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Posts posted by veggiesasquatch

  1. As you're the person who also posted about cutting up I'll ask you this. Is loosing weight the priority or becoming stronger/gaining muscle? You cannot do both, It's is virtually impossible. The exceptions being seriously under trained people, very obese & lastly people on the juice, These are extreme factors but can/do happen. You can't eat like a mouse & expect to lift like a lion. So ask yourself is loosing weight the goal or to become stronger? Then plan accordingly.


    You maybe 28 but your actual lifting age is still very young, It's going to take time,motivation, blood sweat & tears to progress. Lifting is a life time pursuit not a few months/years. Your mentality needs to be focused on performance not a "look", If you lift well then the muscle will come (providing your eating enough) & also with the cardio, do it well & the weight will come off.


    If you go down the lifting path then starting strength is a good place to begin, but please squat & deadlift. They may leave you drained but that's the point of compounds, these are key to becoming bigger/stronger. If you can squat you can do anything. It's about getting more bang for your buck. On leg days all I do are deadlifts with front squats & squats with good mornings. Also ghr raises & reverse hypers, that's it. I don't need to use a leg press or a curl machine, What's going to work me better than a squat & deadlift?

    Also do not sub out squats for stuff like front squats, Hack squats ect The squat reins supreme over any other lift, that includes upper body so keep at it man...You say you get big leg? That's awesome who doesn't want powerful legs, This also has a knock on effect to other lifts. Also it's about balance, Don't be the guy who has a decent upper body but has to wear jeans all year round because he has Johnny Bravo legs. You say you progress slowly with weights, This isn't a bad thing, Progress is still progress. Slower gains are excepted better by the cns.


    I may of left you an "unhelpful" comment on your lean gains post, but I know a lot about dieting, Macros. I read endless articles on diets & I came to the decision that I will listen to my body & also what works for me. I'm not interested in if I should eat an apple over an orange, counting calories I'd rather count sets & reps. People become obsessed with macros, Unless you're planning on getting onto the stage to compete stop counting macros.


    Here's a bit of a post I put up from my blog, I had wrote about people asking about bulking up:

    To finish off this rant I'm going to start with this conversation I had; "I'm wanting to bulk like you but I don't want to gain fat & I want visible abs while doing it". Face palm moment, I gave advice & I could see the "nah I'm not believing this" look in the guys eyes...may advice went along the lines of (also this goes to anyone wanting to gain):


    "To gain muscle you're going to also have to gain fat, if you want to stay mega lean then you won't add any weight to your frame which in turn leads to over training & frustration. Under normal circumstances it's almost impossible to loose/not gain fat but add muscle..the only exceptions at a rarity being very obese, untrained people or folk on the juice"





    I don't care If anyone bothering to read this doesn't agree & I in return I don't care you don't agree. Fact is your six pack is going to become a little blurry. I don't care how many crunches or ab circuits you do, even if you say you hit a million ab movements a day with multiple angles. All this does is over train the abs & burn much needed calories, also cardio (intense) is next to no good on a bulk. Minimal cardio on a bulk, just to keep the cardiovascular systems in check.





    You can't bulk & cut...simple! So man up, commit to the bulk & stop whinging!


    To finish some quotes from Mr Wendler


    "Here’s what I propose to people: Eat to win, Train to win and Condition to win. You do these things and LIKE A MIRACLE, everything falls into place. You weigh what you weigh – I can’t believe that men are so wrapped up in what they weigh and not what they do.

    In conclusion, lift weights and get stronger"


    "I am getting tired of reading headlines about diets. I stopped reading articles about them years ago when I figured out that like most major religions, most diets are about the same. And like religion, people are FANATICAL about their diet to the point of red-faced lunacy. And woe be the opponent to their eating beliefs - you are an infidel in their macronutrient war"



    ps this is a decent routine to follow if you want to try something new, it's still focuses on strength like starting strength...good luck



  2. Just to add to the above, it saves your wrists from taking a battering to!!! If you go cross body once your wrist is parallel to the ground the tension on the bicep is high, also the grip/forearm work you get is (as ve says) pretty awesome...


    cross body & regular hammers are fine. I get more than enough biceps work from pull/chin ups & dumbbell rowing...seriously try a ball out set of db rows...Pick a comfy weight & just blast out as many as you can do. Your bicep will be pumped enough off of that.

