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Everything posted by vegansludge

  1. It is not an EPIC FAIL! Especially if you tried to do it twice! 3 reps is still 3 more than a 1 rep max! As long as you are pushing the heavy weight, even a 1 rep max, it is never a fail (let alone an EPIC one in capital letters). Agreed. Not only does it sure determination, but those 2x3 sets are going to help you grow. I bet you get it on the next hypertrophy day. And as always, lifts are looking gooood.
  2. Quote: “I won’t stop until I’ve broken every chain.” – Verse, “Sons and Daughters” Work out Dumbbell Bench Press 1x10x20 1x8x20 1x6x20 Speed work, super-setted with … Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 1x3x20 1x12x15 1x8x15 1x6x15 Lying Tricep Extension 1x8x30 1x5x20 1x15x10 Chest Press (machine) 1x6x40 1x12x50 2x5x60 Lateral Pull-Downs 2x10x55 Barbell Squat 1x8x95 1x8x105 1x8x115 Speed work, super-setted with ... Front Barbell Squat 1x6x65 1x8x65 1x8x70 Speed work despite first time attempting. Incline Leg Press 1x10x170 1x8x170 1x10x160 Seated Calf Raise 1x12x140 1x12x135 1x10x130 Seated Leg Curl 1x10x70 1x7x70 1x10x70 Notes: I’m glad I didn’t let feeling severely under the weather deter me from hitting the gym today. Definitely helped clear my head and I walked out sore, smiling, and feeling, at least temporarily, better. The iron, literally and mentally, gives me such a pump. I don’t know how to really describe it. Though much of this could be attributed to the fact that, for the first time, I listened to Have Heart and Verse while I lifted. So much positive aggression, put me in such a good place. If you think that’s an oxymoron, you’re doing it wrong. Eating 30 minutes before lifting definitely was a good call today, especially with my energy lacking from having a slight fever all day. I think I can get used to this. Switched to dumbbells for bench because some guy was doing ¼ squats in the rack. I don’t like to judge people but he was seriously using the same weight that I warm-up with to do this. I can’t really judge given that today just proved how weak my arms are since 20s were hard to handle. I’m not going to let it get me down – just another mountain climb to get to where I want to be. Looking forward to back and shoulder hypertrophy tomorrow, I just hope my body can handle it. Macros: (ETA) 52/137/169;1692 calories Kale, onion, mustard, and seitan quesadilla with falafel chips, hummus, and a spinach pie. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwlcy8RAmd1r3mlz8.jpg My work gave out free coupons for frozen mini-pizzas to compensate us working a lot right up until Christmas. We, of course, have a vegan one with a whole wheat crust. The best part? It clocks in at 150 calories TOTAL and … IFMM perfectly. Well, with some PWO protein and veggie additions (I still prefer homemade/yes, I’m still having pizza on Christmas day with my parents. Come at me, gains.) http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwlcwjKeWm1r3mlz8.jpg Seriously. IIFMM, I do it. Layered protein-ice-cream … thing. A crumbled Clif bar micro-waved topped with frozen protein sludge, covered in chocolate peanut butter, a chopped banana, almonds, and sunflower seed butter. Fuck cake, this was the best thing I've eaten in a long time. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwlctfSLbD1r3mlz8.jpg
  3. Starvation mode doesn't kick in for DAYS not hours. Don't believe the faux science posted on most bodybuilding forums... *Bro-science.
  4. I can sympathize. I've never been tested for it but I'm pretty sure I have a slight-to-mild gluten intolerance but I just deal with it. That pasta looks fucking great; I can't wait for a rest day. I'm pushing through my split in four-straight days because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are going to be "rest," i.e. epic eats without lifting, days.
  5. Definitely not vegan but you might also want to check out http://www.thespartanwarrior.com. Dan is a big supporter of IF/IIFYM and is extremely knowledgeable about IF/IIFYM and debunking bro-science when it comes to nutrition. He also keeps his own training log online (tswlog.tumblr.com) so you can see how he utilizes these concepts himself. I've gotten back into IF the last week or so after not being able to make it work once I started having two jobs, not sure if I'll keep up with it again since I'm recomping before I start bulking and I can't imagine trying to slam 1,200 calories in one meal (I'm a food-weakling still) but I can honestly say IF rules. I absolutely agree 100%, that is a BLOODY GOOD SITE!!! Dan completely changed my perspective on nutrition, lifting, and myself. It sounds so silly but I really look up to him. And Nate Green as well as this other guy who posts on Bodybuilding.com and logs on Fitocracy - Erik Stevens. All of whom are really inspirational and rad dudes.
  6. Yeah, I was basically trying to see if they tracked their macros and/or calories.
  7. Definitely not vegan but you might also want to check out http://www.thespartanwarrior.com. Dan is a big supporter of IF/IIFYM and is extremely knowledgeable about IF/IIFYM and debunking bro-science when it comes to nutrition. He also keeps his own training log online (tswlog.tumblr.com) so you can see how he utilizes these concepts himself. I've gotten back into IF the last week or so after not being able to make it work once I started having two jobs, not sure if I'll keep up with it again since I'm recomping before I start bulking and I can't imagine trying to slam 1,200 calories in one meal (I'm a food-weakling still) but I can honestly say IF rules.
