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Everything posted by bunnylalu

  1. We made it to Medford on Saturday, May 5 around 5 pm. My left side had been hurting a little all day, and when we got here the pain escalated from a 5 to a 10 in less than 30 minutes so I went to the emergency room. I had a kidney stone! What a way to arrive at our new town. I had it blasted with sound waves on Thursday and finally yesterday, Mothers Day, I feel fully recovered. Truly it was the most excruciating experience I've ever had! Much worse than child birth! So now we are staying in a motel until our house in Dallas sells so we can move into our house in Medford. I have my bicycle and two sets of weights, 15# and 10# to work out with. My eating has been crazy since I found out we were moving and I have gained around 10 lbs Right now I am just working on doing what I can until we are more settled and I can develop a routine/diet that works for me.
  2. Any chance you can post the photo? I love charity dog anythings!! Also, congrats on the jeans getting to be to large!! I love that!
  3. I saw a really interesting show on the Science channel that showed that STRETCHING/Lengthening the muscles significantly reduces the possibility of injury (they were focussed on the hamstrings). Good luck in the race
  4. I'm always watching for your progress, SeaSiren! You are such an inspiration to me! I can't believe you have a 12 year old daughter
  5. I got my Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength plus The Complete Book of Core Training in the mail - both are FABULOUS. REALLY, REALLY FABULOUS. I'm still working on getting the house ready to sell - 4 more days before it goes on the market - April 18 - then the movers will be here on the 23 to start packing. Then we leave Dallas on the 29. This move is really messing with my workouts - plus I'm eating lots of comfort food and not losing weight. Still, I am going to finish this contest - and then probably sign up for the next one!!!
  6. I am totally blown away! You're changes are totally inspirational!!
  7. 4/3: bicycle 8 miles, walking the dogs 2 miles 4/4: cardio 2 miles 4/5: cardio 2 miles UPPER BODY WORKOUT & STRETCHING 4/6: prep walls for painting (spackling, sanding, taping) 4/7: more wall prep 4/8: painting walls 4/9: painting walls
  8. 3/31: cardio 2 miles 4/2: cardio 2 miles Compound supersets: bicycles: 20,20,20 with crunches: 50,30,50 Smith Squats bar+20#: 12, 12, 12 with bench step-ups: 12, 12, 10 Seated leg extensions 30#: 12,11,12 with Lying Leg curls 25#:11, 20#10,12 Glute body raises:12,12,12 with Dumbbell lunges 8#:12, 12, 7 with 1 leg standing calf: 15,18,18
  9. Cool!! The Encyclopedia is especially interesting and I might have to get one for myself. I do all my workouts at home - so any extra instruction is always helpful. Let me know if you think it is worth the investment ($$).
  10. Its great to see Wendy! And damn dude, your thigh muscles are awesome!!
  11. Did a great workout 3/20. Compound Super Sets: Seated Row 40#:15,12,12 with Reverse grip cable pull downs 40#:15,12,12 Standing v-bar pull downs@ 45' angle 40#: 12, 12,12 with standing dumbbell curls 12#: 9, 10#: 8, 8# 8 1-arm dumbbell rows 15#: 12,10,10 with standing hammer curls 8#: 10,10,6 Dumbbell preadher curls 12#:10, 10#:10, 9 with Standing EZ bar curls bar+5#:8,7,7 Then got an infection that took a few days to get over. Then my husband accepted a job - we will be moving to Medford Oregon at the end of April. I suspect my workouts will be rather haphazard over the next few weeks - but I will do my best to stay on track.
  12. I didn't know you are also a really smart guy with rad writing skills !! I'll bet a bunch of people try eating veg as a result!
  13. I didn't know your are also a really smart guy with rad writing skills !! I'll bet a bunch of people try eating veg as a result!
  14. Tue 3/13: Cardio 2 miles Back/Shoulders/Biceps Seated DB Press: 15#x8; 15#x4; 12#x7 Seated BB Military Press: b+20#x5; x4; x4 Standing EZ BB rows: b=10#x12; x12; x12 Standing DB curls: 12#x11; 10#x9; 8#x9 Standing Hammer curls: 12#x7;10#x6; 8#x7 Reverse grip cable pull downs: 30#x20; 50#x9; 50#x7 1-arm DB rows: 15#10; x9; x10 1-arm curls on preachers bench: 10#x9; x7; x10 Seated v-bar pull downs: 40#x15; x12 Wed 3/14: sick day Thur 3/15: cardio 2 miles Abs/Chest/Triceps leg lifts: 20; 7 crunches: 50; 50 bicycles: 20; 20; 20 Push ups: 10, 7, 5 Incline BB bench press: bar=20#x15; x8; x7 Flat benech DB Flyes 12#x12; x7; 10#x9 Decline bench DB press: 12#x10; 10#x12; x11 Cable machine push downs 20#x12; x10, x8 Bench Dips: 10, 10, 8 EZ bar close grip bench presses bar+10#x6; bar+5#x12; x11 bench DB Kickbacks 8#x10; x8; x6 Fri 3/16: Cardio 2 miles
  15. I heard that the best remedy is freshly ground flax seeds. There was a study done on people in prison regarding their lack of omega - 3 and omega-6 in their diet - highly correlated with mood swings and violence - risky behaviors. I think I have that article somewhere if you'd like to read it.
  16. A month of following the McDougall diet and I've gained 2 pounds Not enough protein, all carbs, and I felt weak & dizzy often (signs of hypoglycemia) Now I'm going to try the SOY ZONE by Barry Sears. It is relatively high protein and low calorie. The long time struggle with weight continues
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