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Posts posted by vegan_rossco

  1. Ooooosh frank medrano is a beast! I did actually try to do a muscle up.... Impossibly hard haha


    Had a deadlift only day with a couple of friends on Saturday and went out about 2 hours later to my 2005 reunion (not high school just the guys I hung out with whilst in high school) maybe il post a couple of photos haha..so I was soon hUngover yesterday and despite this my girlfriend had to manage her dance academy at Rythm tree festival and I had to go with, was nice to see her perform though! And there was a lot of veggie food, (Rythm tree is a crusty hippy festival lol) so not all bad!






    After s lot of warming up....


    50kg x 20 reps

    90kg x 1 rep

    100kg x 1 rep

    130kg x 1 rep (286lb)

    145kg x 1 rep (320lb)

    165kg x 1 rep (363lb)

    90kg x ... Not sure, a lot though, kind of just burnt myself into oblivion and had the biggest head rush ever, at least 15 reps though!!!


    I tried the lighter weights with semi sumo deadlifts like my hero ed coen! It's pretty comfortable and seems to help with my rounding back... Il work on it!

    Should be train bench today, maybe squats..

  2. Today was nuts, calisthenics also kind of cardio,

    After a 6 hour shift I walked with a friend for about 5 miles to a park with loads of high bars/parrarlel bars and stuff like that,


    This is all rough estimation as I totally lost count of everything


    Pull ups

    X 8 reps

    X 7 reps

    X 6 reps

    X 6 reps

    X 4 reps



    X 5

    X 5

    X 5


    Parrarlel dips

    X 6, x 6, x 6, x 6, x 6


    Aussie pull ups (inverted rows)

    X 12, x12, x 10, x 12, x 13!


    Horizontal dips

    X 7, x 7, x 7!


    Push ups (slight decline)

    X 15, x 15, x 15, x 15!


    All was fine except for grip problems (dam my tiny wrists) and we had no chalk..

    Also, kids everywhere... So annoying, they were swinging around the bars, getting in the way and generally staring and distracting.. Need to do these kind of workouts later at night..

    Also could have done more if it wasn't for work and the walk before hand..


    Anyways, deadlift day on Saturday!


    Dinner tonight is

    3 large sweet potatoes, loads of kale, and a couple of veggie style fish cakes!

    Protein powder, bcaas and 'super greens' powder.

  3. Oh shit you not getting good weather? I swear the Isle of Wight seems to have its own micro climate it's been like 25-30 Celsius most of the time bar the last few days being a bit drizzly and overcast.


    I'm still in contact with the bat hospital and am still pursuing a career in animal rehab and rescue but haven't had a chance to go help out with them for s while now

    That's so cool man, think you mentioned that before, such a rewarding and selfless thing to do you guys got funding or is it off your own backs?


    Haha thanks man yeah I've noticed some nice size gains! Trying to develop my rear delts and back atm

  4. Woah shit man! That's some strong squat and bench you got there! Super impressed bud can't remember what you were lifting last time I checked in here but that's definitely gone up!

    What's your goal at the moment dude?


    In regards to your deadlift day, I get that all the time... And it's always on deadlift day, I find myself justifying packing it in for the day and trying to convince myself to just go lay down and give up aha, must be the sheer force of the deadlift working all the muscles at once, totally beats me up!

  5. Sup Chris! Aha yeah you did thank you it's so exciting but a little scary, neither of us our in a strong financial position but we may never be so fuck it it's what we wanna do aha, nah nice and small I think, maybe a big reception with just drinks and dancing.

    Will pop over to your journal shortly dude would be cool to see what you're throwing around these days


    Nothing much else is new really bud just same old, looking for a better job and spending time with the family, things okay your side of the pond? One of my best friends is living in New York at the moment and got himself a wife and baby, so me and Charlotte are pretty desperate to come over to the states haha

  6. Thanks chaps!


    All good my end cheers rob, how's things with you?



    Training was sub par today.. No one seemed enthusiastic (myself included) and I just didn't give it my best at all. Anyways,


    Barbell bench press (after warm ups)

    40Kg x 15 reps

    50Kg x 12 reps

    70Kg x 8 reps

    75Kg x 7 reps

    90Kg x 3 reps

    45Kg x 21 reps


    Barbell Squats

    (After warm ups)

    50kg x 15 reps

    90Kg x 9 reps

    110Kg/ 242lbs x 5 reps

    50Kg x 12 reps


    Did some proper dips but barely bust out around 6 or 7 reps per set, for about 4 sets..


    Seated dumbbell shoulder presses

    15Kg x 20 reps each arm

    22.5Kg x 8 reps each arm

    22.5Kg x 8 reps each arm


    Triceps extensions

    22.5Kg x failure (lost count)

    Skull crushers

    22.5Kg x failure (20 ish...)


    Going to the park with friends on Thursday to do loads of calisthenics and sprints,

    Hopefully that'll break up the Minotomy of my current training routine.

  7. Thought I May as well post my last couple of sessions;



    Barbell bench press

    (After warm ups)

    60kg x 12 reps

    70kg x 10 reps

    95kg x 1 reps

    50kg x 20 reps



    Barbell Squats

    (After warming up)

    60kg x 10 reps

    80kg x 10 reps

    130kg x 2 reps

    140kg x 1 rep

    50kg x 20 reps

    140kg felt so easy, could have/would have gone heavier if I wasn't so beat..


    Circus dumbbell style presses.

    25kg x 8 each arm

    35kg x 5 each arm

    35kg x 5 each arm



    Dips (bench dips) totally lost count, everyone sort of took turns until we could bend our arms haha







    (After warming up)

    60kg x 10 reps

    90kg x 8 reps

    90kg x 8 reps

    130kg x 5 reps

    130kg x 5 reps

    90kg x 12 reps


    Aussies (inverted rows) , did roughly 50 but lost count.


