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Posts posted by belleadonna

  1. Fourth day all raw. No detox symptoms today. Yippee. I just finished a whole bowl full of fresh strawberries from a local farm here. YUMMERS. Unfortunately, that is the end of them for the season here.


    Now blueberries are coming in. Hallelujah!!


    Hope ya'll are doing well with your rawness!!

  2. Glad you came out of the shadows Montana. Hi Bigwii.


    If you are going to go raw, I guess summer is the best time. Don't know what to tell you about the lack of fruit and veggies you have in the winter. Maybe some of the hard core raw folks can help you there. This is just my 3rd day all raw.


    Definitely having some mild detox this afternoon. I felt really weary after doing some yardwork and I have a mild headache and some stuffiness. This too shall pass.


    Took alot of my cooked food over to my friends house and she was really happy to have it. Stuff like boca burgers and the like. Now I am working on the stuff in the closet and giving away what my husband won't eat. He is a hardcore SAD eater. His body is falling apart (literally) but he would rather eat bad foods then eat a healthy diet. He has already had one scare with prostate cancer!! But I am not going to nag him. He knows better.


    I will save the bags of rice and stuff that I have for visitors. That stuff I keep in the freezer anyway. Looking forward to day 4!!


    Like Bigwii said, join the 30 day challenge Montana!! I started early.

  3. Great. Hope you make it. That is my intention too but I never make any promises. The hardest part for me will be when we go on vacation. We are going to Disney World and they have so much yummy food there. Maybe I will be so into it by then that I won't even be tempted by it.

  4. Well I guess that you would call me an older folk at age 54!!


    Starting Day three and doing pretty well. No detox symptoms yet and no cravings. I am expecting all of that but onward and upward. How long have you been raw?


    Off to make a green smoothie for breakfast and then off to the gym. Toodles.

  5. Ok, that's up in North Jersey then. I was born in NJ, in Summit to be exact. I have lived in Pluckemin, Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Quakertown, Flemington, and lastly in Pennsville (down by the Delaware Memorial Bridge) before we moved to VA in 1995.


    I know where Newton is though. My husbands sister used to live in Chester which isn't too far away.

  6. That's my aim!! I have been through cleansing before when I first became a vegan. It was awful but I am hoping that it won't be as severe this time because I basically eat a very clean diet (except for the cooked food of course).


    Looks like you and I are the only ones lurking around in here lately. Pretty quieit!!


    Well, I'll be away from home most of the day. No temptations!! I plan to eat at a good salad bar that I know. Yum. Talk to you later. Cheerio!! Ha Ha.

  7. It doesn't take away a lot of enzymes if you drink it after blending it. If you leave it to sit out a little while then it will though.



    Yeah, I drink mine right away. I know some people store theirs but that to me would ruin the enzymes. Same with juicing. I used to store it in a bottle for a day or so but now I drink it as I make it. Enzymes are the key!!

  8. Thanks for the kind words Gorilla. I am doing ok so far today. I think that I am eating enough food. I try to only eat when I am truely hungry. That's one of my problems. I tend to eat when I am not hungry. I have tons of fruits and veggies around to knosh on and the green smoothies really fill me up and make me feel good.


    I will keep you up to date on my progress.

  9. I am slowly coming to this conclusion. Cooked food is indeed an addiction as evidenced by my poor attempts at keeping raw. I am doing better in the last few days and today I am going to try and do all raw. One day at a time. I have an addictive nature anyway being that in my 20's and 30's I was a heavy drug user and an alcholic. I also have always been a food abuser.


    The diet that my mother ate basically killed her. She died of a rare form of cancer (gall bladder). She loved sweets and ate lots of fatty dishes. That's how my sister and I grew up. I am not blaming my mother. I feed myself. I just wish that I had known about nutrition sooner. But now I do.


    I am over weight by about 25 lbs but thankfully I have no health problems except for sinus congestion and some other very minor complaints and at age 54 and I am not on any medications. But my mom was diabetic (type 2) so if I don't watch it I could be there too. She also had thyroid problems which I need to watch out for.


    So, I will endeavor once again to go on this journey for myself and not because others are doing it. I need this. All support gratefully accepted.

  10. They banned me over there because I'm a Fruitarian and post my pics, everybody wants to know how I do everything without the need of de-hydraters, supplements, greens, raw placebos, etc...


    It's almost as if I'm a threat or something because I go against what they preach....



    Well that bites. I guess if I copied and pasted it they would ban me too since Alissa sells raw cocoa nibs.

  11. Peaches have arrived in VA. Hurray!! I love them. I bought some watermelon, cherries, fresh kale, and organic bananas today. Soon my garden will kick in with tomatoes, squash, cukes, melons, peppers, and I already have parsley and spinach.

  12. And that's what these challenges are for, if we were already exceptional we wouldn't need them...get pro-active about doing what YOU want, regardless of what anyone else is doing/eating, if doing this will go towards making you happy then go for it and just do your best until it becomes habit, like I said before, 30 days is just a drop in the ocean but it's a good start!!!


    I'm gonna keep trying. Thanks for the support.

  13. I won't give up but I need to take a different approach. Part of the problem is that my husband is BIG into the SAD diet and there is so much tempting food around. It makes it twice as hard and the fact that my will needs to be bolstered. I am not tempted by the meats and desserts but I am a rice junkie.) I don't eat alot of junk foods but I really want to do all raw. So, I guess that if I want it that much, I will just do it and stop whining .


    I just bought a couple of books on raw foodism and I will read them to educate myself more and to help encourage me.


    Thanks for all of the help. I NEED IT!!

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