  8. I support you commitment to buying local organics - best of luck to you and I hope you keep up with lifting!
  9. Meal timing is largely unimportant. You should really read the website/articles/research on it before you knock it, mate.
  10. Work out: Cycling 10 minutes/2.04 miles (tired, tired legs) Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 1x8x45 5x5x50 1x3x45 Barbell Bench Press 1x8x45 1x8x55 1x2x65 5x5x60 Bent Over Barbell Rows 1x8x50 1x8x65 5x5x75 1x3x75 Notes: I reached a different kind of intensity today. Instead of prowling around the squat rack, banging my fist against my chest to Blacklisted (I know, I know), I found myself rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, nodding my head to Bane. Focus and determination definitely got me over the wall I was facing on my shoulder presses and bench. I refuse to buy into the "females don't have upper-body strength" mentality - I will hit a triple digit bench within the next four months. I’m not sure how to work out the rest of my week’s split: there’s no way I can lift the day before Xmas Eve, Xmas Eve, or Xmas because my work schedule is all over the place and those will be the first, and only, three days I'll see my parents for who knows how long. Are these excuses? No, because I have three options: 1.) Run through all four work-outs without a rest day. 2.) Only do lower-body hypertrophy tomorrow/Thursday. 3.) Do a combo of lower-and-upper on tomorrow/Thursday, cutting out the big lifts. I suppose we should see how I feel tomorrow after work/running errands. Macros: (to be edited in along with my pictures probably) http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwjbmqadSO1r3mlz8.jpg Mocha java BBQ tofu steaks with basil-dill-nutritional yeast brussel sprouts, kale, and onions, served with a side of TVP (not pictured). * However, I'm switching to higher fat/lower carbohydrates until Xmas Eve since I won't be lifting for those three days and, when I asked my parents what they wanted me to make while they were here, my mom responded, "Your famous vegan pizza. And cookies. Pancakes, too." I wish she knew she that not only did she just summarize my favorite Rzl Dzl song but all of FMM.
  11. To gain mass, you have to increase your caloric intake. Anytime this happens, fat gains will occur. However, how you increase your calories will help you minimize this. Ideally, you'll only increase by 20% so you'd do BW x 14x 1.6 (for your activity + the surplus). Aim for 1.5gs of protein per pound of body weight and then fill in the rest of your macro needs as you see fit (as in with what you like while making sure you get them from a variety of sources). Also, words like "clean" and "good" when talking about food is relatively pointless (except for trans-fat which has little do with it being "dirty") - your body doesn't see the types of food your eating, just the nutrients it is comprised of. If this is personal preference, then no worries but you do not have to limit yourself because you think some foods are "inherently" dirty. No such thing exists.
  12. Pretty sure that a pea/rice blend also is pretty solid on BCAAs. I'm also starting to think that a lot of the BCAAs hype (as in buying a completely separate supplement) is a lot about selling product - if you have variety in your diet, you're going to be getting them in.
  13. These are the exact words I texted to my friend today when they asked what I've been up lately and, paired with your description of front squats being "hungover," why I've always enjoyed reading your log (even when I was just a lurker). Strong lifts are strong, mate, keep at it! Also, finally sub'd this thread despite always creeping on it.
  14. Any kind of fats would work, mate. Just find sources that you like. There's always nut butters, olive oil for cooking, avocados, seeds, hemp proteins, flax oils, dark chocolate, coconut milk, etc. Maybe instead of tracking calories you should track your macros - it's what easier to put things into perspective that way, especially if you're cycling.
  15. Yes. You're going to experience what a lot of people call "newbie gains" in that, since you're just starting out, you're in that lucky spot of having the optimum ability to lose fat while also gaining muscle - but you have to be eating enough so that your body can actually build the muscle. To help you out, here's the standard formula for finding your maintenance if you did absolutely nothing BW x 14. So, for you, your maintenance without doing anything, is 2,156 calories. Multiply that by 1.4 and you get a whopping 3,234 calories. Personally, I think you'd do well at that number and, to put the in perspective, I'll quote Lyle McDonald. So, realistically, you're lean enough that you could bulk if you wanted but since you want to lose fat while gaining muscle, I'd eat at maintenance getting 1-1.5gs of protein a day and then filling out your macros however you see fit. I know that's a huge increase from what you're eating now but given your stats, you could probably see some great results.
  16. Nicholas: Cincinnati chili is awesome - it's one of the few things I miss about home now that I'm permanently living in Cleveland but I think I'm perfecting it slowly. I dig Clif Builders but wish they were ... better. Ha. I don't know how to explain it, I always think it's going to be awesome to eat one and then, about half way through, I'm just not that into it anymore. And I love how Layne has PHAT set up but I wanted to tailor it more to what I know works best for me. So far, I'm loving this split - I definitely get why so many people hype it.