  3. Lol, "yo man will side bends work ma biceps I want biceps like arnies can I do curls every session what about leg press is that good for biceps chins Na man I'll do more curls & a lat pull downs what about I do loads of supersets to bro & drop sets even monster sets but I like using a pad on the bar to squat & I can't go deep it's hard but I'll still put a good 100kg on the bar so I look awesome squats work biceps right look bro I did a tricep kick back with a 8kg dumbbell so now I'll felx ma tricep in the mirror for half hour"


    You know my advice for bigger biceps?....don't train them & if  you do, hammer curls over anything else all day long:)

  4. My idea of being a sleep by 22:00 went out the window, shouldn't of napped so late yesterday. Managed to get some breakfast in before dead lifts.



    Tues-27th-March Cycle 3 Week 3 (5/3/1)


    Deadlifts: 92.5kg 105kg 117.5kg +5



    Front squats (program assistance 3x5) 50kg 57.5kg 65kg

    GHR 3x10 Hypers 3x10


    Ab circuit: hanging leg raises, leg rises, side bends, cable crunch, standard crunch.


    I won't lie my 92.5kg set felt heavy, randomly. But my top set flew up, 5 solid reps but unfortunately my grip gave out. Going strapless is helping with grip strength so I know in a few months the loss of a few reps will be worth what I'll gain in grip/forearm strength. Front squats felt light, even on the last set which is pleasing.


    Planning to grab a new log book for when I start the bbb challenge, using a small note pad right now but I want more space to write in. 

  5. Not sure there's much more to add, you're already doing all the work I'd recommend, dips, rows ect. All I'd say is that taking a false grip is a good idea, pinching your lats together & lastly pressing for reps. So bbb again would be what I'd suggest. But remember ohp is usually the main lift that takes time to progress with

  6. He's into his extreme metal like me & I showed him this video http://youtu.be/WrVet2SVw-M He just said thats awesome ect the bands don't live all that far from me.


    I ve really enjoyed the loadable assistance, it's again something I'd champion. I love programming shit now, I ve started programming warm up sets to . I had been doing them off the top of my head & tbh were pretty spot on but It's still good to know what to warm up with. I am though pretty excited to get going on the bbb challenge.

    Someone asked me about the program & after I had told them the guy said "ye but some days you don't wanna lift like that" I just said "dude if I haven't got at a maximum 5 solid reps in 3 sets why bother at all" haha


    I think bbb would be a good way to go, Like you say with squats you can get a fuck load of work in with minimal fuss & if right now your shifts don't suit you?

  7. Strong OHP, mate. Hope you get some much deserved sleep so you can blast through those deads tomorrow. I have a late-night/early morning bench session tonight (been setting my work-outs up so that I do them when I come off night shift as well so that puts me in the gym around 11:30-midnight).


    OHP is actually pretty shit as I had not really trained a real military press pre 5/3/1...looking back that was a mistake but you live & learn. OHP is also prob the slowest lift to progress with.


    I hear you about training times being screwed up, I got up at 15:00 sunday, worked 12 hrs 19:00-7:00 then lifted after. Is the gym 24hrs?

  8. worked nights over the weekend so headed right to the gym once finished Mon morning. I ate a load of carbs as It's 5/3/1 week & it kicks off with OHP.


