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Posts posted by zantocon

  1. Though I've been a reader here for a while, I haven't been very active. My wife and I are starting to work out more, and currently we are using what equipment we have been given to start with. My question is for her though, it's about building muscle in the legs/hips/thighs.


    She wants to tone in that area, and get a slimming effect. One of our friends, who works out constantly, said she should not work her legs at all except aerobic exercises. So far we've been doing arms, shoulders, chest, back on a bowflex (it was free and I don't have any free weights yet.) Then on odd days we do some sort of cardio/aerobic exercise.


    Then comes the question: Should she do weight training on her legs etc, or should we continue the current routine? Secondly, if we are only working upper body, will we be in danger of over training by doing it Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

  2. I've lived my entire life with a chest deformity, mine is called 'pigeon breast.' I can tell you this from my experience, a woman who is disgusted because your chest is different, isn't the kind of woman you want to be around anyway. I've never had anyone comment negatively that I was seeing seriously. You are definitely not disgusting, and as the others above mentioned.. if you hadn't said anything.. I would never have seen any deformity.

  3. I'm going to say it again - I love all of the pics you posted on flickr!


    A friend of my husband's is trying to tell me that using a spotting scope as a telephoto lens will give results that are just as good (but of course the costs are much lower). Do you know anything about that? Somehow I am dubious.


    I'd love to get into street photography but the most I have is 55mm and you have to get RIGHT UP to people and I'm not comfortable with being that creepy...


    And it seems like the scope would be a pain to carry around for something like street photography. I guess it would be good for wildlife.


    (sorry for hijacking)


    You can get good results from a spotting scope but not nearly as clear and crisp as a high end optic. One of the problems with scopes is the mounting adapter. If your scope will connect to the camera with an adapter so the eye piece is still in place, then you end up with less light and only get good results in high lighting conditions. If you are lucky enough to have a scope that connects directly, then you can get better results. You have to really watch hand shake, wind motion etc with a scope as they magnify it tremendously. It's a good way to go if you already have a scope, but I wouldn't invest in one just for photography. A nice low F stop telephoto lens is a better bet, IMHO.

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