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Posts posted by veggiesasquatch

  1. There's a few on here who can help in the figure department.


    Myself....I'm geared towards strongman training/powerlifting but I can help if it's bodybuilding...Don't confuse figure/bodybuilding. Def a difference.


    My advice would be to keep it simple if you're a new starter

  2. You ideally need a slow releasing protein before bed...I'm vegetarian so I have a few options, vegan wise I'm not that sure without digging out my research files


    Try something simple like a bagel with peanut butter with x2 glasses of your favourite type of milk.

    If your hungry though it's a good sign the trainings going well, if you had no appetite then you'd need to adjust training.

  3. Cheers guys...


    I value both of your opinions as I think highly of you . The rant towards the end is most defiantly  my way of saying to commit to your goals & do them correctly according to you. 


    What I get fucked off over is the constant whingeing by some people who have no real idea what they are talking about...

  4. A few nights back I had one of those surreal dreams . I can't remember the full sequence of events but at some point I remember standing in front of a mirror & seeing a very ripped, not huge but muscular reflection looking back at me...abs & all. This got me thinking......


    This time last year when I was still a cardio freak after dropping 67lb in about 6-7 months prior I had a very lean physic ala Mr Pitt in fight club (but lighter I must of been) & I thought I looked very fit & healthy.

    After wearing xl t's & 36" waist jeans being able to buy the skinny fit cloths seemed like a trophy of my hard work. Fast forward to present day & my views have certainly changed.


    Seeing a picture of myself where my head actually looked like a toffee apple coupled with the fact my cloths in reality were a pathetic size for a guy I had to take action.

    Now I'm weighing in at 187lb & I feel better in myself, my strength continues to grow along with my physic but above all I look a damn sight healthier!


    The dream however had me musing.... "should I do a cut", "I wonder how I'd look" "Would it take long" & the like.


    After processing this over a shift at work where I get left to my thoughts a lot one thing kept repeating in my mind.... "I don't want my lifts to drop"

    It just confirms to me, once I'd realised I had been doing this was that...my goal, at a stripped down level, take away everything else is that I want to move a barbell which gets increasingly difficult to move....that's it.


    I won't ever take away from the bulkers who will end up cutting, the cutters who in return will begin a bulk. For me it's a very primitive thing, I want to be strong but all year round.

    I have nothing but respect for the bodybuilders of this world & on this very forum. I read countless articles, story's , workout plans & keep up with people's blogging here where bodybuilding is concerned. When I read people are cutting up & how meticulous they are with food it kinda blows me away. Also the love/hate affair with the scales, I have been there mind.


    My biggest issue with the obsession with food on a cut is that it just, to me seems to detract from the actual point of going to the gym in the first place.... Also the idea of someone judging my body is another topic I don't want to cover. For me the number counting over takes the actual fun side of the gym.


    My other gripe is beginners & intermediate lifters thinking 6 months, 1 years is ample time to build a solid base & will then want to cut....seriously wtf!!! Maybe in two years time mate, make that 3....wait 4 (myself included).  What these people fail to realise is that it'll take a long time to build proper muscle. As an example a good friend of mine with whom I use to work with was very over weight. After stripping that weight off he trained his ass off, stopped drinking, lifted smart & he had an amazing grip on his diet. 3 years on he added 50lb of mass. Only now is he thinking of a cut.


    To finish off this rant I'm going to start with this conversation I had; "I'm wanting to bulk like you but I don't want to gain fat & I want visible abs while doing it". Face palm moment, I gave advice & I could see the "nah I'm not believing this" look in the guys eyes...may advice went along the lines of (also this goes to anyone wanting to gain):


    "To gain muscle you're going to also have to gain fat, if you want to stay mega lean then you won't add any weight to your frame which in turn leads to over training & frustration. Under normal circumstances it's almost impossible to loose/not gain fat but add muscle..the only exceptions at a rarity being very obese, untrained people or folk on the juice"





    I don't care If anyone bothering to read this doesn't agree & I in return I don't care you don't agree. Fact is your six pack is going to become a little blurry. I don't care how many crunches or ab circuits you do, even if you say you hit a million ab movements a day with multiple angles. All this does is over train the abs & burn much needed calories, also cardio (intense) is next to no good on a bulk. Minimal cardio on a bulk, just to keep the cardiovascular systems in check.