    Mon-26th-March cycle 3 week 3 (5/3/1)


    OHP: 37.5kg 42.5kg 47.5 +5



    Close Grip bench (programmed assistance 3x5) 52.5kg 60kg 70kg

    Chins (mainly wide grip) 4x10

    Dumbbell rows (3x10) 22kg 24kg 30kg

    barbell curls, tricep push downs (3x10 light work)


    Everything felt good, Can't complain coming off nights. Looking forward to deads tomorrow so going to get an early night to catch up on some sleep.

  9. You ever see that video on the YouTubes of the guy squatting 800 pounds for 3 reps at 220? (I don’t know the exact weight but it was insane).  You know why that was passed around the internet and the forum wankers like a crack whore?  BECAUSE IT IS SO RARE. 


    Here’s what I propose to people: Eat to win, Train to win and Condition to win.  You do these things and LIKE A MIRACLE, everything falls into place.  You weigh what you weigh – I can’t believe that men are so wrapped up in what they weigh and not what they do. 

    In conclusion, lift weights and get stronger. 


    When I read this on my iPhone yesterday, I immediately thought about you - should have known you'd mention it.


    Looking forward to seeing the numbers you put up next week - just started my first 5/3/1 week and squats were a bitch for some reason.



    hahah you know me oh so well

  10. I am getting tired of reading headlines about diets. I stopped reading articles about them years ago when I figured out that like most major religions, most diets are about the same. And like religion, people are FANATICAL about their diet to the point of red-faced lunacy. And woe be the opponent to their eating beliefs - you are an infidel in their macronutrient war!



    I <3 Jim Wendler

  11. I'd recommend going with 30% 40% 50% as warm up sets. These would be based of your current top set for say  eg military press. I always start with the big 4 lifts, everything is based round these but you can apply the principle across the board.


    I once watched a tv show in my teens on ruby training. The fitness coach who was vastly experienced had never had a muscle related "pull" at the club or whenever he coached...something very rare. His method was again to always begin with light work of the first thing they were to train, even down to running. Something that's always stayed with me.

  12. Today was a good day, decent weather & some nice food before squats. Session was solid & felt strong. I purposely hit required as I ve been achy all week returning from a week off so wanted to come out on a high. Very pleasing & another week already passing. 5/3/1 week next week so will be shooting for some good +5 or more reps on all the 1 sets.




    Fri-23rd-March cycle 3 week 2 (3x3)


    Squats: 87.5kg 100kg 112.5kg



    Good mornings (programmed assistance 2x8 1x6) 47.5kg 55kg 65kg

    GHR 3x10 hypers 3x10


    Ab circuit: side bends, cable crunch, crunches with 20kg plate,leg raises & hanging leg raises. 



    Reading Mr Wendlers blogs where he replies to some questions this usual response  mirrors exactly what I think on people obsessing over food & trying to re invent lifting.




    Question:  hi jim , some time ago i read an article where 2 lifters had a battle on shoulderpressing .  george halbert vs. mike francois . george as a powerlifter(benchpresser) with less musclemass was stronger at low rep or 1 rm and weaker on more reps than mike . i was allways a fan of “smaller” lifters with more strength than a 300 lbs bodybuilder like cutler or other examples .


    so , a goal of westsidetraining for example  was and is learning and training for using more musclefibres (training with 90+% and dynamic effort)than with “normal” mid/high volume training. so it is possible getting stronger (too!!) without gaining more weight …theoretically . HA , you lost a lot of bwt. and you’ve gotten stronger , so gaining weight is not the ONE answer . i ask as a long year lifter over 30 . i know that younger lifters should gain so much muscles as they can .


    hm , what do you think , just a theorie , bullshit ?


    Answer:  I always feel like these questions are like drug addicts that doctor hunt – ask the question to enough people until you get the answer you are looking for.  This is always the kind of examples people use to justify not eating enough to make gains, keep their precious “abs” and continue making zero progress in the weight room.  The truth is there are some great lighter lifters lifting massive weights – Sam Byrd is one of them.  He is one of the most impressive lifters I’ve ever seen.


