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Everything posted by emma1488

  1. Hi Luke! Turtles ay?... I'm in your situation I guess. I still consume eggs from time to time, BUT only the ones from my chookies and duckies who I have raised since they were little babies and I love them very much PS. I have a fear of bananas. Maybe more of a disgust. They are foul. Blergh
  2. I live in Logan...but I'll just say Brisbane for the record
  3. Thanks! I've been pretty active since I took these pics. And am really sticking to a healthy diet-which is making me feel great! I'm going to update my pics once a month and HOPEFULLY there will be at least a BIT of a difference. My BF is currently writing me up a strength training weekly planner to follow. So this week I will get into that My last run: 6km in a total of 50 mins. (Warm up walk 5 mins, followed by 9 mins running and 1 min walking repeated for a total of 4 times, then cool down walk for 5 mins) I've been using the Nike Training Club app and my abs are really getting stronger! Can't wait til they reveal themselves a little more!
  4. So this is my thread that I intend to keep adding progress photos to. A little about me... Age: 23 Height: 163cm (5'3?) Current weight 60kg I've been vegan since the beginning of this year and have thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of knowing I am helping to make a small change in this world. My goal is to be as fit and healthy as I can be for my own sake, but also to stick it to the veg haters that have the misconception that vegans aren't and cannot be healthy. So these are my nasty before pics... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37802197/IMG_3967.JPG sorry for my red dot. Just not keen on having obvious pictures of me on the net with my shirt off...especially looking like this http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37802197/IMG_3962.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37802197/IMG_3964.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37802197/IMG_3965.JPG I want to lose a bit of weight, about 3-5 kg and gain a fair bit of muscle definition. I also want to increase my running endurance/speed. I have entered a 10km fun run that takes place in about 5 weeks and I would like to be able to jog the whole thing.
  5. Oh, I'm just up the highway...Logan No, no comps for me . I just want to get a strong body that promotes a healthy vegan lifestyle. I am basically wanting to lose a bit of weight/lean up, and then work on building strength and definition...Summer is coming very quickly, so i want to be happy and confident wearing summer attire
  6. It is very hard to find vegan foods when eating out. I try to get to the only vegan restaurant in my city as a preference. Otherwise I always try to suss out the menu online before I go there, otherwise I end up with a bowl of chips I've started getting more confidence in requesting my food to be vegan. I say specifically 'i want this, without this or this, but add this, THANKS '.... Otherwise you could say you have allergies and then they feel bad
  7. I'm from Australia. Just starting out in the whole body building thing:) Been vegetarian almost a year, and vegan since the beginning of this year:)
  8. That 100km walk? It wasn't...I totally wasn't prepared. My ankles gave out and i had to retire after 40km.......this was the trail if you were interested: http://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/brisbane/trail_b/. Oxfam does these walks all over the world, so you might be able to find one near you! I did my furthest run last night which consists of 5min walking warm up, 9 mins run, 1 min walk (repeat 4 times in total), then cool down with 5 mins of walking again. I've come soooo far with my cardio fitness. When i started years ago (with the encouragement of my bf), i could barely run from one power pole to the next...Reeaaaal pathetic...But now im running up hills. And my recovery is really quick. While I want to keep up with my running, I really want to become muscular and strong.
  9. Hi there! Your diet looks good, wish i was that good. I'd love to see some more recent photos of your progress! I think your thread is such a great idea. Might do the same for myself:)
  10. WOWSERS! Hi, i'm a newbie. And these pics are exactly what I need to get my butt into gear!! You look great:)
  11. Thanks. I've been using a running app on my phone, called Ease Into Couch to 10Km. I've basically built up from running 3 minute bursts to 9 minute bursts and am feeling pretty good. I was having ankle trouble with intense pain. So I've been taking some glucosamine as well as I had a weeks rest, and now I'm feeling good and ready again.
  12. Hello all. I'm so pleased to see something like this exists:)-People who are compassionate about the planet and its other inhabitants and passionate about their own health. A little about me: I'm 23. Have been vegetarian almost a year, after watching some fairly traumatising footage of animal treatment/slaughtering. I decided to do a vegan 1 month challenge at the start of this year to see how I would go. But then I actually watched more footage of how dairy cows and their babies are treated and decided to give up milk, along with any eggs outside from my own home (we have some pet chickens and ducks and occasionally I will eat one of their eggs -please dont hate me). After about 8 months of really just focussing on my diet and trying to be a careful vegan, I kind of neglected exercise. Actually thats a lie...My bf and another coupled entered the Oxfam 100km walk that took place in June. So we spent the first half of the year walking a LOT and eating a LOT of crap food to compensate our energy loss. So basically now i want to lose a little weight (about 5kg in total) and get quite muscular. I've had a few people criticise my new lifestyle and suggest that you can't be healthy/fit/strong whilst being a vegan. So I'm not only motivated by own vanity, but also to stick it to those sceptics that what they believe, is in fact, quite the opposite. At the moment I am pretty much easing into my exercise routine. I am training for my first 10km fun run, with my goal as to be able to just run the whole thing (i've never been a runner). I've also downloaded the Nike Training Club app on my phone and have been doing some of those workouts daily. I'm really focussed on trying to lose the weight first before I concentrate on muscle building. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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