    You can't bulk & cut...simple! So man up, commit to the bulk & stop whinging!

  5. Definitely used the Excel percentages - so it was only 80 and it was the last set that had me sweating, nothing serious just a not-so-surprising surprise.

    With 5/3/1 I think it's important that you tailor/tweak it to your own specific needs and requirements. Different people handle the workload in different ways and progress through their programme at different speeds; the main problem I come up against is that my body isn't always ready to produce the black and white numbers on the page that I'm expected to hit on a certain day. That's why aiming for pre-determined percentages doesn't always work for me.


    I understand the benefits of having your lifts all mapped out in advance, and to a certain extent that's what I do. But I never 100% train by inflexible percentages. I guess I'm a bit old school in the sense that I lift based on how I feel on the day. Sometimes I feel unstoppable and I could train for hours, some days I feel like shit and other days I'm weak even though I feel absolutely fine. I would hate to work to the numbers from a computer screen and find myself missing lifts and having shitty 'important weeks' as that would probably start to affect my confidence in my lifting.


    Confidence in your own ability is everything in powerlifting, your mind almost needs to be stronger than your body



    Key here being it didn't work for you mate:


    I personally love having my main lift mapped & also my assistance. If I haven't even got 5, 3 or 1 reps in me on those respective days then something would be seriously wrong. I also don't believe in tweaking the program, in all respects who are we to alter his work? He was a high end competing powelifter who lifted well above his weight, so my knowledge & know how in reality is nothing compared to Wendlers. Why bother to follow a program to then alter it? Just don't do it

  6. So here's my basic response to your post Jason. Nothing aimed at you personally  just the points you made.


    I train for great results, not pretty good. I'm currently still gaining & I ve gone from 132lb to 187lb in 9ish months.

    You are right saying an immediate protein shake is not entirely needed but what is needed is amino acids in the blood from previous meals, up to 24hrs before.


    The body responds almost immediately when foods consumed, even more so with sugar & the insulin response. So anything in the blood stream & in the stomach will almost immediately begin being shuttled to the muscle (exercise increases glut-2 expression on muscle cells, down regulates it on adipocytes=bonus).

    So creatine passing the gut without being actively transported, amino acids either in raw form or from quality proteins pass the gut quickly & enter the blood. Also aminos already in the blood pass.


    Recovery obviously takes hours, days so post workout  nutrition is just as important as pre workout.


    If you're aiming at just protein shakes all I can say is that if they help you in your every day life eg myself I work 12 hr days/nights. I can't keep going off to eat so a shake is convenient. That's how I treat them as convenient, not an actual protein source which I depend upon.


    If you have ever used bcaa's, creatine,leucine, taurine & a number of quality supps the majority of people will see the difference in adding/removing them & actual body composition. I do agree that some people do not respond to some things like myself using pre workout shakes/energy drinks/shakes,They do nothing for me & I'd prefer coffee, banana covered in peanut butter.


    A med protein, high carb/bcaa/lecuine & creatine shake towards or after training Is great. Especially on a low carbs (fasted/semi fasted  not a deplete)


    You are right but...supps do work. They key is experimenting & seeing  what works for you. I buy my supps in raw form eg bcaa's glutamine ect & mix my own shakes. I'd never consider buying some of the crap that's peddled on sites/mags. Just don't be so quick to dismiss some, you seem an intelligent guy so do a bit of experimenting/research. 


    Don't wanna go back & forth over this, you said your bit I ve said mine.


    Ps if anything has been "auto corrected" or something doesn't quite make sense I blame my iPhone

  7. It's defiantly wise to start with the lower percentage. Doing squats then a leg press is one thing but another 50 reps on squats is a killer. It's up to you though how you do the 5x10 sets, same weight like on the sheet with the percentage or a high to low sets as he lays out, whatever really.


    I had pizza to, 5 hr train journey I was starving  but I ate to much. Unlimited salad bar :/

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