    Barbell shrugs

    35kg x 25 reps

    35kg x 30 reps

    45kg x 25 reps

    45kg x 25 reps


    Was pretty much fucked from the deadlifts so wrote the rest of the session off aha.


    Next session is tomorrow, and I'm going for a squat pb.

  8. If you want a full body workout then you need to do compound movements and completely dismiss isolation exercises, especially on small muscle groups like abs,

    I suppose it depends entirely on your goal but I wold suggest a full body workout to consist of;


    Deadlifts (king of all exercises and will work almost every muscle in your body)

    Squats (2nd best imo but still works most of your muscles at once, front squats are cool too)

    Pull ups (any variation, I really like Australian pull ups aka inverted rows)

    Dips (hits your chest, shoulders, tris and I even feel it in my upper back too)



    Source; been doing this for years, when I switch to a 2 day a week full body routine I go with this, for massive results let me know what you go with, all the best my friend.


  9. Sup everyone?

    Been a real long time since I've popped on here but I really miss you guys and wanted to see how everyone was getting on!


    Not sure if I went into much detail the last time I checked in but I am unfortunately no longer vegan, still meat free and an advocate for animal rights and always will be.

    Things kind of went downhill when I realised I was becoming/had become extremely intolerant to a lot of beans and legumes.. Especially soya which was a massive boner kill considering I ate it so much and it made up such a massive part of my diet, I can kind of stomach broad beans but anything else including chickpeas ( :'( ) and soya is off limits unless I want extreme discomfort and er... Toilet issues.....


    Anyways, have never stopped lifting and the fickle bugger that I am I've tried everything and switched back and forth from bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman and even calisthenics.

    Currently I'm doing.. Well.. All of the above I suppose, a few good friends come round every other day for weight training sessions in my garden.

    I'm training myself with the goals of getting bigger and stronger, the two day split comsists of


    Day A: Squats, Bench press, Dips, shoulder pressing/clean and jerks.


    Day B: Deadlifts (lots of) Aussie pull-ups, farmer carries and grip exercises, bicep curls (just to please the others...)

    This is all subject to change, the big compound stuff is always consistent but other exercises get thrown in time to time.

    Anyways, for those I'm not friends wit on Facebook/Instagram, I got engaged to my girlfriend a couple months back, we've been together 7 years now planning on getting married June next year or maybe 2017,

    Come say hey guys would love to catch up!

  10. How's everyone doing? Thought I would check in and say hi, and let you all know I'm still training real hard! I've been following a programme called y3t by Flex lewis and I'm making massive results with it!

    Still completely meat free too!

    Miss everyone on here loads and our little community! Hope everyone's doing Okay!


    Here's my Instagram which I use everyday if you wanna stay in contact


  11. Cool thank you, definetly going to add some burpees and abs exercises. Also i looked for the insanity dvd, and wow its expensive might save up and give it a try in the future.


    You can find full vids from the dvds here:


    http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgzMTMzMjcy.html Well, that's one of them, at least.


    Chris you fucking legend!! Gonna do some of those next week I reckon


    Yo jack, it's cool to see your journal bro, where are you from?

    You should try throwing in some deadlifts and squats into your training, huge mass gainers!

  12. Bench day!


    Squats 77.5kg / 170 lbs

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    Used my belt for these, even though I could have very easily done without it.. I just want to get into the habit of using it if I'm getting back into powerlifting


    Bench press 65Kg / 143lbs

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps


    Finished with some flys and DB bench presses to failure.


    No issues really today, it got a bit hot outside during my bench presses which had me working up quite a sweat.. I'm shattered from work on top of that but everything's cool.

  13. There's a lot of bad and poorly conducted research gets past of as science these days...


    I recently watched a program of the top 50 countries with the healthiest diets and longest life expectations. Interestingly enough the Icelandic and Nordic diet/lifestyle was the best, the staples were of fish from non polluted waters, grass fed meats, eggs, dairy, cod liver oil, berries. At two was the Italian and Greek diet, again staples were grass fed meats, eggs and dairy. The French was at 7th were the french "paradox" was mentioned, again saturated fat is a staple. Japan was 6th, again lots of poultry and seafood as staples in the diet. The were some almost vegan countries, Ethiopia and Kenya have some of the lowest rates of bowl cancer in the world.


    Whether meat eating or vegan, the main take home message was to avoid processed foods:)


    I watched that too, and what annoyed me about the programme was that they used longevity and disease/lack of to determine what the best diet of a nation was... Regardless of pollution, lifestyle and millions of other factors, but yeah you're totally right, what it came down to was processes foods.

    As long as you're not eating out of packaged processed foods you'll be healthy regardless.

  14. Since there's a Metal thread and a HxC thread, I thought it was only

    appropriate to make a thread for punk, punk rock, pop punk.


    What's everyone listening to? Been to any punk shows recently? Got any coming up?


    Post videos and links!

  15. Didn't get round to update yesterday's training,


    Squats 75Kg

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps


    Deadlift 107.5Kg / 237lbs

    X 5 reps

    Super easy!


    147.5Kg / 325lbs

    X 1 rep

    X 1 rep

    That felt great! The second set was easier than the first!


    Wide grip, slow pull ups

    X 6

    Biceps were dying at this point haha


    The commonwealth games inspired me to give clean and jerks a go, kept it light


    X 1 rep

    X 1 rep

    Was quite fun but can't see me doing them that often.


    And that's all she wrote! Bench day tomorrow hopefully

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