    But Sam is an exception.  And you can’t use the exception to prove the rule. You can’t use Mike Francois and George Halbert either. You ever see that video on the YouTubes of the guy squatting 800 pounds for 3 reps at 220? (I don’t know the exact weight but it was insane).  You know why that was passed around the internet and the forum wankers like a crack whore?  BECAUSE IT IS SO RARE. 


    Here’s what I propose to people: Eat to win, Train to win and Condition to win.  You do these things and LIKE A MIRACLE, everything falls into place.  You weigh what you weigh – I can’t believe that men are so wrapped up in what they weigh and not what they do. 

    In conclusion, lift weights and get stronger. 

  13. I don't stretch cold but I do something just as bad.... I start lifting cold. I start with light warmup sets though



    There's nothing really wrong in lifting cold providing you are working between 30-40% of what the first set of that movement will be...Today before squatting I body weight squatted, free bar squatted then squatted a light 50kg...Then I ran through my mobility & stretching....

  14. In the past, gentle stretching was one of the recommended ways to reduce exercise related muscle soreness, but a study by Australian researchers published in 2007 found that stretching is not effective in avoiding muscle soreness.



    Funny as it helps just about everyone I know...


    What you should never do is stretch a cold muscle, People walk into a gym & do this right away, so it's a pull waiting to happen. A rule of thumb is joints need movements, Muscles a bit stretch (once warmed up)

  15. 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is required as a minimum amount of protein to eat in a day for any bodybuilder. During a bulking phase make sure your protein does not drop below this level.


    1) I take in 2g a day at least per body lb 2) not to be rude but I'm the last person who needs advice & 3) I'm not a bodybuilder

  16. I fully expected to under perform today. I still ache like hell (you name a muscle it aches) & along with already working 36 hrs this week I knew it would be a grinder. Also on the week off my food level dropped & obviously the quality wasn't great....but I won't make excuses, I got my main shit done which is what matters. I had (again this week) programmed a lift wrong on the last set. Don't Know whats going on there.


    Thurs-22nd-March Cycle 3 Week 2 (3x3)


    Bench press: 67.5kg 75kg 85kg




    Incline press: (Programmed assistance 2x8 1x6) 50kg 60kg 75kg (see the jump)

    Wide grip chins: (little 5 reps sets here & there between pressing so 25ish reps)

    Dumbbell rows: 2x10 20kg 2x10 24kg 1x10 30kg

    narrow cable row 3x10 (light)

    Tricep push downs, rope hammer curls & cable lat pull all super setted (light)


    This ended up a bit of a patch work session. I missed a little of the assistance work from programmed assistance Monday so I did a little making up today. Not that I needed to & really shouldn't of I guess (all I added in were cable rows) & I dropped kroc rows for normal set/rep ranges.

    I did keep the cable work really light though, Working my lats lightly has helped loosen them up. Always think if a muscles still sore some really light cable work can help move it a long.


    On a different note I had a great reaction at the gym today. This guy was one of the first people I started talking to on my first week of joining. Hadn't seen him in a while & he was like "shit man look at you"...Asked me what I'd been doing & obviously I waffled on about 5/3/1 & he said "well It's working I can't believe the progress"...I'm not one for ego trips & bro'ing down but coming from an experienced lifter who knows his shit really is pleasing & had me walking out on a high. Hoping to take that into squats tomorrow.


    post workout grub up...Sorry to the vegans out there ;0)



  17. You have a good enough base so don't worry over loosing more weight.


    Keep shit simple in the gymm, squat, bench, military press & deadlift. Checkout stuff like starting strength, don't over complicate things with fussy workouts. The trouble with most programs is that it's full of fluff & pointless assistance lifts. Training is about getting more bang for your buck & training smarter. People are under the impression you need to do something for everything, these people are not good to listen to. As an example why are you doing so many rows on back day & then more bicep work?



    Keep it simple & effective. I'm also in uk

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