of many people who were even reversing serious "incurable" diseases by adopting such a diet. I even made my own glaucoma go away at age 40 by changing my diet and not using medications. (I'll go into more detail on diet later).


    The reason this is important, especially for the strength trainee, is what I heard from listening to the contestants at the last bodybuilding contest I entered in May of 2005, which was the first contest I had entered since 1982.


    You see, these bodybuilders are under the impression that what they're doing, their sport, is healthy for them, and it is. But, they never consider the fact that their habit of consuming large amounts of protein, especially animal protein, is hard on their bodies. They just accept it without question.


    Bodybuilding started out as a health promoting sport, designed to improve your health and well being by virtue of the fact that the inner health and vitality from healthful living manifested itself in the outward strength, vitality, and large muscles. But then the sport was ruined by not only steroids, but multitudes of other drugs. So I was careful to enter a bodybuilding contest that offered strict drug screening via urinalysis.


    So backstage at this contest, I spoke to contestants about things like: "did you hear what happened to such and such famous bodybuilders? He had a triple bypass surgery . . . both brothers died in their fifties. . . he had kidney failure." These were the things that we only heard about through the grapevine, but what about first hand knowledge?


    Well, I personally know of a weight lifter in his sixties that had both hips replaced. I actually saw one famous bodybuilder who was featured in the documentary Pumping Iron, who is getting around on crutches these days. And one of the contestants I spoke to at this last contest I entered told me that his doctor told him not to do squats anymore, because all that weight pushing down on his spine will cause degenerative disc disease. Then he told me that "even people who don't workout get degenerative disc disease." And when he told me that, I realized what I said earlier, that bodybuilders think that what they're doing is healthful, but they never even consider the possibility that excess protein is slowly degenerating their bodies.


    So when I read about the plant based diet, I thought, you know, it sounds good, it makes a lot of sense, but I just need meat for adequate protein - I'll think about it.


    And I did think about it, for two months or so. And then I thought to myself, "Ok, I'll try it. I'll experiment on myself. I'll try a vegan diet and see what happens." And so I did for two years, and then I progressed to a raw vegan diet for the next 3 years. So far, it's been working out great - I'm strong, muscular, healthy, and happy - what more could a man want?


    And so, through this website I have the opportunity to pass on to you what I found out. Enjoy your visit, and please, e-mail me with any questions or comments. Also, let me know if I have explained things clearly and if it would help if I wrote a more in-depth training manual or perhaps made a video/dvd of a training session so you can see proper form and intensity.


    This information on this website on training and nutrition applies equally to women, although obviously they will not have to eat the quantity of food that I do, and even some men will eat more or less depending upon their size.


    So are you going to become a famous bodybuilder after reading this site? Most likely not, but with high intensity training and a healthy diet, you will become as muscular as your body will allow, and build your health at the same time, and not risk your health at the expense of building large muscles. My ideal is to build my muscles as large as they can be, as strong as they can be, and at the same time build my health and live as long as I can, and with the raw diet I no longer worry about developing the disease from a Standard American Diet - I live worry free. "

  4. after re-introducing some cooked foods into my diet (good and bad results):


    -itchy all over

    -broken out (acne) all over

    -rash on back of arms

    -sluggish/sleepy all the time

    -feel more emotionally/mentally stable and stronger

    -physically feel stronger and more powerful

    -mentally feel more stable

    -body getting bigger/muscle

    -more energy in the longrun (long bike rides, etc.)

    -loss of muscle definition

    -water bloating

    -dehydrated and thirsty all the time

    -lots of mucous (nose, back of throat, etc.)


    -sweat a lot more now


    -increase in amount of feces (more poop)


    no idea if I am gonna stick with eating cooked foods and lots of raw fruits, or just try to tough it out and go 100% raw/fruit again.


    physical effects on me:

    when i was 100% raw/fruitarian:

    good: 100% clear skin, sleep 5-6 hours, light/clean feeling, great muscle definition, barely sweated, bright eyes

    bad: weak, loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, emotionally unstable, headaches, no long term energy (tired on bike rides, etc.)


    physical effects on me:

    when i eat cooked foods:

    good: very strong, easy muscle mass gain, more energy for long run, great size and strength

    bad: acne, itchy, rash, sluggish/sleepy, very thirsty all the time, sweat a lot, smell, naps, gas

  5. *




    But the though of socialising and travel does concern me. Trying to figure out how I will survive in such situations, worries me. I really think it's my newness to the lifestyle that can be confining. It's not just the change of eating style that must change, but the mind set that must also go along with it. I am sure when I really start to think "out side of the box" that half of these concerns will fade away. I would hope that when I have a real good grasp of what I can prepare food wise for each social situation, I will feel more at ease.




    I went out of town for seven days recently and It was tough. I went to my home town in Southern Utah after about day four I was getting super anxiety. I ate three lara bars at once and was not satisfied. I think that it was just because I knew that my "support" system was gone. Nice health food stores, food dehydrator, food processors,etc. the next time I travel I'm planning a head and bring a lot stuff with.



    Let me just say... that, anywhere human beings really want to

    travel to.. (meaning, not Antarctica for one..),

    there WILL BE PRODUCE!


    Produce is everywhere. enjoy being a raw fooder and eating the many

    varieties of locally grown produce in the region that you are visiting!

    All the tastes, sensations and nutrients will vary, enjoy the journey

    instead of feeling so constrand.


    Just my opinion though


    I concur.


    I ate stawberries and water only for ten days and my skin felt amazing. I hadn't worked out, walked or gone running for that time and when I did I got the best runners high. My head was so clear.


    word. I did something similar.

    I ate strawberries and drank raw kombucha and water pretty much for 2 weeks straight, and my skin was extremely clear. I walked a lot though and did capoeira.


    however I went back to eating some cooked foods and now im broken out everywhere.

  7. I had this thought for a while, that maybe someone who thinks they are feeling good and being healthy on a specific diet is because the previous diet they were on for such a long time has given them an overload of specific materials/nutrients which have been stored in the body, but since they have an overload of these specific ones, their diet hasn't been providing other types which they need, and so by changing their diet, they temporarly balance their materials/nutrients in their body, or atleast provide different types which would help improve things somewhat, but once it is balanced, the new diet if continued would just lopside it another way. The thing is, if your initial condition from the first diet has caused you to be extremely sick, then the longer it would take to rebalance it, and hence the longer you would be recieving different materials/nutrients which you need and so the longer you would be containing enough types of material to function correctly due to the new ones being added all the time, and so what seems to be working, could seem to be the cure for the time being.

    Has this type of thing been suggested anywhere?


    also, I noticed personally, when you go for example from one extreme to another like hot to cold.. the difference feels greater if the difference in values is larger even if both values are on one side of the scale. Also the amount of time it takes to change the values effects how the difference feels. So if you have been in hot weather for a long time, and you go to a slightly cooler weather in a day or less, the difference would have changed so quickly that you wouldn't have time to adapt to it and hence it would feel colder then it would have if you had slowly changed to it.


    What that has to do with health I have no idea


    hmm i found this thought interesting, and i was wondering something similar as well.

  8. There will be plenty food for all. As I will need to fit in my suit which isn't possible if I act like normal Potter.


    As for asking it was nothing out of ordinary but what I think is the most special part is that I made the ring myself.


    is the ring made out of vega bar wrappers? or do you eat the wrappers too



    congrats on going to get married dude!

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