  17. Work out: Cycling 12/19/11 10 minutes/2.4 miles Barbell Squat 1x8x100 1x8x120 5x5x135 Barbell Deadlift 1x8x95 1x8x105 5x5x110 Incline Leg Press 1x8x120 1x8x145 5x5x170 Today felt great. I was pumped walking into the gym, I was pumped stumbling out of it. I attribute much of this to the fact that I broke parallel on squats for virtually every rep, dead lifts flew up, and I went ass-to-ankles on every single leg press. I felt like I could have lifted the world today. I know a lot of people hate leg days but I think, hands down, lower body power days are one of my favorite things in the whole world. Maybe it's because my upper body strength leaves a lot to be desired and I like to focus on my strengths. However, I don't think that's a bad thing. Eats are still going for the day so total macros will be posted later. However, my dinner was so good I wanted to go ahead and put up a picture while I debate how to fill out the rest of my macros. TVP and salsa mini-quesadillas topped with nutritional yeast cheese, served with a side of a chili beans and guacamole. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwhkae2uHu1r3mlz8.jpg 10F/61P/89C (including two more quesadillas not pictured) crushed.
  18. I figured it had to happen sometime! Macros: 42/141/136 I cannot eat any more food. Waiting until 11:30 p.m. to eat of your macros is a bad idea. However, in three hours I did manage to take down the following and plan on having big eats tomorrow to compensate. Plus, tomorrow's lower body power day - I need all the calories I can get! PWO/Dinner: green smoothie (1 cup of spinach, half a cup of kale, berries, 1 cup of soy milk, protein powder), a sunflower seed butter and raspberry sandwich on sprouted bread, and Cincinnati chili. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwfyaxUpPc1r3mlz8.jpg Second dinner: another seed butter sandwich, Food Voodoo, and a cup of soy milk. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwfyb5TPRh1r3mlz8.jpg IIFYM: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwfyblCHTV1r3mlz8.jpg
  19. First: sub'd! Awesome progress. Second, my advice for calorie cycling is to eat above maintenance with higher carbs/low fat on lifting days since you need the fuel for your work outs and eat at or below maintenance with higher fat/lower carbs on rest days since the higher fat provides satiety when you're used to eating more. How much above/at/below maintenance depends on what your weight goals are, of course, but doing calorie cycling that did wonders for me when I was doing IF and I'm actually about to start doing what I said again as I bump up my calories (realizing you're eating way too low for your activity level is a bummer).
  20. 12/18/11 Cycling 10 minutes/2.4 miles Bent Over Barbell Rows 1x8x55 3x8x65 3x5x70 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 2x8x45 1x4x45 1x5x45 1x3x50 2x2x50 2x45 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2x10x20 Barbell Shrugs 3x10x130 Side Lateral Dumbbell Raises 2x10x20 Front Dumbbell Raises 1x10x15 1x10x20 Upright Dumbbell Rows 1x10x20 1x10x25 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 1x10x20 1x12x25 Side Lateral Pulley 2x10x30 Long Pulls (machine) 1x10x40 1x10x50 Notes: - Upon further calculations, and seeing the scale continuous wave between 122 and 123, I think I'm going to bump my calories up. There is no reason I'm still so low other than apprehension. 1,800 is what I'd be burning doing nothing. And I do quite a lot. - Return of the Jedi was on SpikeTV while I did my warm-up cardio. If this happened every time I did cardio, life would be perfect. - Going to switch from barbell shoulder presses to dumbbells and see if I see progress. I have been. - High volume > everything. - I found myself falling into IF today and didn’t really have much to eat before the gym, maybe 200 calories. So, at about 11:30 p.m. post-gym, I still had 1,600 calories to crush. I'm still working on crushing food so pictures will be added later.
  21. Pretty solid - a little lower than I would go if you're wanting to build muscle, especially since your deficit's lower than 20% of your maintenance. Though, how much cardio are you doing? If you're wanting to build muscle and lose fat, you don't need the cardio if you're lifting heavy because all the cardio does is make your deficit bigger and you need calories to build muscle (and since you're already in a deficit, your body's sparse on those).
  22. Hey Richard, I see that there's a new advertisement toward the bottom of the VBB.com page looking for people interested in contributing to the site. Anything in particular that you're looking for as I'd love to get involved? My email's [email protected] if you want to talk about it through that.
  23. Yeah, great idea. I also think i can handle the carb intake (I went back for a 3rd sandwich last night). Ohh and as for replacement cheese, yeah, I am still looking for one over here in Australia that doesn't have casein or whey in it. Every thought about making your own cheese sauce with nutritional yeast, soy milk, and mustard? It's what I've been doing and, man, it's so tasty. Also, you inspired me to make PB sandwiches tonight because the IF spirit hit me today and I have 1,200 calories to crush before bed.
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