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Posts posted by belleadonna

  1. I couldn't live without rice. I love it. I also love pasta but try and keep it to once a week or less. Usually I get it if we eat out because it is hard to find vegan meals in a restaurant. I just made potato salad today with Vegenaise. Have you ever tried Vegenaise??


    How much protein a day do you average? I get about 50 which is ok for my size I think. Do you have your typical meal plan jotted down anywhere for all the world to see? Like on here? I'd love to see it.

  2. Anyone ever try Think Organic bars? They are awesome. They are all vegan, organic, and non GMO. They come in apricot/cocount, chocolate/coconut, and a few others like cherry, pecan, etc... They are comprised mostly of dried fruit, coconut, and raw nuts. Try one. You'll be hooked.


    I have found them at Whole Foods and on line you can try the Vitamin Shoppe. I am sure there are other sources too.


  3. Yeah, I don't do as much as I used to either. I am slowing working it back up. I do 8oz of carrot/ginger juice right now but I am going to add another 8 oz soon. I used to do (3) glasses (8oz) a day.


    Have you ever heard of the Hallelujah Diet?? That's where I first learned about juicing and a vegan diet.


    I still use their Herbal Fiberblend which is a great source of fiber and helps clean you out!!


    I also like their Barleygreen which I used to add to the juice. I am thinking of buying that again but it is kind of expensive. Do you use any greens?


  4. I for one think that a low carb diet is garbage and bad for you. I went on the Atkins once and my gall bladder went nuts with all that fat and I had diahhrea (sp?). Most people get constipated but not me. No fiber to bind things up!!! I dumped that diet. I, for one, perform better on carbs (quality) and low protein. Protein is necessary but not the end all, be all and not nearly in the amounts that some advocate.

  5. Yeah, I read some of your stuff and it inspired me too. Everyone and his uncle assumes that you can't be vegan and lift. Too weak, not enough protein, and all that blah, blah, blah.


    I am new here and I am looking forward to good advice and encouragement. Toodles

  6. Oops, just realized that I forgot to answer someone's question. I do deadlifts. Not sure what a 1rm is but I deadlift about 70lbs. Don't do it that much so I don't remember. I usually do upper body on Monday and Friday and lower body on Wednesday. Cardio and Abs on Tuesday and Thursday.

  7. My favorite is Intuitive Eating by Humbart "Smokey" Santillo. If you haven't read it, its a must for a vegan. I also like Jay Kordich's book on juicing. I do alot of juicing. Anyone else out there do juicing?? I really like carrot and ginger juice. Juicing is really good for you. Fruit juices for cleansing and veggie juices for building. I did alot of juicing the first time I became a vegan and have started again since returning to a veggie diet.

  8. Thanks for the welcome ya'll.

    I do not eat sugary carbs. Never did have much of a sweet tooth to begin with. My carbs consist mostly of whole wheat pasta, brown rice, beans, veggies, and fruit. I love triscuits and homemade popcorn too but just as a treat once in awhile. I still drink coffee and I plan to taper off on that and just do de-caf but I only drink organic coffee.


    I am not sure how many calories to do though. I am averaging about 1,400 to 1,500 per day and I am not hungry. Seems like I just stay the same. I just seem to stay in one spot and I am sick of it. HELP!!

  9. Hi. I just found this site and joined up. First, a little history. I am a female, age 53. I have been lifting for about 12 years. I just do it for health and because I love it. I would like to see more definition though.


    I was a vegan some 6 years ago and then gave it up out of boredom with the food. I should have stuck with it!! I am slowly transitioning back to it. I have already cut out all meat and eggs but still do a little dairy but precious little. I am slowly cutting out the bad stuff.


    Even when I was eating meat and dairy, I would always try to eat organic and I never have been a fast food freak nor am I big on processed foods. I have a terrible time with sinuses and the first time I became a vegan, I never had a problem. I am dumber than dirt to ever go back to meat because I again suffer from severe allergies: headaches (sometimes migraine), watery eyes, sneezing, the whole mess.


    I feel better when I eat only a vegan diet. I am 5'3 and about 142 lbs. I have way too much fat around the middle and seem to be spinning my wheels trying to lose fat. I am cutting down on my fat intake to about 20% to see if that will help. Most of my fat comes from flax oil and nuts (nut butters). Any suggestions ?? I lift 3 times a week and do cardio 2x a week. I can bench press 100 lbs and squat 245lbs.



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